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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. So, the journalist in question saw a 1 minute clip on social media and decided to take a trip to the beach ? why ? did they really think it would still be in progress when they eventually arrived ? And when they got there ( allegedly) the best they could come up with was a kind of generic "quote" from a speedboat operator ?? I'm doubting that any of this BS is true at all
  2. its quite amazing how some people . some of whom appear to be reasonably intelligent , suddenly start believing what the governments tell them as soon as they start getting a little frightened . It must give them some comfort I suppose
  3. Problem is you are already terrified and you want everybody else to be terrified too, well sorry but i refuse, I might add that I have no real problem with wearing a mask or indeed any other protective measures but I object to these so called experts trying to put the fear of god into people on a daily basis. I've had covid twice the original version and the joke called omicron both only a minor inconvenience I have been considerably more unwell with other flu like viruses many times in the past and with out exception everybody I know who has also had covid has said the same thing strange that isn't it?
  4. Edited 1 hour ago by Snig27 a A common practice for the new breed of scaremongering "experts" throughout the covid situation, and, well most things really
  5. mixed reactions ?? kindly enlighten me some for some against perhaps ? maybe some for and some very enthusiastically for,? and dont forget the "dont knows" some against , some aghast , many possible permutations, so I think for the phrase to have any significance it does indeed require explaining you seem to revel in the proposed restrictions in Amsterdam and you don't even live there , why is that? are you some sort of professional kill joy
  6. " sub culture of activity catering to the drug needs of tourists" sounds very exciting and even though you are not there you are obviously very concerned and would no doubt put a stop to it if you could. What about the Munich beer festival were there are also activities organised around the drug taking requirements of tourists, would you ban that too Its a well established fact that any criminal / gang related activity in this context is a direct consequence of the prohibition itself , that would explain not only the lack of such activity around the Beer festival but also the presence of it where illegal drugs are concerned . So you think Thailand should take a look at that? oh I think they already have, and they decided to do the sensible thing i.e. removed the prohibition and with it any further mafia or corrupt police involvement , Good job it was not down to you to sort it out, Prohibition, regulations, bans etc etc the criminal gangs would love you as would the corrupt police . That solution has been tried for 70+ years and has been an abject and very expensive failure. they also tried it with alcohol once and that didn't work out too well either did it ?
  7. Doesn't actually change the context at all in my opinion the bit that says "While cannabis-related travellers are believed to be high spending and well educated" is not in anyway altered by what follows, although I fail to see the logic in comparing a tiny area in the center of Amsterdam not much bigger than a shopping plaza, to the entire amassed tourist resorts of thailand Also The term "raised concerns" doesn't actually mean anything in reality does it
  8. Not a bad artice, i was somewhat surprised at this bit " While cannabis-related travellers are believed to be high spending and well educated" Not really agreeing with the views of the TVF illuminati,
  9. No I regard it as advisory, what are the anti-cannabis brigade trying to achieve by repeating inaccurate, misinformed and more often than not ridiculous beliefs and predictions amongst a majority pro cannanibis readership Are they trying to convert people, ? because I find that unlikely to be a very successful crusade or is it a form of trolling What I "advised "was for you all to join a thread/ forum that reflects your shared ignorance, a place were "rightminded" people can share their morally superior views and vent their outrage to a readership of likeminded people and get all the "likes" you desire without smart assed replies from irritating pro cannabis types That way the others can discuss the pertinent points of the original post without the constant whinging, irritating interuptions from people expressing their "concerns" many of which are often off topic
  10. THe BS you highlighted can only be the work of the advertising / marketing types I think we can expect a lot of that as they try to justify the extortionate prices
  11. what are you talking about ? nobody is asking anybody to "take up the weed" you are making things up !
  12. not see any on Laz yet They had a stall in the local friday market here last night selling brick + seeds + plants ????
  13. กัญ seemed to get good results this morning (gan) but needs to be in Thai if you don't have Thai keyboard you can copy and paste Just use your imagination its not so hard
  14. I think many on here are looking at this the wrong way, I don't think they really expect it to pull in the crowds of wealthy expats More likely what they are saying is along the lines of "We don't really want you to own land here but if you are prepared to prove how much money you have and also how gullible and stupid you are then we really have nothing to lose and plenty to gain. Can't fault them really, definitely an improvement on the UK's current immigration policy which welcomes destitute illegals who hate us
  15. Don't you realise, Its not going to be compulsory to smoke cannabis, Just as its not compulsory to drink alcohol. nobody is going to be alienated, and nothing will change. What are you so worried about? Don't you also think that the availability of alcohol may well attract some "undesirables" along with alienating families, upsetting Muslim and Buddist sensitivities, increasing road accidents and compromising the academic development of the young ? I would imagine the target demographic would be responsible users who enjoy cannabis ,along with others who maybe don't. The idea of a "Pothead" Sodom and Gomorrah exists only in the warped imagination of people like you who really don't have a clue what they are talking about So social media is also detrimental to Thai culture and here you are posting your usual whinge on....social media ! Some might consider that a little hypocritical How exactly is the use of cannabis going to increase " these already pronounced anti-social and social alienation trends." Next in your sights for a whinge is the "almost all male government" what are you a feminist ? Why on earth would a foreigner be in the least concerned about the gender make up of a countries government nothing to do with you and more than a little bit arrogant like most of your post (s) Maybe Thailand should just ban any sort of fun, like Saudi Arabia for example and become a haven for you and your "cardio vascular" aware friends that would be fun wouldn't it? To be honest if the relaxation of cannabis laws discourages just one puritanical dinosaur like you ( and your "cardio vascular" aware friends ) from from coming then it is definitely all been worth while as far as I am concerned
  16. กัญ seemed to get good results this morning (gan) but needs to be in Thai if you don't have Thai keyboard you can copy and paste
  17. As long as they have a white coat and a face mask any body can be an expert ! People may not want these predictions but they are getting them daily..The media of course loves it as "fear" is the best click bait there is after "sex " Now I'm speaking as a non expert when I say that.....I dont think the human brain , psyche, consciousness or what ever you want to call it. Is designed to be fed bad negative news day in day out there is literally never any good news, and that can't be good for anybody. There is no need for anymore gloom and doom predictions from dark places or anywhere else
  18. Sorry I was wrong about the leccy (thank god) I am reliably informed that it will go up TO 5bt and not BY 5bt still a hefty jump ! can't give you an exact % coz to be honest I've never known what a unit costs I just pay the bill
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