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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 3 minutes ago, impulse said:


    Question is, where does that beach end?  Other posters claim it's the high tide line.  If that's the case, anywhere you see (or sit on) dry sand could be private land.


    In Thai law it is defined as the high-water mark, averaged over a few years. I have not seen a beach on Phuket where the high-water mark was not at least a metre past the actual "beach".

  2. 19 hours ago, DLang said:

    A very useful skill to have as a Thai.


    Maybe spending the time on study may have been better........


    Thais at a Chinese competition, winning for the 9th year in a row.... it wouldn't surprise me if certain incentives were awarded to the judges.

    They are ART students. They are competing in their field. What are you talking about?

  3. 23 hours ago, Ahab said:

    Who give a rats ass what the UN or the "Arabs" have to say about where the USA places our Embassy? We don't get to tell them where they place their embassies and they don't get a vote on where the USA places ours. Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel, it is home to the Israeli parliament, the Israeli prime minister, and the Israeli supreme court. Every US President since 1995 has waived a requirement to move the embassy that was passed by congress, Trump decided not to waive the requirement and has begun the process to move it.


    The "peace process" has not gone anywhere in the last 20 plus years that the embassy move to Jerusalem has been delayed, it is not like he is changing something that was working really well.

    Its called freedom of speech. No one is telling the USA what to do with their crap. They are however advising on the possible consequences of such decisions.

  4. 1 hour ago, Get Real said:

    Has the five countries you took as an example created reservation camps for their native population, and at the same time for everyday that goes try as hard as they can to push them into even smaller areas of the country? That´s an All American invention. Really something to be proud about, ain´t it? Guess it deserves another clap with the hand guy. :clap2:

    I doubt it is a USA invention. Marginalizing native populations is what colonists did/do.

  5. 19 hours ago, LostinSEA said:

    Try Googling "Death during the Commission of a Felony", it might open your eyes... 


    I'll quote from the Top google result...  http://dictionary.law.com/Default.aspx?selected=741


    felony murder doctrine

    n. a rule of criminal statutes that any death which occurs during the commission of a felony is first degree murder, and all participants in that felony or attempted felony can be charged with and found guilty of murder. A typical example is a robbery involving more than one criminal, in which one of them shoots, beats to death or runs over a store clerk, killing the clerk. Even if the death were accidental, all of the participants can be found guilty of felony murder, including those who did no harm, had no gun, and/or did not intend to hurt anyone. In a bizarre situation, if one of the holdup men or women is killed, his/her fellow robbers can be charged with murder.


    So in all your posts up to this point and here in your underlined portion you do not understand the word "can". Nowhere does your quote indicate that: "

    if you killed somebody (even by accident) whilst committing a crime it was considered murder.


  6. On 11/29/2017 at 8:45 AM, canuckamuck said:

    They identify as a special group, they have their organizations, their rallies, have lobbyists and magazines.  Can I say they? Probably not. Anyhow, this is not about them (don't know the right pronoun sorry) asking for anything. This about a man pretending he can make amends for thing that happened while he was still pooping his pants. It is a worthless grandstand to boost his popularity.

    No it is not a "special interest" to desire rights identical to the rest of the population. The organizations, rallies, lobbyists and mags are part of a community.

  7. On 11/29/2017 at 8:04 AM, canuckamuck said:

    As if in this day and age of progressive gestapos anyone is going to discriminate against any discernible special interest group.  It is nothing but preaching to the choir. Like a performer mentioning the city their in while on stage so everybody cheers. An empty bit of manipulation, that's all.

    Ohhh, please direct me to one of these "progressive "gestapos"!!


  8. 1 hour ago, BBJ said:

    You mean those horns that no car driver pays attention to?


    A beep while nearly getting side swiped from a car driver that hasn’t figured that both mirror and turn signals are NOT optional extras! 


    Doesn’t work, but a rev bomb does.  I’ll stick to not gettin side swiped as I have before and continue with the tried and tested method, thanks.


    Unfortunately here, the attititude is lower class bikers on scooters.  But a rev bomb from a bike that costs the same a small car sends a different message in my experience.  Rightly or wrongly it works.  I didn’t create the attitude, I’m using the tools I have to protect myself regardless how obnoxious some might think it is.  

    Strange. 11 years on sport bikes in the kingdom and horn has worked just fine for me.

  9. 13 minutes ago, BBJ said:

    Thai guy completely overreacted, but I wonder if the the Swiss guy would have had the nerve to open a car door and turn the engine off.  I’ve seen many cars running while numpty has popped to a stall or seven eleven. 


    Don’t touch other folks stuff.  Simple!


    Just for the record, my lovely sounding exaust and a couple of rev bombs stopped bike-guy selling critter snacks pulling out on me.  Would have been t-bone time otherwise.

    Too bad your bike didn’t come with one of those, what are they called... oh yeah - horns. They work for avoiding t-bones too!

  10.   Doubt that there's much evidence Saudi Arabia, as a country, aided ISIS much or that ISIS was it's "proxy army" in the way Hezbollah is affiliated with Iran. There was support provided by the Saudis to organizations opposing Assad, but lumping of conflating these with ISIS, is incorrect, as far as I'm aware.


    One aspect of the war in Syria was groups and factions switching sides and allegiances. Most posters seem to have a hard time keeping that in mind, even without getting into the pesky details of who's was with whom at any given time.



    Uh, no. Shia's do not become Sunni's at a whim. Nor visa versa.


    ME is NOT a state conflict. It is a religious conflict enacted by states.




  11. 4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Perhaps it's time for the US to withdraw every single serviceperson from Sth Korea and leave them to take care of their own security.

    I'm sure they could use the money in the US to better effect.

    If Sth Korea is prepared to exhibit such ingratitude, they don't deserve the blood of a single US soldier in their defence.

    Of course they would notify the dear leader that an attempt to attack any US assets or land would result in him and his entire country becoming a post apocalyptic wasteland.


    I was with you for the first two sentences... and we do agree that US troops in SK is a waste of US taxpayer money.


    Next sentence is what I don't understand...


    SK: We have been living with the <deleted> in NK for 50 years with a few minor skirmishes, please don't <deleted> up the delicate balance and start a war which will annihilate our capital and most populated city without our input and consent.


    TBL: You ungrateful bastardos. Can't you see that the USA is under threat?


    Crazy is as crazy does.

  12. 5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    The people who believe CNN is "heavily biased US crap" tend to love alternate news websites like Russia Today, Infowars, Zerohedge, Fox, etc. LOL.  CNN, like BBC, does a pretty good job at vetting their news.  Other sites?  Not so much...


    What's your favorite news source?



    MY favourite news source is - all of them - then apply critical thinking.


    Zerohedge and Infowars are in a league of their own!!

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