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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Ah, so not a real army then.

    I have nothing against peacekeepers, but I think calling them soldiers is erroneous.

    The soldiers I knew only used bullets, not talk, but that was a very long time ago.

    Peacekeepers are trained soldiers first. Then they get additional training. What are you on about? Or are you dissing them because their country was smart enough to avoid unnecessary conflict in the last 60-ish years?

  2. 15 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I am at a loss how the army can solve this, unless he envisages a permanent Northern Ireland troubles presence in every city troubled by gang violence, and do they even have the resources to do so? That would take a lot of soldiers to do.

    If he's talking about a "lightning strike" operation, using the military, is he prepared for a lot of ''collateral damage"?

    By definition soldiers are trained to kill people, not police actions.


    Seems to me like a politician speaking about things he thinks will sound good in the media, but are in reality a nonsense, like Blair sending a tank to Heathrow when there was a terrorist attack there.

    Since the Swedish army has really only been involved in Peace-keeping efforts in living memory I doubt they are trained the way you envision. Policing and interaction skills would necessarily be part of their arsenal.

  3. 19 minutes ago, DLang said:

    Perhaps they could also send in the army to the 60+ No Go Zones that immigrants have created, where police and locals are not allowed to go into without being assaulted or worse. 

    Are these "no-go" zones anything like the ones in the Netherlands? I have heard from Ambassador Pete Hoekstra that there are cars being burnt, there are politicians that are being burnt… there are no-go zones in the Netherlands. Do you know if the Swedish "no-go" zones are the same as the ones Ambassador Hoekstra described in Netherlands?

  4. 2 hours ago, UnkleMoooose said:

    So the liberal media (including the left biased Gallup)... People must learn to separate their emotions from the facts.

    Yes. Facts. Like Gallup's "bias".


    Gallup (from MB/FC)

    Gallup - Least Biased



    This source has minimal bias and uses very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes).  The reporting is factual and usually sourced.  These are the most credible media sources.


    Factual Reporting: VERY HIGH


    Gallup, Inc. is an American research-based, global performance-management consulting company. Founded by George Gallup in 1935, the company became known for its public opinion polls conducted worldwide. It provides research and strategic consulting to large organizations in many countries, focusing on “analytics and advice to help leaders and organizations solve their most pressing problems.” Gallup provides low biased statistical information. (1/21/2017)

  5. 4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Also to the point, why do women in sport wear sexually charged clothing? You all know what I mean, very short skirts in tennis, short shorts and tight tops in athletics, etc etc etc.

    I don't see men wearing cod pieces.

    Danm you are so right! I used to think it was due to a bombardment of male-driven advertising/culture portraying an untenable female ideal.


    You obviously do not hang with gay men much because outlandish, revealing male clothing is commonplace in that community.


    Anyway - at least we agree that women should dress to quell all male urges. Burkas for all!!

  6. 4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Sigh. The reasons women hold fewer managerial positions is because they "take time out to breed", while men turn up every day to do the job. If women really want to rise to higher levels stop having children and do the job 100%, and not as an aside to being a "mother".

    The idea that any person can take years out of a career to become an unpaid baby sitter and still be an influential manager is, IMO, barking.

    Career women in Singapore stopped having children, to the extent that the government is concerned about it. 

    Frankly, and IMO, if women want to be taken seriously, stop wittering on about "having it all", stop indulging in such stupidities as those fashion statements like huge shoulder pads, stop using sex to get ahead and start being serious about the job.

    Yes bro!! And serious men should continue to give jobs to their drinking/sports/frat/business buddies 'cause we all know its not what ya know its who ya know in being serious about your vocation.

  7. 1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    There will be a backlash. I cannot wait for that. 

    Every time I go outside, I hope to encounter some man hating western woman rabbiting on about it, so I can debate her about it. Up till now I have found them to be completely absent in LOS. So far, it appears to be a uniquely American , IMO hysteria.

    Probably because the cultural narrative regarding the male - female relationship in the US is rooted in the historical, puritan, christian belief that women are chattel. Eastern culture seems to have a better overall and historical grasp of the dynamic between men and women. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, car720 said:

    Look to Australia for an example.  All the hardened criminals that did time for smoking a little pot will now be told that Australia is gearing up to become the biggest exporter of pot.:stoner:

    Australia - the world's biggest pot exporter? Doubt it very much. Won't be Canada either although they have a huge head start over Australia by helping supply the gigantic market in California for decades already. Nope. It will be the USA, starting with California, which, if it was a country would have the world's 6 or 7th largest economy dwarfing both Canada and Australia.

  9. 4 hours ago, jackh said:

    I most certainly do. They are criminals according to the Federal Immigration codes in place for 30 years. No exceptions! A crime is a crime!

    Take care. Rutgers University and others have calculated that AT LEAST 70% of US citizens have committed an imprisonable offense.


    Also, you are aware that federal law and prosecutors treat juveniles more compassionately than adults, right?

  10. 12 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

    And the Trump lynch mob should take into account that one is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

    Are you referring to the FBI investigation or the media or the public?


    Mueller has dogmatically followed the rule of law. The others aren't in court and can say and/or do whatever the heck they want. Are you having visions of mobs in hoods with torches surrounding the Whitehouse? I would suggest a mental health evaluation!! LOL!!

  11. 2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    I guess in your mind it's only ok when republican appointed judges overrule the executive branch.

    mrw's comment, and those like it, are truly bizarre. All appointed judges were appointed by one or the other of the two parties. That is why there are layers of appeal. The architects of the system foresaw partisan politics and produced a system which negates much of the partisanship.

  12. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    First of all Oprah will NOT run. It is all speculation. The office is way, way below her. She is a elegant, dignified women, who has a big heart, and has done much to help many. Far more than could ever be said about the current occupant of the very white house. 


    She would not want to subject herself to the open sewer, that is the US candidacy for president, nor the cesspool that is the presidency and the white house. Never gonna happen people. However, I do predict a landslide victory for the democrats this coming November in the mid terms, and a takeover of both the house and the senate. It is the result of a circus clown, charlatan huckster running things now. It is an inevitable backlash to horrendous policies, and the bumbling tax plans, that the majority of Americans were opposed to. Just another massive transfer of wealth. Not exactly what the US needs at this stage.

    I don't know about that. The way the Dems are proceeding, 10 months out, has LOSER written all over it again.


    No cohesive platform. Not fundamentally backing policies which over 60% of the US electorate are in favor of. Financially and philosophically backing only establishment candidates and incumbents guaranteeing a victory for the donor-class no matter which party wins. Hiring the same election consultants which spectacularly got it all wrong in 2016. 


    If the Dems think that they will romp to victory without correcting their blunders of 2016 they are massively misjudging the mood of the people, their hatred for more of the same swamp things and the electorate's understanding that unless there is a fundamental shift in the political landscape the Dems are just Republican lite so why even bother.

  13. 11 hours ago, Puccini said:


    Thank you, mikebike, this is exactly the definition I, and I believe many others, have been waiting for. The only thing you forgot to include is a link to the particular Thai law that gives this definition, without which your statement is unfortunately not authoritative and we are back to square one.

    My knowledge in this area is from some, limited, personal involvement in the Eva Beach proceedings. I had the opportunity to read the court proceedings and judgement regarding the high-water line in relations to the demarcation  of property boundaries in Phuket. I have no idea if this information is publicly available on the internet. Feel free to speak to the principals involved or ask the court for the transcripts if you doubt my statements.

  14. @greatwhitenorth - why bitch about reality? If the USA is expelling immigrants why the heck would the USA care where they go? As an immigrant where else are you gonna try to go in North, Central or South America if you are booted out of the States? Mexico? The reality of Canada's geographic proximity and huge, porous boarder makes it the only choice for expelled immigrants.

  15. 3 hours ago, jackh said:

    Nice try, but I would like to see data from a source a wee bit less biased than the Center for Immigration Studies whose stated mission is:  " that [it] favors far lower immigration numbers and produces research to further those views." 

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