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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Obviously he will be deported so there is no need for you to add your 2 bahts worth but what exactly is "the chop", something to do with sharia law?
  2. I wasn't referring to any of "them" in particular ( who would dare to do that?) but yes I imagine that is the sort of place those types live. I personally would not live amongst people like that even if I was offered a fortune to do so
  3. Is there really any need to even consider actually shooting a person for such a minor offence? Are you American by any chance There was really no need to turn up mob handed like that , he could easily have been apprehended discreetly by catching him off guard. Totally ridiculous operation and staged purely for the media, who were no doubt informed in advance
  4. I am actually surprised there are people like that here, I didn't think people of that nature were even attracted to places like Thailand, I'm sure they didn't exist here years ago and I personally have never knowingly met anybody of that nature in real life, Where do they live? where do they socialise, do they actually have any real friends? How do their ex bargirl wives even cope with them? My guess is they can normally be found safely tucked away in their gated communities, splitting their time between shopping in "Tops" and the golf course or chairing meetings of their residents association . Then, in the evenings they retire to their "office" with their glass of red wine and scour websites like this looking for anything that they can vent their pent up frustrations on from behind the safety of their keyboards One such person on this thread has actually posted his own proposals for stricter immigration rules.! predictably consisting of" deportation and a ban" starting off for a mere 7 days overstay and gravitating to a " life time ban" sad but true Do these sanctimonious geriatrics, encouraging others to become police informants, understand that even cutting their own manicured lawns or trimming the roses could theoretically land them in the IDC as they themselves become a deportation statistic. The Thai immigration authorities will not consider them any differently from a Russian mafioso or a German overstayer despite their own perceived social status as quality expats What goes around tends to come around, people should be careful what they wish for
  5. You seem to manage it without any problem, But I must admit you had me fooled, I genuinely thought you had a sense of humour, just shows even I can be wrong occasionally
  6. I generally reserve my comments on cannabis for the appropriate forums my only comment on here was for the purpose of correcting the incorrect assertion by another poster who claimed the effects of cannabis were just the same as alcohol . The effects of cannabis are totally different to those of alcohol. I stand by that statement 100% . I'm sorry but statements like "but they both get you off your head" or they "both slow you down" are totally meaningless. Magic mushrooms , Heroin , Cocaine, Ecstasy ,in fact any psychoactive substance will get one "off ones head" but the effects are all totally different to each other and all totally different to alcohol I am not really concerned whether you agree with me or not. I would however be more inclined to listen to the views and enter into discussions on this matter with people who have experienced the effects of psychoactive drugs personally rather than just spouting whatever rubbish they have cherry picked from google or anywhere else for that matter Its a little bit like driving a car , one can do as much research as one likes but until one actually gets behind the wheel ones opinions and knowledge are worth nothing
  7. Why would it Songkran is the same time every year middle of April, It would however be very surprising if it changed to October
  8. 30 years since I first came here and I have no idea what temple hours are. same goes for churches in the UK I can count the number of times I have set foot in either on one hand. Maybe I should be deported and blacklisted too
  9. I reckon the people demanding deportation etc are the same ones who wore face masks when alone in their cars and probably still do
  10. Me too, there are more of us on here than you realise. I worked all over the UK and can categorically confirm there are many places at least 10 times worse. London and the home counties being the worst of the lot Most who delight in slagging off liverpool have never been there and could not even find it on a map, half of them are not even british
  11. May be not But expect to see a potential increase in accidents involving mobility scooters
  12. Nowhere as far as I can see, somebody mentioned it in a comment about 3 posts in and as expected a few of the usual suspects have latched on to it. Of course had the motorcyclist been black or gay or muslim, mentioning the fact would have provoked a hysterical response from the same members, It only goes to add weight to my theory that all people are racists and/ or "phobes" of one sort or another These days its all about identifying an "acceptable" target to attack. Once one has been found there is no need to exercise any moderation when hurling insults at them and no need to fear any interference from the moderators. The british are generally considered a valid target, especially those from liverpool. but only white, straight, christian brits, of course all others are off limits
  13. and where would you draw the line? presumably at a level that keeps you safely out of the equation
  14. Well said that man, its like a mass whinge , can you imagine what these people are like in real life. I have never met anybody here that subscribes to that way of thinking Thai or foreigner, and I seriously doubt (and hope) that I never will
  15. I was actually agreeing with you, I thought the final sentence of my comment made that clear, although having re read my post may be it didn't. As you say the concept is unworkable in practice and in my opinion would achieve nothing. Sadly there has always been a miserable yet very vocal minority on this forum who seek to change Thailand into a clone of the sad countries they saw fit to leave. This whole media frenzy merely provides them with another opportunity to renew their "demands" Part of the attraction of Thailand is its reputation of relative lawlessness and a place where one can live life on the edge. Pushing it as a safe and virtuous care home for "genteel retirees" will only diminish its popularity for the majority of others with a sense of adventure and plenty of life left in them. Yes break the law and one may indeed get punished, but that is not a foregone conclusion here, and a matter between ones self and the authorities, nothing to do with a few sanctimonious pearl clutching pensioners on this forum As an example I am not aware of millions of people queuing up to visit Tunbridge Wells in the Uk for an exciting holiday amongst the urine soaked residents of the retirement homes that abound there, despite what is probably a very low crime rate, but perhaps a few of the geriatrics who obviously did not know what they were getting into when they decided to move here should consider relocating one last time to live out their remaining years amongst other like minded crumblies. An afternoon of bingo in the "day room" would no doubt suit them down to the ground, and if that's not to their taste there is always the Whist drive and the occasional sing a long when "Betty" tinkles the ivories on a friday evening before lights out at 7:30pm Although with the absence of "quality tourists" "cannabis" "bad driving" "double pricing" "corruption" "immigration requirements" and "undrinkable tap water" etc etc what would they ever find to whinge about, well there's always the good old UK weather after all
  16. I'm new here and have never been to Pattaya, could you enlighten me as to all the other negative traits displayed by all ( or lets say 80%) of the millions of people who "typically" choose to visit that city every year. Or are you just posting rubbish to try to fit in with the growing lynch mob?
  17. But I have sympathy for people getting torn to shreds by the usual suspects on this forum when it has not been established whether they were under the influence or not. Thankfully the police are aware of the need for a positive test before pressing charges. Unlike the hang em high squad on this forum
  18. and what about offences that have reached their disclosure expiry date, In the UK for example most are not disclosed after 5 years, even relatively serious convictions are gone after 10 only the most heinous crimes are exempt from this people convicted of those cimes are normally in prison serving long sentences. None of the above will have any effect on those who have offended all their lives and been lucky or clever enough to avoid capture. Those calling for criminal checks are just virtue signalling along with those advocating deportation , blacklisting, and lengthy prison sentences for the most trivial misdemeanors, lets have a logical sense of proportion for gods sake
  19. The word Liverpool its self would appear to be superfluous, why do you feel the need to mention it. I can't find any mention of that city in either the OP or the linked articles
  20. I have no idea where you get your ideas from, Nowhere have I said that cannabis users are superior in any way to drinkers of alcohol, Neither have I said that cannabis has no effect on driving capability I personally do not consider the use of either to be an "abuse" so there is another word which you have introduced to suit your own agenda, whatever that may be. I have no issues about being quoted but I do object to people telling me what "i seem to think" based on nothing but their own deeply flawed "logic" So to avoid me falling into the same trap,answer the question, How much cannabis have you personally smoked, no need to be exact , lets make it easy for you, A) None B) a few puffs C) a whole joint D ) 10 joints, E) 100's of joints F) 1000's of joints
  21. His face is pixelated out how on earth can you tell how old he looks sherlock?
  22. But the result is not the same, far from it, How much cannabis have you actually smoked?
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