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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. What world are you living on? Since when have you had "choice" when dealing with corporate entities? You get the customer service the give - full stop.
  2. No, but struggling with your weird decision-making ????
  3. Glad I'm not your friend!
  4. I dunno. Should coowners pay for lighting not on their floor? Should they pay for ANY amenities they don't use? Think about it.
  5. Have you read some of the inane questions on this forum? This thread is comparatively university level.
  6. So, if older than 5 yrs you gotta go to the testing shop, then go online and do their job? I don't get how this is any easier.
  7. I am the only one who read the catturd bleat that Flynn was commenting on? Seems to me like he thinks every country's media covers events the same as billion-dollar funded US media. What a larf. All that embedded US media never once reported anything real or significant in a timely manner. They broadcast what the Defence Department wanted you to see. Think other countries may do something similar?
  8. Yeah, I bet Ukraine's first concern at the moment is sending arbourists to trim trees ???????? Who types this stuff?
  9. DeSantis will be CRUSHED by 45. It like he doesn't even understand the game being played. If he miraculously beats 45 in a primary it will be because true conservative Republicans dumped a BOATLOAD x 10 of millions of dollars into the campaign. But I'd take odds against it. Trump will win the primary and lose the Presidentcy, lose seats in the house, and lose seats in the Senate. You heard it here first folks.
  10. I've lived in Martha's Vineyard... More of a nightmare than a dream.
  11. I know you are not dense... Just being willfully obstinate? "the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from Black people. Just get the <deleted> away."
  12. I always enjoyed Dilbert strips. The author actually knows a lot about the white condition. ????????????????????????????????????????????????
  13. From the voices that whine about Legos, M&Ms, and children's books. When y'all think something is not fair the whole right media winds up caterwauling like a bunch of babies...
  14. Don't give Kev an out like that. MG is horrible, but Kev is the one responsible. As a boss, would you let your coworkers trample all over you?
  15. Cool. So in your community you have 100% defunded the police and private citizens are now doing their job. Good for you. How's that working out anyway?
  16. This is no longer a discussion of whether you believe in God but just apologetics. Sad.
  17. Have you done your own search for the compressor on Amazon etc?
  18. Was that not definition enough?
  19. You will go nuts if you are looking to pressure him. Leave it in his name and enjoy your vehicle. Som nom na.
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