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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. So you would prefer that the makeup of the jury NOT reflect the makeup of society. Interesting. ????
  2. No. It should reflect the opinion of the society, which may not be 50/50.
  3. 100% logistics will be considered as soon as possible. Already, or now? Maybe not, but hardly absurd.
  4. Really? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-mar-a-lago-classified-documents-evidence-b2342010.html
  5. It is often an issue that expats "imagine" that things will be "similar" here. Always gives me a good larf. ????
  6. I believe the reports are a requirement until all assets are dissolved, or until the original license runs out in 2025. If you had bothered to actually download the latest report you cite, you will see the first paragraph: "The Company used to operate a UHF radio and television broadcasting station under a joint operating contract and a Built Build-Transfer-Operation operating agreement signed with the Office of the Permanent Secretary to the Prime Minister's Office (the “PMO”) on 3 July 1995, for a period of thirty years ending 3 July 2025. The station was named “ITV broadcasting station”. Current Status : As at midnight (12.00 p.m.) of 7 March 2007, the Company was compelled to cease its business operation of the ITV broadcasting station due to the cancellation of the operating agreement by the PMO. On 24 July 2014, the Board of Governors of the Stock Exchange of Thailand resolved to delist the Company’s common stock until further notice."
  7. That was from an android, using Chrome. NT/TOT wifi. Geographic location of the search probably would bias the results toward that area. Less so the platform conducting the search.
  8. ???????? I heard the same story(ies) when we got here 17 yrs ago from the "old timers" kicking about then. This story is as old as expats.
  9. Weird, our child-raising philosophy was the more they are exposed to the better. Our kids saw Rocky Horror at 10-12 yrs old ????
  10. What have you trained your algorithm to do? ???? When I search "riots" I get current global news not all U.S. based 5 yr old stuff ????????
  11. So... Lowest common denominator type of thing? Isn't that kinda why U. S. education ranks so poorly to begin with? Well, and the funding thing.
  12. What world do you live in where an abstention or non-vote unquestionably equals a yes? Those sick or absent have an opinion which isn't necessarily yes. Abstentions can be for a myriad of reasons. Your assumption if faulty at best.
  13. Is longer more appealing than better? Personally I will enjoy what I enjoy and have no desire whatsoever to live "longer".
  14. What's your point? That's why I said a decade or so. 2013 is a decade or so ????
  15. Yeah! All the way back to that darned tea party, America is just threatened to its very existence by riots ????????????
  16. I missed that! What American cities are no longer then? Was it like Dresden or Tokyo in WW2? How many citizens were burned to death in these BLM-scorched cities? I'm really surprised none of this destruction has made international headlines ????????
  17. Cannot remember reading about even one significant Muslim extremist event in the USA in the last decade or so... Certainly not a current issue in the USA. Whereas white supremacists seem to be popping off all over the country.
  18. I used my Canadian address and set myself, here, as recipient.
  19. Haahahaha!!! Weed smokers have not had the "law" on their side until VERY recently. Laws only work if there is significant social agreement, otherwise peeps just ignore them if they believe there is no moral justification or significant societal harm. Weed is what it is and people will continue its use whether legal or not.
  20. Yes. But only one party hypocritically uses debt as a cudgel when not in power whilst ramping up debt when in power. See the difference there?
  21. ???????????? Hilarious! Do you think the freaking crews are responsible for airline cockups? They are as vulnerable to mismanagement by their greedy corporate masters as are passengers.
  22. Free market requires an equal playing field.
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