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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. This has been the case for years, since we left the EU. and its certainly not the first article on this matter. there is no "timing" that could not be worse, One can either accept the situation, inform oneself of the requirements and carry on relatively unhindered, Or refuse to accept the situation and spend the rest of ones pathetic lives suffering the consequences, and wasting ones time posting boring comments such as "another brexit bonus" etc on forums like this, which after all will not change anything. Exactly what suffering has "brexit" caused to british expats living here ? Speaking for my self absolutely none whatsoever
  2. for gods sake , some people should not be allowed to travel without being accompanied by a responsible adult ! It really isn't rocket science after all. Its been years since we left the european union. there has been plenty of time to familiarise ones self with the rules regarding passport validity, its been mentioned plenty of times in the news already. I suspect this is nothing but more anti "brexit" propaganda by the usual suspects. The wording of the headline confirms this , nobody os barred from anywhere. British passport holders may indeed be considered by EU countries as coming from outside the EU but the emotive phrase "third country nationals" has been carefully chosen by the author of this drivel as it sounds just a little like "third world nationals" Likewise the examples likening them to Venezuelan or Samoans , when they could have used American or Canadian Another piece of pathetic propaganda in my opinion Brexit may not have delivered what was promised, but that is due in no small part to the remainers tasked with implementing it all. on the other hand the world has not stopped turning either and most of the problems facing the UK have existed since long before we cut ties with the EU. Its all down to attitude, people should stop moaning , accept it for what it is, and get on with their lives. In fact most people have , just a few moaning journalists trying to fan the flames of unrest remain
  3. so was the guy renting from a reputable company such as Avis or Hertz, or had he rented from somebody basically hiring out their own private car?
  4. So if for example a gay couple split up and one of them decides to return to a full on single gay lifestyle, are you saying that the male prostitutes he would be at least "knee deep in" would actually really like him and thoroughly enjoy the sex? with the money just being an inconsequential bonus?
  5. I take it you mean as opposed to all the old Gay men on here who have been in stable monogamous relationships with their childhood sweet heart, and who have spent their entire lives in waiting, for the moment they can walk down the aisle and live happily ever after
  6. I predicted that there would soon be a glut of anti cannabis news to go hand in hand with any new legislation, This could well be the start of it , the fact that it is pure fantasy is of no importance, it will be taken as gospel truth by the prohibitionists
  7. depends what the job is
  8. No mention in the OP that foreigners will be included in this. Foreign women marrying Thai men enjoy certain advantages that foreign men marrying Thai women do not.... https://www.thaicitizenship.com/thai-citizenship-based-on-marriage-to-a-thai-husband/ This will be open to abuse. Ie pretend to be gay , register a sham marriage, gain citizenship
  9. I always thought that sort of "information" should be reserved for the medium of a facebook page, Isn't that where people traditionally post uninteresting cr@p Anybody else thinking of leaving needs to realise that the rest of us are not in the slightest bit interested,
  10. That was the estimated value of the coke, I seriously doubt he was paid anything like that amount.
  11. As far as I am aware western countries only offer single entry non O visas based on marriage, in the uk they want to see £10,000 , At least that was the situation 6 months ago things may have changed
  12. best of luck trying to get a multiple entry non immigrant visa based on marriage to a Thai from the UK e visa website They stopped issuing them over 6 months ago. Single entry only now, ( unless things have changed again) What country are you from?
  13. What part of "each to their own" do you have difficulty comprehending,? Furthermore you appear to be arguing purely for the sake of it, and on behalf of other imaginary, hypothetical people, "they" "some people" "other people" "somebody" "you" what's all that about ?
  14. horses for courses. neither are that expensive, I would buy one of each,as and when required
  15. Finger prints and photos have been standard for quite some time, Boarding passes have been required to be shown at immigration at least since covid, although it only actually tells you this at the immigration desks. Many people , myself included, often discard their boarding pass once they have successfully boarded the plane so its not a bad idea that airline staff check one is in possession of it before leaving the plane. It would be even better if the requirement was mentioned earlier in the journey, something printed on the ticket to that effect for example' I can't see that anything in the OP is relevant to any crackdown on any foreigners entering Thailand, either long or short term visitors. Looks pretty much like business as usual to me
  16. every time reports surface of alleged negative effects of cannabis the usual suspects intensify their calls for an outright ban. Now that there is some positive news it is either dismissed of deflected from, in this case even mentioning Donald Trump. Are there actually any threads on this website where Trump is not mentioned? Certainly not very many
  17. That's the way I see it. people can, under normal circumstances go where ever they want , however in the case of the UK if the foreign office issues a travel warning most insurance companies won't cover you, I have no ides how other countries behave but I would imagine it is similar. It normally happens after a natural disaster or some form of civil unrest, If the UK issues an official warning its likely others will have done the same. If Thailand were to declare a state of emergency its likely that the UK would repeat it to the general uk population, but I don't think they would necessarily have to wait for Thailand to do that before issuing any warning
  18. Alleged drug dealers maybe , but we will never know now will we? Surely you are not in favour of extrajudicial killings by the Thai police or anybody else for that matter ? I am sure the death of ones son will sit uneasily with parents if he was murdered for selling cannabis, considering those imprisoned for that particular crime were all released when it was decriminalized. It not like they could be brought back to life is it
  19. you maybe right but if it wasn't for the half dozen or so examples that have hit the headlines, nobody would be talking about this, not the Thais and not the self flagellators on here who think they can virtue signal their way out of it.
  20. people overstaying or working without permits is of no concern to tourists whatsoever.
  21. whether he declares it or not the UK government could still issue a travel warning, if they do insurance companies will react. It not really up to him even though he thinks it is
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