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Captain 776

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Posts posted by Captain 776

  1. “No experience building a house for a girlfriend, but no one in their right mind would build a house on the same soi next to their family or in-laws where I come from.  Guess it is more common in Thailand, IDK”


    Rule # 1.........NEVER go to her village


    Rule # 1 A.......NEVER EVER build a house in her village


    Do like I said in my answer below or Page 5.


    Take anything you consider valuable........that isn’t a motorbike or pressure washer and leave while you are still alive.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. After visiting an American inmate in Chiang Mai Jail many times during his 6 yr sentence...........I wont be taking any chances being near weed while its illegal.


    45 inmates in cell 10 M X 10 M

    Just 2 ceiling fans

    Sleep head to foot on bare concrete floor


    One night like that, I would be in a wheelchair.


    I wanted to get him a roll up mat to sleep on........not allowed.


    Thats what you will face.

    • Sad 1
  3. On 9/19/2019 at 4:32 PM, giddyup said:

    Maybe her condition is serious and she wants to make amends to those who she's hurt? Or, the money request is yet to come.

    Lolol amends......are u serious.


    These hellos are ALWAYS followed by.......can u help me?



    • Like 1
  4. SHE contacted you for one reason and one reason ONLY...    The Israeli buggered her off long ago, she has gone to every farang she knows looking for money, They all told her ________ OFF~!!

    So she thought.....why not, so she came to you.




    You will be smartest to just BLOCK her and never lQQk back

    • Like 1
  5. The most dangerous vehicle I have ever seen on the road in my world travels is those 9 passenger vans from Suvarnubhum to Pattaya on the Motorway........driven by drunk Yahbah infused idiots that have been up partying all night and speeding down the Motorway at 140 + Km/hr..........as evidenced by the countless multiple death crashes.

    I would walk to Pattaya before ever getting in one of those Vans.

  6. Absolutely agree with OP, you will never that cigarette stench out.

    Everything has to go, all furniture, mattresses, rugs if u had........anything that can hold that stench.

    100% fresh paint including ceiling.

    I rented my 2 Condos in Jomtien for 3 years.

    I was lucky, I had 2 Thai girls in one that worked in Bank, they kept it very nice and a single Canadian guy in the other, no prob from him either.

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