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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. what are you talking about ? nobody is asking anybody to "take up the weed" you are making things up !
  2. not see any on Laz yet They had a stall in the local friday market here last night selling brick + seeds + plants ????
  3. กัญ seemed to get good results this morning (gan) but needs to be in Thai if you don't have Thai keyboard you can copy and paste Just use your imagination its not so hard
  4. I think many on here are looking at this the wrong way, I don't think they really expect it to pull in the crowds of wealthy expats More likely what they are saying is along the lines of "We don't really want you to own land here but if you are prepared to prove how much money you have and also how gullible and stupid you are then we really have nothing to lose and plenty to gain. Can't fault them really, definitely an improvement on the UK's current immigration policy which welcomes destitute illegals who hate us
  5. Don't you realise, Its not going to be compulsory to smoke cannabis, Just as its not compulsory to drink alcohol. nobody is going to be alienated, and nothing will change. What are you so worried about? Don't you also think that the availability of alcohol may well attract some "undesirables" along with alienating families, upsetting Muslim and Buddist sensitivities, increasing road accidents and compromising the academic development of the young ? I would imagine the target demographic would be responsible users who enjoy cannabis ,along with others who maybe don't. The idea of a "Pothead" Sodom and Gomorrah exists only in the warped imagination of people like you who really don't have a clue what they are talking about So social media is also detrimental to Thai culture and here you are posting your usual whinge on....social media ! Some might consider that a little hypocritical How exactly is the use of cannabis going to increase " these already pronounced anti-social and social alienation trends." Next in your sights for a whinge is the "almost all male government" what are you a feminist ? Why on earth would a foreigner be in the least concerned about the gender make up of a countries government nothing to do with you and more than a little bit arrogant like most of your post (s) Maybe Thailand should just ban any sort of fun, like Saudi Arabia for example and become a haven for you and your "cardio vascular" aware friends that would be fun wouldn't it? To be honest if the relaxation of cannabis laws discourages just one puritanical dinosaur like you ( and your "cardio vascular" aware friends ) from from coming then it is definitely all been worth while as far as I am concerned
  6. กัญ seemed to get good results this morning (gan) but needs to be in Thai if you don't have Thai keyboard you can copy and paste
  7. As long as they have a white coat and a face mask any body can be an expert ! People may not want these predictions but they are getting them daily..The media of course loves it as "fear" is the best click bait there is after "sex " Now I'm speaking as a non expert when I say that.....I dont think the human brain , psyche, consciousness or what ever you want to call it. Is designed to be fed bad negative news day in day out there is literally never any good news, and that can't be good for anybody. There is no need for anymore gloom and doom predictions from dark places or anywhere else
  8. Sorry I was wrong about the leccy (thank god) I am reliably informed that it will go up TO 5bt and not BY 5bt still a hefty jump ! can't give you an exact % coz to be honest I've never known what a unit costs I just pay the bill
  9. It has always been down to people to make their own choices except perhaps for children who didn't have much say in weather they were jabbed or not This is not actually written as" responsible health advice" i Nearly every day for the last 2 years somebody (always an expert) crawls out of the woodwork and makes another doom and gloom prediction, the gloomier the better, remember the UK expert that predicted up to 10,000 deaths a day when omicron first emerged despite being advised otherwise by the South African doctors , (who were actually laughing at them) . Its almost like a game amongst the "expert" "community" to see who can come up with the most scary and horrendous scenarios and its a game they can't lose because non of them ever get called out when their predictions fail to come true This is nothing more than another, all be it z list, "expert" maintaining and honing his media profile and promoting his presence, amongst his peers and probably getting a few of the all important "likes" on his facebook page! If he is so sure that another potentially possibly, deadly wave might be coming surely he would serve the sick better by putting his mobile phone away , and attending to sick people like what doctors should do., instead of posting scaremongering rubbish on facebook
  10. surely there is no real reason to actually "save" during inflation that would not be to your advantage as interest rates for savers would never be equal to true inflation rates, so your savings steadily depreciate over time ,I think he should have written "economising" Not sure how true it is but a woman at the local market tels me leccy is due to go up by 5 bt per unit soon if its true that's a hell of an increase and everything else will soon go up too Any one surviving off a frozen pension will soon be struggling (unless its a very large pension)
  11. "Prepare for your demise"!!! what on earth is wrong with you people, are you really so terrified . my god your life must be a whole load of fun, Have you prepared for your own demise? what did that entail? I'd love to know As for people who analyse "figures", they can all manipulate those figures to suit their own agenda People are dying every day for all sorts of reasons
  12. So another "expert" looking for his 15 minutes of facebook "fame" flaps his wings and the usual TVF panic mongers come out in sympathy, they really are milking this for all its worth. In the UK for example, 40% of government employees are still "working from home" apparently due to fear of covid meanwhile the rest of society carries on I think I'd rather be an "ignorant" burying my head in the sand than a scaremonger who feels the need to echo every doom and gloom prediction. why do they do that, ? Is its a way of trying to justify their own fear ? "Wreaking havoc and death all over the world" can get much more melodramatic than that, didn't you post a similar comment about cannabis?
  13. paste this into shopee อัดแท่ง seems to give good results today 15/7 08:20
  14. Out of interest, how will you store it, I was thinking of vacuum packing and in the fridge, or maybe even freezer, might slow the degrading process down a bit, I believe heat is to be avoided, along with damp because the mould will ruin it given half a chance. I've had a 10g lump of brick in the fridge for a few days and I'll be breaking into it soon, I don't think its frozen but its gone a lot more solid than it was, probably due to the oil thickening up . I'll see how it smokes and take it from there
  15. Execution! that seems a little severe for not paying a traffic fine
  16. I think it was a million, but don't get complacent, people may have taken cuttings so it could be in the 10's of millions now , plus all the plants that people are growing from seed, and cuttings off those too could actually be billions !!!! And in a few months it will all be ready to smoke , what will become of us all ? lol "The wild west of weed" sounds very dramatic but what you do you actually mean.???? people selling outside their houses ? whatever next, call the police , ? oh dear you can't as no crime has been committed and they won't be interested., will they?
  17. The oil definitely dissolves in milk I used to buy a lot of Oil to smoke in the UK it came in plastic syringes, and the best way to clean the last drops out was to toss them in a milky coffee, the syringes would be spotless when the coffee was finished. I tried it in a cup of tea a few times but I don't take milk in tea , and whilst the syringes came out almost as clean, the cannabis oil didn't dissolve the same as in the milky coffee and it kind of formed a tide mark around the side of the cup. I'm sure it dissolves in alcohol too so that would be another way to get it into ones coffee
  18. Nice one ! I've always been a fan of the "brick" and I don't care what anybody says, some of it can be very strong . I bought the cheapest I could find a week or so ago and it was really good, sticky, green and nearly no seeds! still knocking me for 6 after a week which wouldn't be the case with the expensive stuff. wasn't as cheap as yours though and I see prices have fallen over the last few days .Things just seem get better and better
  19. I'm not a great fan of regulation or tax, and I think things are just fine how they are. If people want to pay a bit extra for what they consider to be better quality, that's fine/ and they can do that already at Prikpot or Greenlabs These companies will already be liable for tax on their profits and that should be enough, there is no need for a special cannabis tax , Why on earth would you suggest that we all pay the government an extra 20% ??? Once governments start taxing things they don't know when to stop, look at alcohol and ciggies in the UK and fuel too! And anything that governments get involved with running invariably become disasters, Registered growers and Licensed Vendors ? I'm not a fan of that either too much state control, and will end up more strictly regulated than when it was illegal , in fact, presumably ,it will be illegal unless purchased from an "approved outlet. Almost back to square one. Which is where it will be when it gets driven back underground
  20. I noticed quite a lot of anti cannabis sentiment on the TV today with convicted and recently released orange farmer Sorayuth a leading the outrage on channel 3 Could the lack of alcohol or perhaps even the full moon be of any significance
  21. I've been waiting to ask if you had tried the Hang krarok that we recently discussed ?, but I suppose I could have just asked that guy who comments on weed that he hasn't smoked, In fact I should have asked him last week, only thing is I can't remember his name lol
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