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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I would say that they all knew what they were doing, without a shadow of doubt.
  2. So as far as you are concerned There is only Epstein and Maxwell ? There was nobody else involved at all at any level? I find it hard to believe that anybody could be so naive.
  3. not necessarily looks can be deceiving,. and others, who have also actually smoked it too, have given positive reviews!
  4. " Out of their heads slumped" you just can't help your self can you ? so would that be worse than lying unconscious in their own vomit and urine having drunkenly beat their wife to a pulp whilst drunk?
  5. Do honestly think it would better with the other idiots in charge of things,? Of course it wouldn't
  6. I'm just an average bloke from the nw of uk and I have never had problem getting to see either a doctor or a dentist and I don't know of anybody who has, I Other than a bit of messing about at the beginning of covid which i guess is understandable it was pretty much soon back to normal (apart from some of the ridiculous protocols) Even saw a few accidents at work 999 and they were there in minutes on 3 different occasions at 3 different places. So I don't think things are quite as bad as they are painted by a mainstream media that will do anything to get rid of the conservatives However for any one to suggest that we would be noticeably better of with a Labour government is pure fantasy They are both as bad as each other, I would say that there are very very few that are there for the benefit of anybody else but themselves, Its an exclusive club with two teams and once they join they are the only two places they will have any loyalty to( whilst it suits them). The club , and their own political party They are all the same, no matter which side they are on What would you imagine their actual job description say's ? It will only 4 words either "get elected " or "keep seat" anything else doesn't matter, they don't even care if they are in power or opposition, Its like a football match and as long as they get a game everything is ok. No qualifications req'd other than the ability to get elected, it really is as simple as that and the only thing you must not do is say the wrong thing (even if its true) at any cost So what we are left with is the result of greed on behalf of some of them and incompetence on behalf of others . The whole system up is set up to attract the wrong sort of people, a sort of celebrity culture has started, for example, the prime minister wife was never known as and shouldn't be referred to as "the first lady" The whole thing needs changing, any body who wants to be a politician should never be allowed to be. A different system is needed and I don't know what it is But one thing is for sure, as long as people behave like they are doing on here, Throwing insults and listing problems, quoting meaningless statistics and hailing the virtues of their own party whilst vilifying the opposition nothing is going to change You all need to remember that nothing is as it seems, Pretty much everything we are told by the media is twisted to suit the powers that be. We don't have a clue what's actually going on. The enemy is not the other party its all of them in their exclusive club They would all be very happy to watch you fighting with other rather than sussing out what they're are really up to
  7. Its not "<deleted>" nobody is talking about "<deleted>" Its cannabis Do you not think that dinking alcohol in the carpark would be frowned upon ? of couse it would so its not really a big difference in rules is it ? And for the love of god do you really honestly believe that due to the recent decriminalisation, that everybody, including the police, ( but obviously not you) will now be smoking cannabis at every opportunity , You really don't have a clue do you?
  8. No it is not, only extracts need to be < 0.2% were have you been for the last month? I don't even know why I'm bothering to tell you this
  9. A ridiculous statement, of course they are not being discriminated against,, did you think they were allowed to drink at work too? of course they are not allowed to. Neither is anybody else, except perhaps bargirls and beer/wine tasters . And no, its nothing to do with "accepting that its actually bad for some users" Its just common sense and part of trying to maintain a professional image. In any case all police stations like all public buildings are no smoking zones, or haven't you noticed The essence of the order though is clear as daylight Its (stlll) not illegal for the rest of society so if the police can accept it so should you
  10. nothing wrong with sourcing the cheapest, as long as its drinkable but a lot of wine drinkers seem to like to pay more than necessary, I personally don't agree with the "reassuringly expensive" philosophy
  11. Excellent, good man , I'll look forward to your review, This is the sort of stuff we should we should be chatting about on here. Not battling with the puritans. I keep telling my self I won't rise to the bait anymore but sometimes when I see some of the rubbish they post I just can't help myself, especially after a couple of fat ones. I wrote an epic reply to one yesterday (the "dusit poll "guy) took me ages too but it was removed by the Mods as "off topic" LOL incidently have you ever looked at "little biggy" worth a look but only out of interest as its no use here in Thailand I used to use it in the UK occasionally but its pricey and you have to pay in bitcoins so it was only in emergencies. Eventually the banks made it increasingly more difficult to buy bitcoins (for our own good allegedly) So not used it for ages but it was helpful occasionally and a good selection of gear. Also I liked the fact that the Royal Mail unwittingly had become a major courier of green !! Its a <deleted>ty website and weird to navigate at first but take a look if you get bored / have free time https://littlebiggy.org/wall/items
  12. sorry copied the wrong quote last time! I was gonna say that's weird , coz I 'm sure i looked last night and it said 18-22% I just looked now and sure enough it says cbd - thc 1:1 in the photo, Thought I must have been seeing things..... But if you look at the text at the bottom of the page It does say 18 / 22 %
  13. I was gonna say that's weird , coz I 'm sure i looked last night and it said 18-22% I just looked now and sure enough it says cbd - thc 1:1 in the photo, Thought I must have been seeing things..... But if you look at the text at the bottom of the page It does say 18 / 22 %
  14. Have you tried the !hang krarog ? seems to be a common local strain with similar spec
  15. Absolutely bang on. The only possible excuse for any bud being more expensive would be for plants with a longer flowering period and that's only relevant when grown under lights. Even then the increase would be marginal considering most growers have moved from the old fashioned sodium lights and now use LED's Pure profiteering Probably helped along by a good dose of the placebo effect.
  16. check out shopee, loads on there starting at 10 bt a gram for 10 gram, the stuff i been getting is good enough certainly no complaints and I assure you I'm not a lightweight it doesn't cost much to grow and now that its legal no palms have to be crossed with silver The prices some are charging is actually criminal
  17. I guess he's not the sort of quality tourist you like then ? And just to worry you a bit more,, many if not most visas do not require a criminal record check. So there will be many more like him.....Sleep well tonight
  18. Thanks for that, bit far for me but i managed to find a dealer in Surin so may go and take a look
  19. Most of the ones coming to the UK have no intention of picking vegetables or fruit , besides we have enough of our own wasters to do that, unfortunately they seem to be better off on benefits so they have no intention of working either
  20. You seem to have difficulty understanding things, either that or you are a little naiive and believe all you read in the media, I'll try to explain one last time....If, as it appears Dusit (or the people that commissioned them) wanted to their survey to suggest that people were generally in favour of medical use only, then they discard any answers that contradict that and publish only answers that support their agenda (or rather the agenda of who ever commissioned the survey) He who pays the piper calls the tune, as they say . If I was to ask the entire population of the village where I live nobody would even be interested in the subject, they like most Thais have other things to think about. You also seem to have difficulty understanding my posts . I have never produced constant rhetoric of over regulation, my "constant rhetoric " is almost with exception in regards to ignorant people spreading hysterical predictions and mis-information. Furthermore the ONLY time I have ever mentioned Canada in any post was to cite it as an example , (along with Holland if I recall correctly) as an examples where the legalisation of cannabis had not lead to a catastrophic breakdown of society, or a descent into "hell on earth" as predicted by many of the prohibitionists on here The ONLY time I mentioned "over regulation" was not even specifically aimed at cannabis it was a general observation in response to your post and to others who are obviously not happy here and, rather than just leaving, would prefer to change Thailand into a copy of their own miserable nanny state countries. Why did anyone come here in the first place?, a certain demographic soon realise that they cannot handle life here and seek to change it. I dont think you should have too much trouble understanding the above
  21. In 2009 one could get a multi entry non o even when under 50 although non sure why you are concerned, do you work for immigration?
  22. I think its you who doesn't understand It would be very easy for me to find 2000 or so people who would think completely the opposite of what the people in the dusit survey allegedly said. Would you consider that a representative survey?
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