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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. Members of Congress of both parties do not work for the "people", they work for their donors. Their donors are significantly invested in, or actually are, pharmaceutical companies. The issue is NOT saving money for taxpayers, it is losing money for their donors.
  2. Grabbing the popcorn, this is getting good!
  3. I'm confused. Is the R. I. N. O. the one who was a follower of Ross Perot and his Reform Party, then a Democrat, then an independent, before settling on his ideal marks? Or the the one who has been deeply embedded in the Republican Party for 35 years, since 1987?
  4. You do understand that stand alone clinics operate within hospitals in Ontario, right?
  5. That is not true at all. Many hospitals in Ont have embedded "clinics" which can offer service direct to the public. Sounds like that is what this is. There was a recent in-depth segment on a clinic in London Ontario doing something similar on the CBC.
  6. Now you sound like Ye defending you-know-who...
  7. The teflon don (Gotti not 45 ????) was untouchable... until he wasn't. Watch out for the business and tax lawsuits.
  8. When you are handed curated information from someone in power with an agenda, attempting to control a narrative, that is NOT journalism. Does not matter if it is the CIA or a CEO doing it, you are a stooge, not a journalist.
  9. Yep. Currently need to be a Trumpeteer to win a primary, but then cannot win in a general...
  10. 5555 Biden has played this game since the 19 FN 70s. And you think he hasn't seen it all or know what he's in for? Get real. His skin is titanium compared to the ex whinger in chief.
  11. To my layman's eyes, and to most independants, NOT issuing any referrals after what was learned by the committee from mostly 45's inner circle would have been a travesty. A very wise man once said, "everything is political". Being "political" is not a shield from justice.
  12. Why then is presumptive speaker McCarthy not touting an investigative committee to look into Biden's coup? Looking into the laptop of someone who has zero political power seems to be barking up the wrong tree, nay, the wrong frig gen forest! ????????
  13. Yeah, true. And it was good to see the "real news" part of FoxNews push back against H's "entertainment" ???????? face it... there is no "news" at the network at all.
  14. So, you are a English language grammar nazi who doesn't care about spelling. Of course, that makes perfect sense ????
  15. What difference does that make?
  16. Funny that with the GOP taking control of the house next month, proclaiming all the investigative committees they will be establishing: Fauci; the laptop; investigating the Jan 6th investigators; etc... that they have NOT said anything about an investigative committee to look into the massive Democrat fraud, vote changing, basic coup, that put Biden into power over the real winner. Funny that, eh? All the committees they are ballyhooing seem to be distractions - why aren't they going after the big fish? Did they actually believe their own rhetoric any longer than Hanity?
  17. So... Just like every other social media app then, eh. Big reveal ????
  18. So let me get this straight. The exact same group of people, with the exact same ideology, can be both terrorist AND freedom fighters depending on your perception of the ideology of the country they are fighting. Yeah, right, that makes perfect sense. ????
  19. Well that makes it so much better. ????????
  20. Ok... That worked well for Neville in the 30s, let's give it another go! ????
  21. And... What has morality got to do with systems of law, the original point if the post I replied to?
  22. Well, we are not talking about vacays or holidays are we. Rich expats do Saudi tho. https://www.expatarrivals.com/middle-east/saudi-arabia/moving-saudi-arabia
  23. All of which has zero to do with expats living 24/7/12 in a country. You are a snowbird, not an expat.
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