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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. If I was setting the markets on nukes, USA would be my odds on favourite, not Russia. The incompetent boobs running the USA currently, may not even know they launched... Hmmm would they send an email saying sorry, we didn't mean it, we had no idea what that button did. Can we rehire that nuke? 🀣🀣🀣
  2. You pulled that outta yer a$$ - got more droppings?
  3. I know 😊 Because the opposition leader is a career politician who has zero idea or concern for what life is like for normal people and will do far more harm the the Libs ever could πŸ€”
  4. Easy answer. Because he thinks there is just chocolate and vanilla. No other flavours. He went into a Baskin Robbins in 1981 and saw 32 flavours and his hatred of the LGBTQ+ community and DEI was born. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
  5. What seems ridiculous is you unquestioningly believing a YouTube video πŸ€”πŸ˜ŽπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£
  6. 🀣 hilarious responses. The biggest DEI hires in civil aviation are former military pilots. Yes, hiring veterans falls directly under DEI. It's like most of you barf out DEI without having a clue about it πŸ˜”
  7. You missed the memo. His preferred pronoun is "daddy" not boss. 😎
  8. Your response makes it clear who is being spoon fed narratives. The lack of self awareness is astonishing.
  9. You bought a laptop from the same shop that sells seat covers? WOW! 🀣🀣 You may be surprised to learn that different shops are better or worse re returns 🀣🀣 Often refurbished electronics are unreturnable. Do you read the small print ever, or just assume you are correct? Only a very naive person would assume that all shops and returns are the same πŸ˜‰
  10. Apparently you can somehow make it from your village to Chaing Mai... I believe taxis are abundant there.
  11. Salt water floods the south all the time. <deleted> dies, then grows back. Same as after a fire. What's the difference?
  12. Uhm, this is 2025. Ya know a NEW YEAR. Duh.
  13. The rule changes are minor, nothing to be bragging about. Except for the protecting Netanyahu crap and now taking 9 members to oust Johnson, it's a non story.
  14. No. The polarisation is caused by extreme ideologies. The majority of folks are in the middle and just get on with living. The political extremes yell at each other on social media and that is what is reported.
  15. Do you know anything at all about Neil, co-founder of Farm Aid? 🀣
  16. 🀣🀣 Neil could never sing well, that's not what Neil has ever been about. Comparing Neil to Diana Ross is beyond insane.
  17. If you took a moment to learn a tiny iota about what you are commenting on, you'd realize how stupid you sound πŸ˜‰
  18. Like the LEGAL immigrants in Springfield he is/was eager to demonize and deport. Cummon man, you need to do better.
  19. No, it is quite possible to ignore him. You could also cut off his useless govt contracts. You could question his love of Chinese in investment. You could question his ketamine addiction. Or you can just ignore him, his businesses have zero relevance to 90% of people, and X is a cesspool of sycophants.
  20. Well, I gotta give y'all the crown πŸ‘‘ Most gullible poster. You swallowed that drek hook, line n sinker 🀣 Follow your "logic". Are we planning on resetting EVERY country's borders back to the 18th century? That should be fun πŸ˜„
  21. Apparently metaphors only used by those tied to the MAGA movement.
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