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Posts posted by taxexile

  1. Heck if a US citizen commits murder in Thailand

    in this case the us citizen HAS committed murder and should therefore be extradited to receive his punishment

    if a citizen is suspected of committing murder then the procedure is (i think) for the extradition warrant to be issued along with the evidence behind that suspicion.then the us courts would decide the outcome.

    i agree with you about the thai legal lottery.

  2. my belief/understanding is that some agents actually sent the pasports to the border,the passports were stamped out,entered into the computer,sent across and stamped in and out,and back into thailand and stamped in,entered into the computer again,all with the aid of immigration officers who were being paid for their trouble.some passports may have been sent on to neighbouring countries thai embassies and valid visas entered before heading back to the borders etc.

    in other words all is "legal"(except the passport went without its owner) according to the computer records.

    some agents just stamped away in the back room with fake stamps,the passports never left the country and no details exist on the computer.

    some interesting personal experiences about this scare over on ajarn.com    much less doom and gloom about it.

    at the end of the day though, real facts are hard to come by and substantiate and all involved are enduring sleepless nights and edgy days.

  3. these posts are from ajarn.com

    where a less pessimistic view of things seems to be surfacing.make of it what you will.

    i hope the moderators of either board do not object to "cross-posting" like this.

    Chalk Face

    Group: Members

    Posts: 432

    Joined: July 2003  Posted: Sep. 21 2003,22:56  


    Please, please will people stop trying to cause panic? I've said this ten times and I guess I'm going to have to repeat it many times more.

    Visas and stamps from various agencies, the W*** , S*A and Vinnie the Visa spring to mind, are perfectly legit, in the data bank, and bring forth sunshine and smiles from the lads and lassies down at the Immigration Office at Saun Plu.

    Admittedly, there were very poor forgeries from a KSR con artist, but the vast majority of folks on this board have NOTHING to worry about.

    Enough is enough.


    "The more you know, the less the better."

    Billy Connolly's grannie, Flora.  

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    Chalk Face

    Group: Members

    Posts: 432

    Joined: July 2003  Posted: Sep. 21 2003,23:25  


    I posted this 10 days ago, nothing's changed............


    I just got back from a trip to Immy on Soi Suan Pluu. In at 12.45 and out by 1.05. Sorted.

    Got a 1 year visa on the basis of a brand spanking new, slightly dodgy, Non-Immy-B supplied by Vic the Visa (a really nice geezer).I was lucky enough to get my sticky hands on that item just before the door slammed shut.


    I now have a new work permit on the basis of all this illegal activity and still sleep perfectly well at night.

    My particular Vic the Visa is probably less reputable than the W*** or S*A but he, and most others, send the passports down to Malaysia and have them bulk processed in the Consulate and at the border crossings. You might not have been there but your passport surely was.

    It's hardly any less legal than the gofers I see at Suan Plu and the Brit Embassy with stacks of passports for visa processing every time I visit.

    Too many people happy to spread doom and gloom on this board.


    "The more you know, the less the better."

    Billy Connolly's grannie, Flora.  

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    Bangkok Phil

    Group: Super Administrators

    Posts: 453

    Joined: July 2003  Posted: Sep. 21 2003,23:30  


    Thank you Chalk Face - the voice of sanity. The amount of doom and gloom being spread around by the 'I'm alright Jack' fraternity is getting very irritating.

  4. from the bangkok post today

    Apec leaders expected to buy `elite' cards

    Tourism Minister Sonthaya Kunpluem

    said he hoped the world leaders would buy the special cards which give life-long membership to individuals and 30-year membership to corporations. Cardholders would not have to leave Thailand for visa extensions as this could be arranged within the country, Mr Sonthaya said.

  5. from the bangkok post

    Apec leaders expected to buy `elite' cards

    Tourism Minister Sonthaya Kunpluem expects Apec leaders and delegates to snap up ``Thailand Elite Card'' packages at one million baht each.

    Mr Sonthaya said he hoped the world leaders would buy the special cards which give life-long membership to individuals and 30-year membership to corporations. Cardholders would not have to leave Thailand for visa extensions as this could be arranged within the country, Mr Sonthaya said.

  6. tutsiwarrior

    You said it brother... the Mexicans ain't got the shit that we have to deal with per the next year immigration rules. You want to retire there on a small income nobody cares...not like some local PM <deleted> dishing out 1m baht privilege cards and shafting the others. Someone needs to pull the rug out from under Sinatra for him to realise that white folks made this country...the tourist proclivity for cheap pussy and nice beaches bouyant like empty oil drums.

    from your argument above you are obviously a sensible human being capable of rational decisions.the rational decision in your case would be to leave for a place where you would feel more welcome.where white folks like yourself would be appreciated more.  what are you waiting for?? whats holding you back?? yes,the thais might feel that life was harder without you here,but i'm sure they would somehow manage.

    need a hand with your bags?

  7. i'm not sure if i'm correct here ,but if i'm not, maybe someone will post to correct.

    to make your new passport "legal"  you have to go to the immigration office and ask them to put a "visa" or stamp in.

    they will want to know when you entered thailand so that they can then stamp your passport so that you can remain in thailand until the end of your original visa.

    they check your name and the date of entry that you tell them against their records.

    if you tell them the date of your "false entry stamp",it wont be in their records and they will be suspicious and maybe worse.

    if you tell them the date of your last legal entry,and they can verify it with their records, you will probably be done for overstay,may be fined,i'm not sure exactly what they do if an overstay presents themselves at the immigration office.

    maybe you should buy an air ticket out,turn up at the airport with a clean new passport,with nothing in it at all,and hopefully they will charge you the maximum overstay fine and allow you to leave.

    i wouldnt want to offer incorrect advice,so if all this is wrong, somebody please correct it.

    good luck.

  8. the american govt. will do whatever they think is necessary to further their cause and protect their interests worldwide.

    they routinely act irresponsibly.

    but without them the world might even be in a worse state than it is now.

    better the devil you know.................

  9. Latest immigration policy for foreign residents may backfire on Thailand

    Published on Sep 21, 2003

    I have heard some disturbing rumours that the Thai Rak Thai Party wants to make a new immigration law that farangs who live here will, after three months, have to leave Thailand for six months before they can return.

    What’s happening to Thailand?

    Ever since the Thai Rak Thai Party came to town, the farang has been treated badly. Thais are known for their “smiles and kindness” to foreigners.

    I just don’t get it. Don’t farangs get credit for anything they do for Thailand?

    I’ve told some Thais about this policy and they are shocked.

    I live here, I am not a tourist, and I spend a lot of money every month that benefits Thais. I don’t work here, so I don’t have a work permit, and I am too young (49) for a Retirement Visa, so what can I do?

    I have Bt 1 million in my Thai bank account, and I am not a criminal or a terrorist.

    I love Thailand, and I don’t want to live anywhere else. I feel lucky to live here and just wonder what is wrong with the people in Thai Rak Thai.

    Are they really going to kick farangs out like this? It would cause a worldwide shock about how Thais treat foreigners.

    I am from Los Angeles, where there are 300,000 Thais and nobody in the American government is talking about kicking the Thais out. In America the Thais make money, in Thailand farangs spend money, and this is our reward?

    Am I going to be punished just because I love Thailand and want to live here?

    Say it ain’t so, please say it ain’t so.

    Very Worried Farang

    via e-mail

  10. It is the "illegals" who caused this crackdown and tightening of visa rules.

    it was one illegal,hanbali,who started all this.the visa scam has been running quite happily for years with the knowledge and aid of the authorities.

    to many people,the visa scam operators were set up and purported to be almost as if they were  "branch offices" of the immigration dept.those caught or about to be caught for having false stamps are unlucky pawns caught up in something much bigger. they do not deserve such harsh treatment.its been going on for years,if it was so illegal i believe the embassies should have made this knowledge more public to protect its citizens.the fact that they didnt implies that every bloody body turned a blind eye to it,until hambali,when it had to be stopped.

    its nothing to do with bums versus plodders.the sleazos usually get what is coming to them,and the plodders,well they usually get there in the end,so dont worry indo!!  :o

  11. jaded,(which may also say a lot),thank you for your response,naturally, i am not in agreement with so much as one word of it.

    my comments were about the immigration dept. and not about the ministry of defense,nor was i commenting about thaksins  habit of placing relatives and friends in important positions.i have read about this but dont know enough about it to be able to offer an opinion.i have tried reading the bangkok post and the nation but the newspapers here do not report enough for those who wish to get some kind of understanding as to what goes on in the corridors of power here.those that base their opinions on what those two papers report are the real naive ones.i concentrate mostly on the sports pages.

    it is my understanding that new heads of immigration have been appointed, their purpose being to "clean up the shop".

    the hanbali incident probably sparked the whole thing off.

    there seemed to some kind of typographical error in your reply and i'm not sure what you meant by "outwith a real democracy" its probably difficult to type accurately when in an irrational rage. but thailand is relatively new to the democratic process and is slowly learning.powerful leadership is often beneficial in the early stages of democracy.

    if you were here when the army was mostly in charge and real tanks,armed up and meaning business,were rolling down the streets,leaving casualties behind them, then i think you will agree that things are better now.

    the tourists caught for using visa agents are in a very unfortunate position,that they do not deserve to be in.i dont know what the answer is.i hope they are not dealt with too harshly.but that does not alter the fact that unwittingly they broke laws at a time when thailand was embarrassed by hambali,and now the immigration dept. must be seen to be doing things about it.the tourists are just innocent pawns in all this.thai justice is very different from western justice.the closure of the agents themselves is, i think, down to the police,a different department altogether,the police will need evidence,which the immigration department may in fact be gathering now.lets hope they are.

    fyi, i am not a taxexile,i pay taxes both here and in the uk.

    i just liked the name.

    i also await your response.

  12. Purleese.... this is just another Toxin scam to scare the foreigner

    rubbish,total and utter rubbish!!

    he is trying to cut out the corruption here that has besmirched thailands name internationally for many years.he has installed new heads of government departments whos job will be to weed out corrupt officials.he is relying on these people to ensure compliance from the top to the bottom.he may or may not succeed.corruption is endemic here.

    as falangs we have always criticized thailand for being so corrupt,yet at the same time have been happy to benefit from it.(visa agents,reduced speeding and traffic light fines,visiting massage parlours and nud_e bars,jumping the queue for phone lines and electricity supply)

    without corruption ,thailands image will improve,foriegn investment will increase,and slowly but surely poverty levels will decrease and public services improve.

    in the process,thaksin will probably double his net worth,but that is another argument altogether. dont flatter yourself to think that this is solely aimed at the falang

  13. i think discretely asked questions at the end of the forum by m.kurt are the only way to go here.this is a delicate subject and hostile or provocative questioning that could put the officer on the spot in a public meeting would cause him embarrasment and he would never want to return to future meetings.in my opinion questions asked from the floor should be asked with tact and without aggresion. regarding the visa stamps especially seeing as thai laws were broken,whatever the circumstances.no point in shooting the "messenger".
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