What a load of excretion. I've lived here for over a decade. Best people I've met. Anywhere.
"Just ask"... blah, blah, blah. Do they live here? Do you? What DO you ACTUALLY know about NST other than click-bait?
But mostly wrong. Weather modification has been attempted by many nations since the 1950s. Mostly unsuccessfully and never anywhere near "controlling the weather".
It came from the Smithsonian Museum. Here is the context:
Only someone who has no clue would post this. Males and females have served together for decades in subs. The only difference with this launch is that the sub has been designed to accommodate both genders, not retrofitted.
Ooooh, big conspiracy.
Maybe. Although one has a convention upcoming shortly where every media outlet in the world will be reporting. Doubt the silence on that side will last long 😉