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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 52 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       No one is outraged , but you would at least expect a news story to have photos of the news story in question , rather than just random photos of something connected to the story .

       Anyone would think that the published  photo is of the children in question .

    Like, Biden won the American elections, here's a photo of Trump winning the elections 

    You have never worked in the news industry have you. 


    I'll give you a task. Go to your favourite news source and do the easier job, count how many images ARE NOT stock photos or credited related images. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 17 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    You don't read this forum as much as I then - the 'frequency of such news' comment is based on the amount of news on this forum of Middle Easterners who end injured or dead on motorcycles in areas such as Pattaya and Patong.


    ... My bias has been created by reading this forum and then confirmed when I read further news of such incidents.  Give it a few weeks and we'll read of some Middle Eastern guys racing their rented bikes, they'll most likely be from Kuwait...  Yes, thats my bias, but that bias has not been formed out of thin air... I could be wrong of course, it could be three weeks !... 





    So your daily input of info is your subjective analysis of subjective information. OK. 

  3. 1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Fair enough - in this case my bias did cloud my judgement as its now apparent to me that the deceased lived in Thailand and was not a tourist. 


    Yet...  my bias exists for a reason... when I read of a Middle Easterner who has died on a motorcycle in Pattaya my thoughts are influenced by the many reports that have gone before of unlicensed Middle Eastern guys, racing / ragging rented bikes through the streets of Pattaya and Patong....  Surely the frequency of such news is not something you've missed before ??

    Kinda depends on what your daily input of info is. When I read the story I had no such bias. I live in a fishing/tourist town in the South. Your bias would never have occurred to me. The "frequency of such news" Is virtually nonexistent. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. Your problem does not appear to be with "doctors". 


    It appears as though you have a problem with reality. 


    It is up to you to sift through the nuances of the medical profession. I couldn't care less about them worrying about their professional credentials, just like I wouldn't worry about any other professionals personal concerns.


    I find professionals I can work with and leave the bitching and whining to weirdos like you. 

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