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Everything posted by Pravda

  1. That's right. It's down because of increasing competition. This is why I laugh when people say Bitcoin is limited to 27 million as if coins can't be created out of tin air. Don't forget....some of the smartest minds said Bitcoin is going to be worth half a million dollars. That was 2 years ago and he didn't $$$$ his own $$$$ RIP
  2. Besause stocks don't crash 50% unless it's a depression. Housing prices don't crash 50% unless there is a civil war. Crypto has multiple extreme ups and downs which indicates pumping and dumping. Shiba was top 10 coin by market cap....haha explain that.
  3. I absolutely did miss a crypto boat. Is this really all you got? Does this mean you should keep posting false information and pumping an "asset" based on computer hash? Lol Still waiting for the list of exchanges that take Chinese money. Where is it?
  4. But you own polkadot - down 75% Yes, I'm buying the dip, but not HODLing. Never.
  5. Why are you sensitive about precious Bitcoin? It only dropped another $200 since you posted the video 5 minutes ago. And 50% drop since its high. And please name the exchanges where Chinese can open the account. I'm curious.
  6. Yes. It's so easy to open in foreign exchanges which are completely controlled by governments. More expected misinformation from you. But keep dishing the emojis
  7. Yes... And that brings me back to choice. Not many people have the luxury of time like we do. People are in different situations.
  8. Treadmill is the only exercise I do. I hate running, I mean I really do, but it is absolutely the best thing for sweating and circulation. And after I run, I start feeling better. I drink more water, or course, my stomach reflux which is chronic improves dramatically and I sleep better at night. But I'm pretty anal about the time I run. It has to be between 4-5pm and on empty stomach. Just a cup of coffee before.
  9. It's nice to sit in a comfy chair, getting your overseas pension and say everything is about choice. Some people don't get a choice. Living healthy is not a choice for many as much as it's not a choice for old Thai women who sit on the street begging for food. My absolute favorite about choice is when some rich American goes on and on about his hard work as if that's the only thing that made him rich and not the about actual opportunities that helped him get rich. There is no choice, stop dreaming. I highly doubt obese people want to be obese.
  10. Nothing should be coming. But perhaps something should be coming towards their parents
  11. Something has been scaring me lately. I really do think that once you cease to exist, chances are you will exist again. Not necessarily a reincarnation, more like waking up somewhere, another universe, another dimension. Imagine the endless suffering you will have to endure, being either some kind of animal, plant, an intelligent being on another brutal planet or whatever. Maybe even being born in some kind of matrix. Perhaps this really is hell.
  12. Neeranam is busy giving out sad and confused smileys. Some of these crypto were promising to solve world hunger. Nothing worry
  13. What do you mean it's fake? You pay 2300 baht, you get what you pay for. As for review it's legit, it's just Chinese seller and they answer nonsense like this all the time.
  14. Oh dear..... https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2022/01/20/bank-of-russia-calls-for-full-ban-on-crypto/ So essentially the 24/7 hour casino is closed for Chinese, Indians, and soon Russians. That's more than half a planet. This does not look good at all for crypto.
  15. What is it with televised executions, castrations and my school is better than yours? How do you castrate a woman, btw? Or is it still a high five when you get abused by old ladies?
  16. How about just following the law, throwing teachers in jail for inappropriate contact, police taking assault reports seriously and generally have a justice system to deal with it. Then there would be no need for televised execution for your sick enjoyment. Also that word you like throwing a lot so much, please be careful when accusing other posters.
  17. Every word in this sentence is wrong. How did you manage?
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