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Posts posted by taxexile

  1. i'm afraid it is you who are the cave man, on the prowl for intimacy,under the 21 century guise of a good meal,fine wine and good conversation.

    what has your athletic build,prominently mentioned, got to do with good conversation? unless you propose to limit the conversation to weightlifting tecnique.

    if you wanted good conversation,company etc.etc. shouldn't you invite a mixed group to share your table and your wine.?

    come on, be honest,if this dinner party should end up in your hotel room,you would claim mission accomplished.

    ???  ???

  2. francois

    i dont like them,i cant tolerate them,i wish they would disappear.NOW.

    its just my own personal rant.

    i dont wish these people any personal harm (well,maybe a little bit if i'm really honest),but there seems to be more and more of them every year,and i wish there wasn't.

    there is nothing i can do about them except come on this forum and have my rant.

  3. tuk's pochana,sukhumvit 12,opposite the mini mart. second shop past the second alleyway.next to a little photo shop.before you get to the massage and hotel.

    small thai food shop,cooking done in the entrance,tin tables and stools,

    50-80b a dish.


    standard thai dishes.

  4. surprised it happened in a 7.11 where they have computerised tills that display the change that should be given.

    usually happens in smaller shops with no tills and shopkeepers that cant count....or are trying it on.

    thais always count their change carefully.

    it helps to tell the shopkeeper the amount that you hand over as you are handing it over if it is a large bill.

  5. Many of you have fleetingly implied that to be a "bum" may mean nothing more than having too much time on your hands.  
    personally, i dont think that having too much free time is a bad thing.if someone does not have to work,or does not want to work a lot in order to amass a fortune,and is content and able to live within their income,then fine.

    He was a bum. Happy with his lot,

    this guy sounds like a jovial eccentric,happy with his lot,probably not interfering with anybody else.no problem.

    Pete the Issan Farm dweller for example, makes the point about living out in the bush with the people he loves and respects and who, one assumes, love and respect him for what he has made possible for them.

    In my very small village we are liked, I suppose respected because we are able to bring things to the village which they wouldn't have otherwise had.

    My wife teaches the kids and the women to use English, I have a small company about 20 kms away, which I spend about 4 hours per day at. We have enough money to pay for our boys' meds and to have a decent meal on the table. We don't have a car, but a little honda dream which does just what I want it to do, get me to town. And overall I think of myself as lucky.

    If I apply the blanket generalisations which have been surfacing here and there in this forum, I would be, I think, a bum. I don't see myself like that and neither do my friends, all of whom, with 2 exceptions, are Thai.

    sounds like a fulfilled life,integrating happily within the community.
    What is a bum? Long hair? Short hair? Leasure wear and flip flops? Everything at the right time at a right place. Take a former landlord of an apprtmt where I lived, he looked a bit like a bum .

    haircuts and shoe choice do not a bum make.

    taxexile .... do you really mean waht you write here?

    I could agree with this antisocial behaviour, which is a fact in so many countries  

    but definitely, I can't agree with the background ...

    I just feel that you really don't like people you call losers,

    did you have any bad experience concerning this side of life?

    I wonder, because, it smells untolerance ...

    my intolerance is for the antisocial behaviour that i see.

    a loser,i.e. one who cannot make it in this world,one who has tried and failed.i can only wish them better luck next time.

    the guys who spend all their time in the bars,the pussy chasers,mr. soapy and mr.oily,well, why not.if i were not happily married i might join you.

    farmer giles up in issarn,with his wife and kids living on 5k,10k,15k,whatever a month. sounds like a good life.

    the retiree,or rich young whizz kid,doing nothing much,fine.

    enjoy your free time.

    but the falang who is constantly drunk,mouthing off about his wife and her brother,or his girlfriend,or his last lousy shag,the aggressive drunk,the loud and the ill-mannered,the ones who always seem to be looking for a fight,for trouble.the yobs.the people who think that the world owes them a living,always slagging off the thais and thailand,the characters who make no effort to integrate or understand the culture here,the westerners who behave with the aggressiveness that is the normal for back home,but out of order here.they may be rich or they may be poor,they may dress smart or they may dress scruffily.they may be on 50k a month or 5k a month. the demanding and ill-mannered tourist expecting perfect english and perfect cheeseburgers wherever they go.

    they are bums.

    they are bums in their home countries.

    they are bums here.

    they were bums yesterday

    and they will be bums tomorrow.

    and in all probability their offspring will be bums too.

    bums,lowlifes,scum,yobs,scroungers,no marks, call them what you will.

    i dont like them,i cant tolerate them,i wish they would disappear.NOW.

    and if any of the above mentioned types would like to join in this forum, please do.

  6. Getting rid of them may be possible, as proven by several European countries over the past century, when they decided they didn't like one particular undesirable group or another (gypsies, gays, Jews, etc.). You can move them on and discriminate against them (or even extererminate them),  


    i feel i must take issue with you over the above.

    by "getting rid" nobody (i hope ) is proposing extermination, and to equate moving on and trying to cut down the numbers of  foreign "bums" currently in thailand with racial genocide is a bit far fetched.

    if you had drunken noisy neighbours or foreign louts acting in a manner that offends the host culture you would indeed be a saint if you did not discriminate against them to the extent of making it harder for them to carry on doing it.

    i am not talking about people living their lives in quiet enjoyment,or even not so quiet enjoyment. this has nothing to do with financial status. most "bums" have enough to live on. their benefits are paid straight into their bank accounts.

    i doubt that you would try and reform them by pointing out the errors of their ways and offering them social,psychological and philosophical counselling. you can only tolerate so much,soon it becomes intolerable.

    to allow such behaviour is to condone it,thailand does not wish to be seen to condone it,and so will try and prevent it.

    along with the drug and corruption problems prevalent here.and i wish them well in their quest to improve thailand.

    thailand can only improve by cutting down on the numbers of undesirable elements in society. life will be better for all.

    western society has become a playground for "bums".the law is too weak to touch them.constant welfare handouts take away any incentive to look after ones self.the honest poor suffer but the criminals,the benefit fraudsters,the cheats,the lazy,those who want everything handed to them on a plate,those who know all about their "rights", but know nothing about their responsibilities within society.people with no consideration for their fellow man.the yobs.

    now these yobs come here.because their money goes a long way here.its not against the law.yet

    they should not be allowed to.

    intolerant ? against bums and yobs ? definately.

    phazey said "props" ???? what are "props"?

  7. if this happen in your home country, might be that you won't even notice it,
    this does happen in my home country, and these people are noticed.  turds will smell bad wherever they are  dropped.

    benefit scroungers,petty criminals,trailer trash and council flat

    scum. selfish oafs without morals. from the uk,the us,and europe.thailand is filling up with them because its cheap to live here and its expensive to live where they come from.

    drunken falangs,stumbling barefoot down sukhumvit,vomiting into the gutter,in the afternoon. british football supporters shouting racist obscenities at the top of their voices during the world cup last year.falangs begging for change, falang on falang punch ups,aggressive and obese americans insulting street vendors,russian thugs who think they own the place,etc.etc.etc.etc.

    no wonder there is anti-falang feeling among the thais.

    that kind of behaviour from thais would not be tolerated.

    the thais want them out,falangs who live here in quiet and peaceful enjoyment want them out,and the sooner they are out the better for the rest of us.

    round them up with the dogs and rats and dispose of them,they benefit nobody other than themselves.

    unfortunately, you cant make a law against dirty vests, stained trousers and less than beautiful spouses(that criticism was grossly unfair,by the way and totally uncalled for) so until the entry requirements are adjusted and/or the kind of establishments that attract these characters in their hundreds are regulated, they will continue to come. they are no good for thailand.

    if you call them losers,might be that they are, and so what?

    can you tolerate people different, even if you find them disturbing?

    i can tolerate most people so long as they dont make their presence felt with anti social behaviour and set bad examples to the impressionable.

    losers should not be allowed to keep on losing,there is safety in numbers for these losers here,cut down the numbers and the few remaining may even have a go at becoming winners.or leave.

    i have no sympathy for them, may their money run out quickly.

    if there are any yobs reading this then please reply and give us all some insight into your lifestyle of bad fashion and ugly behaviour.

  8. just lifted this from a posting on ajarn.com

    someone asked the british embassy for advice and received this e-mail in reply.

    The following is the email I have just received from the British Embassy....

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    The best advice I can offer you is to apply for a new passport at this Embassy as soon as possible.  We will impound your current passport and issue you with an explanatory letter for immigration.  You will then have to deal with Thai Immigration yourself.  They will check your record to see your last legal entry into Thailand and you will be expected to pay any visa overstay.  It is likely that you will be deported following this however and you risk a lifetime blacklisting for immigration purposes.  If you cannot pay your overstay fine, you will be taken to the immigration Court and fined, placed in the Immigration Detention Centre until your fine is cleared (at a rate of 200 baht per day).  We will then help arrange your deportation.



    30 September 2003

    FOUR men from Douglas and Onchan arrested in Thailand more than two weeks ago face a wait before their fate is decided.

    Nicholas Walker, Justin Ringham, Paul Killey and Aaron Hay, all in their early 20s, ran into trouble after allegedly being duped into buying bogus visas through an advert.

    The four were arrested over the weekend of September 13 and 14 and held for three days in a Thai jail after being stopped by immigration authorities while trying to leave Thailand for Australia.

    They appeared before a Thai court on Friday.

    Mr Walker's uncle, Auban Walker, who has been coordinating the efforts to help his nephew and friends, spoke to them following the hearing.

    'They have got an adjournment for another 12 days when there might be a hearing,' he said.

    Mr Walker said he didn't know if a definite hearing date had been set.

    The four were among 15 Britons and travellers from other nations caught out by the alleged fraud that week.

    On Saturday, Daily Telegraph reported two more Britons were among six foreign tourists arrested at a border checkpoint in Thailand for having fake immigration stamps in their passports.

    The paper claims this brings the number of Britons charged with visa offences in the country in the past three weeks to 21.

    It says two weeks ago police arrested a tour operator after two Britons and a Dutch national were held at Bangkok airport for travelling on fake stamps from the agency.

    Mr Walker said the four, who were travelling on a round-the-world ticket, were 'naïve' to reply to an advert for visas.

    They spent three nights in jail because they were arrested at a weekend when the embassy was closed.

    Mr Walker collected the money to bail them and they are now staying in a hotel but are unable to leave the country until their case has been heard.


  10. "People live to work,....... It's the human condition. "

    not all people live to work.

    not all people find their jobs so satisfying that they cant wait for the next challenge or crisis to arrive.

    many people are bored and disatisfied with their work.if you are happy in your work,you are a lucky man,and should be grateful that you get so much satisfaction from your work.

    i would think that a lot of people live for the day when they have made enough to be able to say "thats it.i'm out of here.now its time to catch up on all those things that i've been promising myself for the past few years."

    Westerners who come here thinking they will be happy doing nothing end up in trouble,

    i dont follow the logic of that. you can't do "nothing",you have got to be doing something. do you mean all those people not in gainful employment or self-employment are doomed to a life of "trouble"?

    plenty of westerners seem to do "nothing",seem quite happy,dont get in anybody elses way and stay out of trouble.

    good for them

    they are as happy doing "nothing" as some people are working.

    if you can be happy doing "nothing" and are self sufficient (i.e. not dependant on hand outs from state or family) then you are as successful as the working man happy facing challenges.

    life is about achieving happiness, THAT is the human condition

  11. you've fantasised and worried and pondered and asked and deliberated for too long.

    you will probably be disappointed when you finally experience the garlic flavoured reality of a night of paid for lust with a bunch of well used diseased scrubbers who will have more fun counting your money than giving you a good time.

    with such specific requirements and (i assume ) not being able to speak any thai,the opportunities for misunderstandings will be great as will the opportunities to contract some awful and hard to treat infections that could leave you with a dayglow penis,green lips and mango sized testicles.

    a good tip? .....  a jizz mag and a hand shandy followed by a weeks trek in mae hong son,(a scenic jungly type area in the north west of thailand).

    think on lad.

  12. There has been a lot of talk lately about a certain kind of falang living in thailand,no exact description is given,but they are referred to as undesirables or bums, the type of falang that the thais would like to see the back of,the type of falang that gives falangs a bad name,the sort of falang who we wouldnt want boning our sisters.

    What exactly is a "bum",is it a character trait,a lifestyle choice,or an attitude?

    Can they be spotted by their choice of clothing,their spending habits or by the company they keep?

    And what is so bad about these people that we all want to see the back of them? are they enjoying themselves too much? are they the sort of people we would like to be if only we had the balls to break out of our constricted lives?

    So come on all you lowlifes out there,what have you got that no board member would admit to having,and why are we always slagging you off????????????

  13. Axxxx and Aey will pick you up at airport with Aey's car.{Bud replies} Oh, how very kind of the both of you, two ladies coming to greet me at the airport, certainly I feel so honored .. {Axxxx states} Aey will drop us off at Woodland Inn hotel. {Bud replies} Aey is so kind to be so helpful too the both of us, she is truly very idealistic, and very kind. She truly is such a friend and support system to you ..

    {Axxxx says} Miss you, {Bud replies} I look forward to meeting the both of you in person ..


    hook,line and sinker.

    reel 'em in.

    chew 'em up.

    spit 'em out.

    may the good lord have mercy on your soul.

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