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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. ???? 17 years here, multiple houses, never had a mold issue. I suggest it may be your lack of experience and insufficient maintenance.
  2. And cannabis and psilocybin have been used for millennia, what's your point?
  3. Yes, there are plenty of toady journalists out there protecting their livelihood over true journalism. But are you seriously trying to say you have never read any UK journalism which runs contrary to the govt line? To that I have to give a hardy laugh ????????????
  4. Are you unaware that there are other sources of news than social media sites? In fact, if social media sites ARE your main source of news, I'd postulate you do not understand what journalism is.
  5. Wouldn't sensitive, classified documents be exposed only in "in camera" court sessions?
  6. Ahhh... the expected response from someone without a clue. To be clear: The potency of ganga has steadily increased in the 50ish years I have been indulging. So the question really has no relevance in the long term. In the short term, I have both increased AND decreased my daily intake based on stress levels and other factors. For long-term users it is more about medicating than chasing a buzz.
  7. That's about as on point as comparing it to San Marino or Lichtenstein. A totally useless analogy.
  8. You think Singapore is part of the "communist block" - almost made me fall off my chair laughing ????????????
  9. USA and Europe apparently. Ever heard of China?
  10. No. They protected their national oil interests. Had absolutely nothing to do with morals.
  11. Maybe. Think WWII USA. Do you think the media WASN'T controlled ???????? And how many terms did FDR serve ????????????
  12. Do you actually know what "martial" means? If yes, can you see the difference between Thailand in 2014 and Ukrain in 2022/23?
  13. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02JVrwDQ9QYYjtw72AWG3UvLatDinuXYvEQygrMpRMxBoebZjCkCX9nqWvpJSU31Fbl&id=100069376382505&mibextid=Nif5oz
  14. None of those changed names. Every company changes graphics. Try again.
  15. So... Imagine being a megalomaniac?
  16. Apparently Zuck and the entire coder/developer brigade at Meta disagree... The Threads rollout was ahem, a lot less than Twitter. Any other social media site with the breadth of features Twitter had before Musk?
  17. Hmmm, how to say I know nothing of the history of oppression in the USA without saying I know nothing about the history of oppression in the USA ????‍♂️
  18. Whatever he was, he DID NOT deserve an extrajudicial death sentence at the hands of a cop, full stop.
  19. Since cannabis is still a schedule 1 drug in the USA and there has been only extremely limited clinical study compared to all other drugs, how has the medical profession come to this definitive conclusion?
  20. Really? For some of us it is a cure. I understood very early in life that I am a better person, both to myself and others, when I self-medicate with cannabis daily. Works for me, but I don't evangelize to others. I suggest you don't either.
  21. I thought the thread was about creativity, not the biz ????????????
  22. Yep. Same way white Americans copied it from black Americans.
  23. Yes, because backing a militaristic psycho has worked out well for the West in the past ????????
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