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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 8 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

    Right! Like prohibiting alcohol in the US totally got rif of alcohol!

    No one is asking for another prohibition. It doesn't work for alcohol, cannabis, or guns. That is well established, as you noted. 


    But you, and many others, fail to take the next logical step - what did and does work? 


    Surprise! When alcohol prohibition ended, laws and regulations were enacted to control the industry. 


    Do you currently feel overly restricted in purchasing alcohol in the USA? 


    Is there a logical reason the same solution won't work for guns? 

    • Thanks 1
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  2. 1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Sounds like you'd prefer they wouldn't have this right? Why would that be?

    Dig as deep as you want to confirm your bias. You won't find it on this forum or anywhere else. Why do you feel the need to be accusatory, immediately, without reason? 


    Anyway, I'm a realist. The ICC can do very little to nothing to the actual perpetrators of the raid - they fled back to Gaza. Israel needs no help from the ICC in either tracking, or bringing to justice, the Hamas leaders. 


    It is politically demonstrative and toothless, just as was South Africa's action. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

    I take it you've got a problem reading the OP. They have taken the case to the ICC, not the ICJ. The ICC can issue arrest warrants for the leaders of Hamas. 


    Yes, I'm sure sitting on the naughty step is all you'd wish for.

    The ICC has NO enforcement arm. They must rely on the cooperation of sovereign nations national police to enforce any warrant they issue. Hamas IS Gaza's government AND police force. 


    Do you see the problem with your statement?


    Also very possible it was a typo by the poster you responded to. Why so agro? 

    • Confused 1
    • Agree 2
  4. 15 minutes ago, Tropicalevo said:

    Oh doubting Thomas.

    As  I said.

    No third party apps - just the ones from Samsung/AIS that I cannot uninstall.

    And still no WIFI .



    1 hour ago, Crossy said:


    🤣🤣 did you not understand, "updates this year will be dominated by AI—much of it from Google." 🤣🤣 What does your turning off WiFi do to stop AI apps running? Do you think Samsung doesn't use AI embedded in Apps? 

    • Haha 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    I remember he said he is not a big traveller. He said something to the effect that he could not see himself on a dusty bus full of people and chickens in Africa or something. Nor did he want to do action stuff like skiing. Could relate to that a bit. 


    Not sure why you are being so harsh. He does some good clever stuff on politics and is good at taking Trump to task - he picked that he wouldn't accept losing long before the election - to the point that Trump mentions him sometimes as a loser comedian or something which has to be a compliment. Yes I mentioned Trump. 

    Being harsh because of your first paragraph. If he dors not want to get out of his bubble and experience what this great big world has to offer, I have no time for him. 

    • Agree 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    I'm a fan of his show and also like his casual sessions on Club Random with guests on youtube. No need to agree with everything he says or thinks to find value in his shows.

    Interestingly he just did a Club Random with Kanye and I think for the first time didnt release because Kanye was spouting so much Jew hatred. I wonder why book him if he expected anything else but I guess he wanted to give him a chance.



    A classic one:


    Unfortunately Bill has not been relevant, or even relevant adjacent for decades. 

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