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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. Just now, uttradit said:

    That is true. He is famous so can do a podcast easily and get an audience if he wants. Traditional TV is nearly dead.



    He did try that on xitter... didn't work out so well. He needed FOX more than they needed him. 

    • Agree 2
  2. 9 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


    In fact, the guys in Taiwan call the Chinese gov:  GongFei, which means Chi-Com Bandits.


    When we are forced to use our phones to interact with the Chi-Com Bandits, or their Running Dogs, then this just give them increased control over us, and allows them to collect more extensive knowledge about each and every user.


    I will ===always=== resist the ChiComs, and will fight to my dying breath, to remain free of them.


    Let Freedom Ring!

    This concept is in my blood, for example:



    This is not a joke.

    I despise the despicable ChiComs.

    And, I will not fall into step by using their mobile apps, either.

    I know you can understand me, even if I might seem a bit rabid about this subject, at times.

    The only good ChiCom....and all that....as far as I am concerned....



    Did you just teleport in from the McCarthy era? Wow. 

  3. On 1/25/2024 at 7:16 PM, Stocky said:

    I don't think Chiang Rai is anywhere near that big, the total population for the province is only 1.2 million, I don't think the Chiang Rai 'metropolitan area' is more than 250k.


    Ditto Surat Thani, that's probably about the same size or smaller.

    No, the number for Surat metro area is about right. The one I question is NST. The metro area is WAY more than 100k.

  4. 44 minutes ago, newbee2022 said:

    Yes, it is. Registered or not, because it's not species appropriate. WWF will tell you. Or UNCAHP or PETA. Strange that you don't know that.😵‍💫

    Huh? None of those organizations have any ability to control the laws of sovereign nation. And international law can only, just barely, prosecute the worst of the worst genocidal maniacs. It relies on the laws of sovereign nations to prosecute animal traffickers. If a nation has a law that says you can, there is zero any of the above organizations can dodo other than harass individuals. 

    • Thanks 2
  5. 18 hours ago, retarius said:

    if EVs are the wave of the future, you are right in your decision. If it turns out they are an expensive gimmick, you will have been wrong.

    Curious as to whether there was the same "right or wrong" function related to purchasing VHS or Beta back in the day? The worse tech won out. Personally I do not see a right or wrong judgement in any of these decisions. 

    • Like 2
  6. 8 hours ago, ozimoron said:


    I agree. Trump chose Pence because he needed the bible vote. He just miscalculated on Pence's willingness to break the law. Trump still needs the bible vote. Look for him choosing a Trumpian evangelist. Certainly nobody who voted against him. Other than that, he might choose Leonard Leo or anyone he nominates because of the essential fund raising aspect.

    I predict he will choose a woman. Certainly not meatball Ron as some seem to be wetting their pants over. His strategists are smart enough to know what the biggest election issue will be. There are a lot of pissed off women out there. I think they are being massively undercounted. Look at the voting results of attempting to restrict rights even in the reddest states. 

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