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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. On 1/17/2024 at 2:28 PM, Jingthing said:

    A realistic list but back to reality:


    Biden is old BUT


    He's the incumbent

    He's objectively had a successful first term

    The economy is in great shape even though the people don't perceive that (very low unemployment, recession avoided, stock market booming, inflation under control)

    Historically no incumbent in such a position wouldn't run (and they would usually win)

    Trump is on the path to be nominated and Biden beat him before

    Biden has hinted he might exit if it isn't trump, but it looks like it will be trump


    Yes, things could change.

    Trump could be in jail.

    Either candidate's health could fall apart.


    But as it stands now, dream on, Biden is running.




    He has been BETTER than I expected. 




    He delivered LITTLE of what he ran on. 




     He ran on being TRANSITIONAL


    45 sucked and should never be allowed near the levers of power again. But 46 aint no jewel in America's crown. There are better candidates out there. Get over your fear. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 20 hours ago, FruitPudding said:


    So, you would choose a BYD over a similar model of Tesla, if they were the same price?

    But that's not the playing field is it? 


    Would you buy a Seiko if it was the same price as a Rolex? Apples n oranges. 

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  3. 21 hours ago, Trippy said:

    Most of those jobs are just re-hires after the pandemic. Net worth going up is because people's houses exploded in value. But that's just paper wealth, people need somewhere to live.

    Are you implying that jobs lost during the pandemic were guaranteed to come back? USA's post-pandemic economic recovery has been better than most rich nations.


    What in God's name do YOU think the ratio of home ownership to renting is across the entire USA? Hint... There's way more renters. It indicates the rich have gotten richer. 

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Guderian said:


    Sadly, this doesn't seem to apply in the Pattaya Gogo Bars... I'm sure some of the girls are older than I am, and I'm drawing my UK old age pension! lol

    🤣🤣 surprise, surprise 🤣🤣


    All the girls younger than you figured out social media and onlyfans during the pandemic. 


    7 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    You had the worst thoughts you could possibly think of at 13..... Sicko... :neus:

    Apparently I was a very imaginative child.


    Much better than, from your response, seems to your situation, where your thoughts are getting more and more evil as u age... I left behind the darkness by the time I left my teens. 

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