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Captain 776

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Posts posted by Captain 776

  1. Many are quoting you can use rental incomeprovided you meet requirements but the NEW money requirements supersede the old paragraphs they are quoting.

    What is a settlement Visa......lived here 14+ years never heard of that one.

    Learn from all your countrymen before you........if you are on limited funds........better u stay in UK.

    The only money Immigration cares about is what you have transferred to a Thai bank.

    • Confused 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

    Mugged twice in Manila on short visits, never once anywhere in Thailand in over 30 years.

    EXACTLY........in my humble opinion.......Phils is significantly more dangerous than Thailand and if you think the police dont enforce here.......go to Phils.......they do NOTHING.

    There is places in Phils that even Filipinos wont go.......like Mindanao.

    Granted this can happen anywhere......including here.......my friend arrived, put his things in hotel room and went out front.......deciding whether to go left or right..........within 30 seconds motorbike ripped his chain off.

    Another friend going to airport to fly back to Thailand.........him and his Flip wife........had bags n backpack beside them on sidewalk.......backpack grabbed..........had wallet, all cards, passport......EVERYTHING in backpack......GONE~!!
    Places in Manila you can get killed with many watching during daylight........no one saw anything.

    is that where you want to live?.


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