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Robert Tyrrell

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Everything posted by Robert Tyrrell

  1. Hello , Not a great article considering Russian Oligarchs are supporters of Putins Genocide War in Ukrain !! I wouldn’t be boasting about it Thailand, I’d be telling to pack it up and GET THE HELL OUT OF THAILAND !!
  2. Doesn’t it though 55555 , I love ❤️ Thailand, It’s people, Culture and food I’ve been retired here going on 6 years. I’m convinced I’m an Astronaut and I’ve landed on a strange new world , Planet Thailand 55555 That’s ok though it’s more entertaining then aggravating I’ve gotten over that hump :)
  3. Good Morning, I can only say this Thailand , I’m an American expat retired in Thailand, I love Thailand , It’s Culture , People and Food ???? However as an American ???????? When you visit my home your certainly NOT !! Dual priced on ANYTHING !! We have been slowly moving out of a Pandemic and now with Inflation at our doorstep and with Thailand ???????? Largely dependent on Tourism in my opinion your just driving a nail into your own coffin , WAKE UP THAILAND !! ????
  4. How about getting off !! The oil addiction and turn to Green Energy alternatives !! We have the Technology, We are just allowing the fossil fuel industry to control us !!
  5. Good Morning ???? The Question is Thailand, Do you support Oppression, Dictatorship and Genocide !!? Some very serious!! Questions !
  6. Hello , Thailand, Then kiss a large percentage of your Tourism Industry GOODBYE !! This was one of the attractions and mainstay of Thailand cheap Holidays. !! Especially now with inflation EVERYONE WANTS CHEAP HOLIDAYS !! ????
  7. Good Morning what I don’t understand is when Visa and Immigration Laws changed I believe between 2018-2019 , These Visa Services would be illegal and not in accordance with Thai Immigration Law. Most of these agency use bogus/ fraudulent bank accounts and those are the services I’m referring to, Showing that foreigners have the Financial required amounts in there possession for the financial requirements under Thai Immigration Law , But most do not !! It seems a double standard to me. The other thing is I’ve herd and seen Visa Services charging between 12,000-20,000 Baht for one annual visa to be processed, Absolutely highway robbery in my opinion, Especially when I can meet the financial requirements and pay 1900 Baht annually with the fee Visa Services charge I could do between 7-9 Years of Visa renewals at that cost, CRAZY !! If they were shafted/Ripped Off using that type of service I mentioned above, I don’t feel sorry for them one bit. There stupidity buying into this double standard and shadiness is on them !! ????
  8. Hello, WOW !!! 9 Hospital visits for weed , Not bad considering Thailand’s population is over 70 Million !! ???? Now how many hospital visit were there for Alcohol related incidents ? How many for Automobile and Motorcycle Accidents and Fatalities !!?? COME ON !! STOP !! MAKING A BIG DEAL OUT OF NOTHING !!
  9. No difference with alcohol in Thailand # in road fatalities in the world !! Enforcement in Thailand is needed , I’ve seen alcohol neglect that’s killed people in Thailand they give the family money and walk away scott free !! In America ???????? We call that vehicular homicide jail and civil lawsuits for a offender.
  10. Hello , The banter is absolutely ridiculous !! Just like alcohol you have laws , They have set rules and laws by age limit you must be over 20 years old , None shall be consumed or used if you are in school , University ect… Many places in the world have made mariajuna legal for medical or personal consumption. Seems to me Thailand ???????? You have more problems with alcohol and unsafe road safety and lack of enforcement of it then coming out with these crazy assumptions !!
  11. Hello , This market is going to explode with opportunities for the Thai Farmer and a huge Thai Government Tax Money Revenue Benefit ! ????
  12. Good Morning ????, Thailand roads are very dangerous, This is why there rated #2 In the world ???? For high road fatalities !! And little consequences and lack of Law Enforcement !! My Thai wife’s Aunt was killed by a driver clearly speeding not to mention being in a school zone speeding. The driver says there sorry’s and gives the family some money and walks away Scott FREE !! Im American ???????? Retired in Thailand, In America ???????? That’s considered Vehicular Homicide and in a school zone on top of it you’d definitely be doing jail time and paying fines and Civil Lawsuit filed against you by the family.
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