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Everything posted by easydoor

  1. Why you just don't walk in the immigraion office? Best is the one where you want to make the conversion from visa exception to a NON O, You have to know: it can be different the one to the other office. They have a list for all you need to apply for a Non O.
  2. You can contact me: 0801449084 I am Belgian and did this s kind of things for more people yet.
  3. I allways wonder why people, what ha been 'many times' in Thailand, don't konw anything about immigration. They don.t know from october, you get 45 days excemption, they don't know you very easy can extend a visum excemption... I won der what they know. I think they just want to let us know they are commimg to Thailand ......
  4. Mr MichaelDutch, you don't understand why people use the 800K way. It is very easy to understand: you are from the Netherlands and they are all afraid to keep some money in the bank as, what they have, they want to spend as soon as possible. So, you just don't have the 800K, that is all. With the poormans' AOW you barely have enough to fullkfill the rules as married with a Thai wife.
  5. In case this 300THB fee makes you don't come to Thailand I only advize: STAY HOME. It is the best thing you can do as you also will not spend, except some money in the bars.
  6. What is your problem? Yes you need a proof of residence to open a bankaccount, also in your home country. Very easy: you go to the city hall of the town you are living. Here you can register you and it is for FREE. They can provide you that required document what can be used for driving license, bankaccount .... I opened my bankaccount at SCB bank this way without any problem. In fact: the same way as you have to do in your home country.
  7. In case of using a fixed deposit account there is NO STATEMENT needed. Only a bank letter declaring the money has been on the account from till.... On a fixed account there mostly no transactions during the year, except the yearly intrest.
  8. In case you are CHEAP CHARLIE: go and buy your coke at 7/11. You cannot afford 55THB??? Don't go a restaurant and don't come to complain here.
  9. 300THB extra.... in case this will be problem to visit Thailand, stay home. You cannot afford your stay here. Many people wants to stay on the first row but wants to pay for the last row.
  10. A very poor way to compare prices: one week 2000THB and the nest week 2700. Benzine: one week 600THB next week 1000THB. Did you buy exact the same things? Did you drive the same km's? Prices went up but not the rate you are writing about. You have to compare over a much longer time to have a good view over this matter. I don't want you to do my economic calculations.
  11. You better apply for a first login password at the bank. They will give you one what you can change after using it. Without a login you even have no acces at they pc banking system.
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