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Everything posted by easydoor

  1. Jail him life time IN THAILAND, don't send him back to Germany.
  2. He will have a reason to not go to the hospital. What is he hiding?
  3. This law exist since 1972, so it is not new at all. It looks many people doesn't kow the difference in between making a 'tax declaration' and 'paying tax.' Depending on the agreement between your home country and Thailand you shall have to pay or not to pay but you have to do a tax declaration. All the rest I read here is nonsens..
  4. border run visa????? - you can do a border run - you can do a visa run. What did you do? The obe or the other? That are two different things. Please be clear and correct when you ask a question. The answer will be more accurate.
  5. His full name is "JACK MURPHY". He fullfil all the condtions of Murphys Law: "If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong."
  6. Not very clever to wait till the last day to make an extention at Immigration. That is looking for problems.
  7. What kind od question is This? A sidewalk is for peditrens and not for motorbikes.... and you don't know this?
  8. To many BRAINLESS people here. Quality toursts?????
  9. Very much BRAINLESS foreigners in Thailand.
  10. Again a Dutchman. They are born to complain about everything. Never forget this this expression: in case you do bussiness with a Dutchman and he dit not cheated you..... Why??? Because he once forgot it to do.
  11. As excuse: I don't know about the local rules ..... stupid excuse as also in the Netherlands is driving this way not allowed. Send him backt home so, instand of Muay Thai, he can study traffic rules.
  12. With 20.000THB/m you can only survive. Living with this amount???? It's dependent on what you call LIVING..... You shall have to be a very good CHEAP CHARLIE.
  13. Out of the mouth of a child comes mostly the truth. So I would rather believe the chlld as I would belive that teacher.
  14. The way he is acting is just asking for one way counter action: SHOOT HIM DOWN. He has much luck, they didn't do it.
  15. This question is not relevant. You even cannot survive with this ammount, even you live as a very poor man. But, and this is more important: how do you think to fullfil the financial immigration requierments with NO INCOME??? You will stay 14 years illegal in Thailand? That will be a solution when they cath you and will be locked up in the BKK Hilton: there you can stay for free.
  16. When I see the dammage on the car: the inpact has been very havy. This is not made at a low speed, but a very high speed..
  17. I do my 90d reports, since the beginning of online repoting, always onine. Never ever had a problem with it. It never has been rejected. It is very easy complaining it is not working well but most it is because the user doesn't do it correct. For the items as province, district-tambon.....: Use the automatic seach windows.
  18. Don't tell me someone doesn't know there is something wrong whem they offer you: free stay, free food, pocket money...... You realy heve to be stupid to accept this.
  19. If we have to learn how to do cooking from the Brittsish, we are far away from home as they cannot cook. The worst country to eat delicious is Englend or you have to eat in a foreign restaurant. Only the breakfast is very good.
  20. Mr Briggsy, you are very far behind the time. Arrival cards are since long time not in use anymore. You are, as many farangs. very poor informed about comming to Thailnd.
  21. Iam sure, this was a Hollander. 20THB extra coat: half of a full delicious meal for him.
  22. Instand of just water, she had to trow hot water over him. I just can call this man an IDIOT, not more not less. What kind of behavior is This? . What jkind of educatuin he had? To be ashamed ..... farang kee nok.
  23. Makro - Home[ro - Big C.... but you shall have to leave your lasy chair and open your eyes once.
  24. No, you don't feel it. At 02 at night..... when you are drunk enough.
  25. I was registered before. I went to the link, and try to register again. Received the massage:" email exist already. So it looks like in case you were registered before, you don't have to do it again.
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