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Captain 776

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Posts posted by Captain 776

  1. 1. If they would allow you to do Retirement renewal and Multiple Entry all in one step.


    2) It is only a matter of time before someone gets killed crossing the street to make copies.

        When I was there 3 weeks ago saw 2 close calls, one was very close.

        They should make accommodations for copying in parking lot or station a cop for crossing that busy street.


    What do u think? 

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  2. Have the required amount direct deposited to Bangkok Bank New York City........end of any money worries, I have been doing it for years.

    Renewed my Retirement in Chiang Mai 3 weeks ago, in and out in 40 mins, no questions asked.........would have been 15 minutes if ya didnt have to run across the street to copy new Retirement for the Multiple Entry.

    You can put 65,000 or 65 million in a USA Bank and u are going to be refused.

    every day posts on same thing.

  3. I am a licensed Ship Captain.

    My original plan was to retire in the Caribbean somewhere and Captain a private yacht, or even run a Ferry or take fishing charters a few days a week.

    But the last 17 yrs before retiring had me in Australia, Africa, and China.

    So I set up here in Thailand 14 yrs ago.......and happy here, but if given a do-over.........I would have stuck to he original plan.


    I find tranquil azure blue ocean water n warm balmy days most soooooooothing.

  4. On 7/26/2019 at 2:06 AM, amykat said:

    They are taking advantage of your low self esteem ...you are trying too hard to please them and not aware of what you have to offer.  Thais always like to use peer pressure to make you feel bad, they also like to make you feel bad for motivation for some reason.   Rather than thanking you.


    They are negotiating and will keep asking for more as long as you keep saying yes.  Your final yes in your mind, means to them, that they did not ask for enough, because they did not hear NO yet.


    I would start to complain and lower the amount each time your gf speaks about it.  Or say you must lower your monthly payment to her now to save for it.  Why does Mom need more gold, you just gave gold?  If she needs gold buy it out of the 20K you give each month ....<deleted>?  You should probably just dump these people, you are on a bad path that will only get worse!!  But if you insist on keeping them, better learn how to negotiate hard and get some backbone or they will eat you alive as they have started.


    And why are you sending so much money to her?  That is what old men send to hookers who are on their payroll???  And that is a big payment!!!  You don’t need to do that ...why don’t you find a girl your age who can earn money and share life with you, not suck you down the tubes????

    But.....my girl is different.......lolol

  5. On 7/28/2019 at 2:26 PM, soidog99 said:

    If this is real you are a complete idiot and should not be coming to Thailand. Obviously you have not done any homework.  This is a very very old tradition and it wasn’t about showing money but having a marriage party where  everyone contributed food such as chicken, rice and pork and other types of food.  Because of people like you this stupid cycle just keeps going round and round. When will this end it’s happened so much it’s so boring. In the Western world the woman’s family is the one who supposed to pay for the wedding, wake the <deleted> up. 

    Every time I read one of these stories........when I stop laughing, I tell myself.......SELF......you MUST write that book of Do’s n Dont’s for uninformed foreigners coming to Thailand for the first time.


    the title:


    Pin the Tail on the New BUFF-A-RO

  6. 3 hours ago, soisanuk said:

    The Bangkok Bank NY Branch is not a retail bank so you cannot open a deposit account with them. However, if you have a Bangkok Bank account here in Thailand, you can transfer funds from your US bank through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) system used by the US Banking system (the NY branch is part of the system with an ACH number - once set up, you send your transfer to your Thai bank account number using the NY Branch ACH routing number - they then, for a fee, send the funds on to Bangkok Bank HQ and the HQ bank deposits it in your account - if a baht account, HQ converts it to baht for a small fee).   


    BUT, in the latter part of 2018, things changed.  To set up, you had to use an International ACH transfer (IAT) - which US banks do not offer to retail customers, but some do for commercial accounts.  However, if you had already set up the ACH and were sending domestic ACH transfers, you could continue (April 1, 2019 was supposed to be the deadline, but the NY Branch is still sending domestic ACH transfers as of July and based on another Thaivisa thread, it appears they will continue to do so with the new deadline being the end of August for personal transfers and end of December for Direct Deposits for Gov't pensions.  After which, they will reject domestic ACH transfers and only accept those in IAT format).


    As to using 65k per month deposit at Pattaya Immigration in Jomtien, I did my extension renewal in June.  I also had Bangkok Bank Statements for the past 12 months that had been certified by the Bank which was not acceptable (apparently, they don't want to wade through all the transactions to find the foreign deposits to the account - coded FTT.  The Immigration lady I dealt with gave me an example of the type of letter they wanted, which lists only the foreign deposits to the account for the past 12 months (and as mentioned, it was not redacted) - she also said I should go to the Bangkok Branch where I opened the account to get the letter as other Branches could not provide it for the 12 months.  My Branch did provide the letter, but first had to print out "credit advices" for each deposit (fee 500 baht), then they prepared the letter listing the deposits (fee 100 baht) - this took a little over an hour, but I had a lot of foreign source deposits for that period.


    I was not asked for copies of my US Bank statements showing my pension deposits, but I did provide an "Annuity Statement" from my pension provider - so it may be they only want your home country bank statements showing pension deposits if you don't have a documents from your pension source showing the monthly amount you receive.  They also wanted a second letter from my bank verifying the account (this the same letter required of those using the 800k on deposit method). I also provided the identity page from my bank passbook and pages showing transactions for the past 12 months.

    Absolutely incorrect, been doing it for years.Love how people give advice here when they have never done it themselves.

    Do you think I am making this stuff up.


    Been doing it for years and still doing it every month.

    STOP giving incorrect advice.

    • Haha 2
  7. Just now, Captain 776 said:

    I had letter from Bangkok Bank and my passbook........never asked to see bank book and not ask for anything else.......Chiang Mai

    Open a Direct Deposit account in Bangkok Bank N Y City..........have S S and any other pension accounts deposited there...........solves all the problems and no more transfer fees.

    Go into your B B here and tell them you want D D account n N Y.........they do everything for you

  8. 2 hours ago, JHacker said:


    Actually, when I renewed my retirement visa at Jomtien immigration, they asked/demanded documents from my U.S banks showing the funds being deposited into the accounts.


    I had a statement from Bangkok Bank showing the foreign transfers for the prior year, but they demanded other statements from Bangkok Bank, including one showing the total transferred each month, even though it was already contained in the bank statement! Also, they specified their need for statements from my U.S. banks. They produced a copy of someone else's documents (completely unredacted, of course) showing what they wanted. I printed out statements from the U.S. banks showing social security payments and pension payments being deposited into my U.S accounts, redacted everything I felt was no one's business, and presented those to them.

    I had letter from Bangkok Bank and my passbook........never asked to see bank book and not ask for anything else.......Chiang Mai

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