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Posts posted by brokenbone

  1. 33 minutes ago, jastheace said:

    yes, all makes sense now. thanks. hope no one brings a different view on the sun spot cycle, I will be completely fluffed up.

    thanks 5* for effort, ta very much cob

    the sun spots is unrelated to milankovitch cycles

    but none the less has major implications, like

    the 'minor ice age' that had its peak 1650-1700, the ocean is still recovering from that, it takes eternity for the endless volume of the ocean to respond to changes in temperature, like hundreds to thousands of years, this is why co2 levels

    lag behind temperature fluctuations by 800 years. (al gore misinterpreted the graphs and thought co2 leads temperature,

    while the records show the exact opposite, that rising co2 is an effect of rising temperature)

    temp & co2.jpg

    • Like 2
  2. On 2/3/2019 at 10:24 AM, JAG said:

    Belgium, The Netherlands and Denmark are, effectively, economically entirely dependent on Germany. I have heard a couple of Dutch friends of my mine bemoan the fact that they are "an economic colony" (since we are on the subject!).


    im not from either of those but the fact is germany is by far our largest trade partner, and any disturbance with trade with germany will have an effect on our economy,

    brits will soon understand this

  3. On 10/16/2019 at 9:04 AM, ezzra said:

    Nero too, was fiddling while rome was burning... how do you divert attention from troubles at home? the Turkish economy is in the crapper with the devaluations of the turkish Lira and the megalomaniac sultan wannabe is embarking on a crusade to conquer land that he has no business being there in order to settle the millions of Syrian refugees there, Spring of peace he called the operation, how ironic...

    the levant is rightful ottoman claim

  4. ive had stranger things then that happen,

    after i transferred the first 100k to my thai bank account,

    i got an email from bkk bank saying there was

    an impeding doom of my account being closed

    if i didnt right away confirm back my account details.

    it was suspiciously like the daily ipcc reports

    so i went to the bank in question and asked

    what the alarmism was all about ?

    they denied sending any email demanding

    account details, and stated no closing was to be expected of my account.


  5. 13 minutes ago, jastheace said:

    there are / have been extensive works done all around the marsh, Dymchurch for example. other places eg birling gap, beachy head are being allowed to succumb to nature. hastings is quite a steep beach, so protected by the shingle washed up, so gets steeper. it will be noticed, just maybe not in our lifetime. most effect is around equatorial areas, yes, due to the moon. @transam

    sea levels are likely to continue rise ever so slightly

    until in a few thousand years when earth plummet into next ice age in line

    sea lv rise.jpg

    sea level rise.jpg

    ice age cycles.jpg



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. [Every year, we will continue to see more smoke unless we reduce the CO2 back to 1859 levels. ]


    i guess nobody told you, co2 is an invisible gas

    and entirely unrelated to the sot you see in chiang mai.


    well i guess in a way they are related,

    if we do nothing and let co2 slip below

    150 ppm co2, the plants will die so there wont be anything to burn.

    only problem is we also wont have anything to eat, since vegetation dies

    and with it all the other species in the food chain, like life stock and our self

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Damrongsak said:

    With the recent floods in Isaan, there are a whole bunch of people on the Korat plateau who know the earth is flat.  ????   A few years back, people in BKK realized the same thing. 


    I get tired of hearing about all this stuff.  Sure, humans are bad on the earth.  I do my part and keep a low environmental profile.  I don't drive all around polluting. I keep the house (in the USA) cold in the winter and hot in the summer.  When I was in Thailand way back when it was whatever the wind blew in.  Loei got cold and hot. I had a couple of light bulbs and very few possessions.  Life was good. 

    if you want to be eco-friendly and increase biomass,

    be sure to revv that cadillac and do your part for the plants. greenhouse owners found that many times over current co2 levels are optimal for nature


    there are benefits to raising the CO2 level higher than the global average, up to 1500 ppm.



    as of todays atmospheric co2 levels,

    plants are starving for co2,

    we really do need to get consious

    about our environment and release back co2 that over millions of years have been sequestered into fossils.

    us, the living things, evolved at a time with

    much much higher co2 levels then is today, well over 2000 ppm, compared to

    todays measly 400 ppm co2,

    5 times below the levels when we evolved.

    we became alive and evolved because of high co2 levels. co2 & h2o are the two

    most important molecules for life on earth



    co2 through history.jpg

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  8. 56 minutes ago, Ceruhe said:

    To be perfectly honest...


    - Automatic car, you are pretty much fine driving with 1 arm/1 leg/whatever. Manual, well...quite a bit more hassle.

    - You are deaf. Bit harder but kind of irrelevant. Chances are you are listening to music anyway and your windows are closed, although I keep my ears open, I don't need them to drive. Ambulances are hit or miss, I usually seem them before I can hear them, for whatever reason, Ambulances here seem to transmit their sirens at whisper volume.

    - Colorblind also doesn't matter. Traffic lights are (even for Thais) standardized, red on top, green on the bottom. Traffic signs are unique with a meaning, colors don't matter, though a helpful reminder.

    - 1 eye. That's a tough one due to losing depth perception, can be managed but needs a working brain along with drivings most important skill, situational awareness.

    - Blind. Get a taxi.

    agree on your assessment except for color blind,

    there is a lot that goes into it even if you somehow

    invented a traffic light system that a color blind can

    understand, like breaking lights, signal left/right

  9. 2 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

    Manmade global warming is a scientific fact....a

    Climate denial is just a cavalcade of fools

    so was consensus that earth was the center of universe

    back in the days of galileo...

    only one that think its a fact is john cook & Co,

    here, join them online and see if you can add some spin on cc

    http://www.hi-izuru.org/forum/The Consensus Project/2012-02-27-Official TCP Guidelines (all discussion of grey areas, disputed papers, clarifications goes here).html

    • Haha 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Solinvictus said:

    I support her and the efforts for activism to promote the need for a change in the current amount of carbon emissions.


    Why deny something with so much science behind it? Rising global temperatures making the sea levels rise.

    It's only like 100 companies that are responsible for the majority of emissions.


    " It gets even worse. The Carbon Majors Report revealed that more than half of all industrial emissions over the past 30 years were put out by just 25 corporate and state-owned entities. Twenty-five companies are killing us, smothering us, stealing our futures while choking us (and not the fun kind of consensual choking done in the bedroom. This is the bad kind of choking that results in drought and hurricanes and your dog stuck in a tree!). "



    Truthdig article Just 100 Companies Will Sign Humanity’s Death Warrant by Lee Camp 2.JPG


    On a side note, anyone seen that death metal remake of her speech? ????

    firstly, temperature causes the ocean to give up co2,

    giving an increase in atmospheric co2,

    not the other way around.

    secondly, choke on what exactly ?

    for your info plants die below 150 ppm co2,

    and with them, everything else on the planet surface,

    it came close to that at the bottom of last ice age,

    180 ppm.

    scientists already found a world wide biomass increase

    as a result of our effort to increase atmospheric co2 to 400 ppm, still a far cry off professional greenhouse owners

    that pump bottled co2 into the greenhouse up to 1200+ ppm, but far better then current atmospheric levels

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