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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 8 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

    I don't think it's weird, and I also think it might be a lot more common than reading this forum might suggest.


    I also think there is a sizable quiet population who aren't the 60 something with the 20 something and look like a normal married couple in the West.


    Me and MrsG have discussed what happens as we enter our twilight years, none of us know when we will depart, but for all of us it's an inevitability.


    Our kids, both American and Thai are now in their 20/30's and would never expect  anything from us, but if I(we) can leave them something I'd say my work is done

    Well said. Other than my wife n kids being farang, and my condos in Toronto we have reached the same conclusion! 😃

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  2. 3 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

    No is the simple answer.


    The kids will inherit a condo each, which generate my retirement income today.


    My wife, if she outlives me (we're only a few years apart so who knows) will get our house, plus whatever is in the bank and my survivor social security benefits.


    We live pretty comfortably, don't see any need to liquidate assets for a total end of it all blow out!

    Almost exactly the same. Weird 😄

  3. 6 hours ago, bob smith said:

    im thinking about taking a Thai course in the new year to perfect my speaking and possibly reading.


    These days I dont like to show off that I can speak thai,

    especially in tourist ghettos as I have had many thais tell me in the past that foreigners who can speak thai are no good.


    Has anyone else ever experienced this sort of negativity?


    these days I am very cautious about using thai in front of thais,

    many of them dont like the fact that a foreigner can speak their lingo.



    18 yrs. Never experienced negativity re speaking Thai. 🤷‍♂️

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  4. 22 minutes ago, bob smith said:

    the more I look around the more i see western men with thai wives/gf's and 3/4 kids in tow.


    this got me thinking.

    are farangs slowly colonizing Thailand through reproduction with local women?


    In a couple generations from now we are going to have thousands, perhaps millions of luk krung kids walking about.

    maybe one day one of them will be the PM.

    who knows!


    we all know how proud thais are at never being colonized by the west, but it seems to me that it's already well underway.

    just not overtly. but if farangs keep pounding away at the local brass then thai bloodlines may be altered forever.



    Haha... I guess then, with your criteria, Indians, Chinese, and Persians "colonized" Thailand centuries ago... 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Amazing network of tunnels found.


    Israeli forces say they have found network of tunnels connected to Hamas leaders' homes

    Israeli forces say they have uncovered a network of tunnels in the heart of Gaza City with entrances connected to the houses of Hamas leaders.

    Israel Defense Forces claim Hamas leaders have been using the well-built network of tunnels daily and in emergencies.

    Images appear to show the tunnels could be accessed by spiral staircases and had heavy blast doors, electricity and plumbing.



    Why r u posting this? Do u think it is new? 

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  6. 18 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       That could think "What cased this war" and "How can we stop another war happening again " ?


    Unfortunately both sides think the other started it. They are not in the mind set of, "can we stop the cycle", they are in the mind set of vengeance. 😢

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Morch said:


    No, that would be your own ignorance speaking and your own echo chamber's view exaggerated and twisted.


    In effect, there is no need to totally crush Hamas, enough to hurt it bad enough to make it a non-factor (or a way lesser one). This will not solve the core problems, but will deal with the flavor of the day terrorist threat.


    There is no need to bomb the West Bank at all. Hamas infrastructure there is nothing compared to the Gaza Strip.


    Chase into Lebanon? Egypt? Are you even remotely familiar with the geography of the region?


    Countless? Another of your hyperbole exaggerations.


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  8. 53 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    They're rich, and can fly in whoever they want.  Fly in from where?🤪Might have guest quarter for his chopper pilot. So, how many staff? StarLink for internet. Powered by? And who r u talking to in this scenario? 


    Sounds like a smart move, and why not, when you are that rich.  Could have just bought into space at one of the silos offering living accommodations. Actually, sounds like u watch too much sci-fi 🤣


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  9. Hi Danielle. Fellow Canuck. Unfortunately, what you are describing is not really available. Maaaaybe an education visa for learning Thai language would be your best option, but that route has been abused and can have it's own problems. 


    Check the Thai Embassy to Canada for (legal) options. Check out and ask at the FB group Canadians in Phuket. 

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