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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Once events reach a certain publicity level, bribes are unlikely to clear the air. too many questions are likely to be asked and it becomes impossible to bury things.so matters eventually have to be allowed to take their course This doesn't always apply to the elite though who can lie through their teeth with no repercussions. as nobody dares question them and those that do are quickly silenced
  2. So how many meters and were doers one measure from? You obviously don't know and nether did she. How many times do i need to tell the lynch mob that I am not defending him or his actions, just putting things into perspective. A world were people are judged by a mob of self righteous geriatrics on social media might appeal to you and your kind but don't think for a minute that everybody feels the same
  3. lol the face one pulls when discovering the bum gun doesn't work and there is no toilet paper available I would guess its the family lawyer, and his team, They are actually trying not to smile, but they think its gonna be a bumper pay day
  4. I'm glad somebody else has noticed this, I thought it was only me who had spotted it
  5. You are probably right, but if somebody did behave like that my first response would not be to establish their occupation, That is the most irrelevant detail in this case, or at least it should be
  6. Those were the police's words not mine, its actually not inconceivable that they would have charged her before all this went "viral" They are after all currently going after big joke himself , many who consider themselves above the law get surprised here. You are right, he is stuffed. Do I care ? not at all but I am not in favour of the holier than thou keyboard warriors on here effectively forming a lynch mob
  7. True enough, technically speaking, but I like to think that physically removing a drunk who was urinating in my garden would not render me liable for deportation especially if I was wearing the obligatory mask ( i would probably wear gloves too) However I would fully expect to be vilified on here, in fact I would look forward to that
  8. But the position of the steps is relevant, before the location was identified as public land the police mentioned the possibility of charging her with trespassing which they themselves stated is subject to stricter penalties than the very minor assault. Had those steps been on the private land this would have been a totally different story
  9. I don't think anybody refusing to join the lynch mob is trying to cover for him or excuse his behavior , More like they are just trying to create a sense of proportion.
  10. That somebody did care about the extent of public beach land is a result of ongoing complaints regarding this matter Its not uniquely specific to this incident. Many developers including those building large resorts and hotels have been found to have crossed the line into public land, especially in beachfront locations, That's not really his fault , but it certainly hasn't helped him
  11. Dave may or may not have known , Personally I doubt that he knew one way or the other, he doesn't own the house or the land and he has possibly never even seen the deeds, and even if he had , it would be impossible to establish exactly where the boundary lies. from the tiny layout plan that they would contain. I very much doubt there would have been a note on the deeds clarifying this. I also think there is a strong possibility that the estate agents dealing with the letting would not know either, and neither would they have mentioned it if they did, "Property for rent with private beach access" sounds a lot more desirable than "Property to rent with illegally constructed beach access" Estate agents are not unknown to be economical with the truth(( With the exception of those living in condos or farang style housing estates I very much doubt that anybody knows for sure exactly to the millimeter, where their (wives) land ends and their neighbours begins Ok its no excuse to behave like he did but its also no reason to adopt an open door policy to all and sundry "just in case" As an aside I have personally seen the land department called out to establish land boundaries and they appear to be more than willing to agree to "adjust" the position of survey markers for a "fee" under normal circumstances most Thais do not argue with them
  12. No i am not that was pretty clear from the wording of my post, it obviously was to all except you, there's always one though isn't there?
  13. And this was only established after the event, unless you know differently,
  14. A baying lynch mob generally pays little regard to detail, once fired up the facts are irrelevant to them
  15. It would appear that a "real" doctor has issued some sort of report claiming she is suffering from stress. However regardless of whether she is or isn't, only the most naive of people would ever believe that she would have any problem obtaining a medical report which would confirm whatever she wanted. Especially bearing in mind her occupation, her fathers position, and the current media frenzy
  16. Or maybe his woman ran off with a DJ and he harbours a deep seated resentment of them Or more likely he just wants to join in with the lynch mob and indulge in a bit of virtue signalling
  17. I have clearly stated that I do not condone his behaviour, but your uncontrollable urge to virtue signal and join the lynch mob seems to have clouded your judgement. Yes Thai beaches are public land, but many accesses to the beaches are private property and legally not accessible to the public. The house he lived in was on private land. But any body with half a brain would assume the steps were built on private land as the Thai authorities are not in the habit of constructing private beach access to beach side properties, Any access from a private property to the beach would be constructed by the property owner and should have been located on the private land. The fact that the steps encroached onto public land was not known at the time by anybody involved in the incident, Thai people, contrary to what you think do not inherently know where land boundaries lie that is a matter for the land department and would be established by a surveyor When she sat on those steps she would have assumed they were private property but chose to do so anyway. Immediately after the incident the police even suggested she could be charged with trespassing which actually carries a more severe punishment that the minor assault that occurred. Of course this was before either the land boundary, her occupation, and the identity of her father was established Now you can stop making excuses for her too
  18. I actually agree with you, but in the same way that some people get a bit territorial regarding land boundaries others can show scant disregard for what they think is private property. At the time , in his mind, "allegedly" these were people he had already recently chased off his property I don't condone his behaviour but to a degree I can understand his frustration if, as he claims this had happened before.
  19. At the time of the incident nobody involved was aware that the steps had been "illegally" constructed on public land, as far as they were all aware they were private property, This does not excuse the swiss guys behaviour, even though he thought he was in the right, but neither does it excuse her sitting on what she would naturally assumed was private property
  20. But at the time she must have assumed they were private property, who wouldn't?
  21. Even with glasses they all look similar, especially at night
  22. Due to the excessive media coverage of this I doubt any court would deliver a sentence considered as "standard" for this sort of incident. Whether that works for him or against him remains to be seen
  23. That is when hideous looking men dressed as and claiming to be women are referred to as "Mr" or " him" I believe its actually a criminal offence in some countries
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