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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. 1 hour ago, borderhopper2005 said:

    30 deaths from the heat wave.

    I bet they are mostly from the poor background; not having 

    air-conditioning at home/work place.

    It is always the less fortunate that is worst  impacted by  the environmental changes.

    Very sad.


    I would bet that they were people with pre existing health conditions, or people who ignored the haat and carried on regardless probably not drinking enough water.   The less fortunate are invariably impacted more by just about everything, that's probably why  they are classed as" less fortunate "

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 2 hours ago, JayClay said:


    If you had familiarised yourself with the (recent) history of marijuana legalisation in this country, you would know that it is also "quite clearly" only approved for medical purposes.


    if only you would open your eyes you would see that is clearly not the case.  However that may well be the intention of any future legislation.

                    What is wrong with people like you? After all this time , and with 10000+ clearly non medical retail outlets, millions smoking recreationally and not one arrest.You still insist on making your own rules up , give it a rest for gods sake, or start your own thread,  


         hashtag "but but but Anutin said .com

    • Agree 1
  3. 1 minute ago, sambum said:

    Then change the headlines to be more representative of the article!


    Th marijuana shops did!

    Its hardly my responsibility to dumb down the headlines to a level where everybody can understand them.  This subject is nothing to do with cannabis,   The two substances mentioned  are  now class 5 narcotics,  cannabis was removed from that category, with the exception of extracts over 0.2% THC. 

    Its all there in the OP

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  4. 4 minutes ago, rumeaug said:

    No. Legalizing psilocybin  and opium for medical use is not about making it available to the public. These substances are widely legalized around the world for clinical use, psychotherapy or pain management....Thailand had a huge lack in this domain (notably about morphine use for cancer patients and other cases...). It is finally catching up. That's it. just hope it will not, like it was (is) the case in the USA, create an opioid apocalypse with some avenues in many cities turned into zombiland.

    It will   be available to the public ,  just restricted to those who are sick,    The opioid apocalypse is a different matter and is no excuse for denying these substances to those who need them.

  5. 19 minutes ago, Thumbs said:

    After the farcical decriminalization of weed by Mr Anutin and the ministry of health  this sounds like a brilliant idea, how about getting that mess sorted first  

    what particular mess are you talking about ?  No prescription req'd and not available to those under 21 or pregnant, lactating women seems like common sense to me regarding cannabis. Which part do you have a problem with?

    • Agree 1
  6. Just now, Cabradelmar said:

    That's where we started (and might end up again) with ganja... just need to get a medical marijuana card... Can I get my medical shrooms and opium card too 😂 

    It will probably take the form of what's generally called a "prescription " unlikely to be raw opium, more than likely a product derived from it, You know just like almost everywhere else

  7. 6 minutes ago, connda said:

    Palliative care is in the stone-age here in Thailand.  Thai medical "authorities" view on the subject of pain medication is that if you haven't developed Buddha-like abilities to sit in pain-free samadhi, then it's your bad karma to suffer in pain and agony.  So they have to keep pain meds away for the public - you know - like people dying of stage 4 cancer or those suffering with kidney stones.  Someone might "abuse" the medicines so everyone needs to be kept from using them.

    I'm not so sure that's strictly correct, Around 10 years ago I suffered kidney stones. the pain was intense, the first thing they did on my arrival at hospital after checking my blood pressure and taking my temperature was to give me an injection for the pain.  Not sure what it was but it certainly worked and as a bonus left me feeling high as a kite,   

    Maybe the fact that it was a private hospital had something to do with it, not sure what a government hospital would do 

  8. 5 minutes ago, 1happykamper said:

    Exactly.. Ganga approval was same same! 555

    No it wasn't ! What on earth are you talking about. Try  reading the article, specifically the bit where it says...." Opium and psilocybin mushrooms, known for their hallucinogenic effects, are now classified as Category 5 narcotics, differentiating them from marijuana and hemp extracts."


    Cannabis was removed from the category 5 narcotics list, these two substances are now classified as such.   it really isn't difficult to understand if you just read what's written and don't try to add your own personal take on things  

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