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Captain 776

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Posts posted by Captain 776

  1. I never smoked cigarettes, so I dont need an e cig whatever it does.


    When we were about 8 yrs old, we boosted a few Pall Malls from Dad and went in the woods to smoke them........the few times I tried.....Iturned green and puked my heart out..........it kept me from ever smoking.


    Are they so adamant about banning E Cigs becauseyou can smoke weed in them, or is there another reason?

  2. Thanks for the replies, in my times there, I have never missedanything or ever had anything taken but on 2 different occaisions people were 2 in daylight with a lot of people around.

    2 guys on motorbike, stopped and ran into Russian Market and when they were running out, the shop keeper they just robbed ran chasing and grabbed one on the sidewalk and they shot her in the head.

    if u have ever been to Russian market, you know it is mobbed with lots of people around and the second was a similar incident.

    first time going over there, I was looking on the internet and saw this guys name popped up a few times Mr. Sophann as a guide.

    we ended up using him every time we went.

    He was Cambodian, used to be a school teacher, he was 55, excellent English and quite the gentleman.

    He charged 25 dollars a day to take you anywhere in his Camry.

    He made sure no one took advantage of us, got us good discounts at hotels, if we went to the bars at night, he knew which girls were good and which were runners and made sure he didnt take us to any of the dangerous bars and there is quite a few if you dont know where you are going.

    Unfortunately the poor guy died of cancer a few years back.......my buddy and I sent him 1000 USD to help.


    The 2 daylight shootings in the middle of town heightened my awareness.

    I think.......Cambodia is still 30-50 yrs behind Thailand depending on which issue you are referring to.


    only been to Phils twice, once to Angeles,.......was not impressed at all and second time to Barrio Baretto which was much nicer, not much to do though.

    I just felt it would be very easy to catch a bullet there.......twice was enough.


    We lived in Jomtien 9 yrs and Chiang Mai now 4.5, feel very safe here in Chiang Mai.



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  3. I have lived in Thailand 13 yrs now and visited Cambodia 6 times, longest stay was 8 days when we did a motorcycle tour off the main roads thru the countryside.

    In my trips there, I never had a problem.

    I see some discussion here about living in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, or Philippines.

    From things I have read, it seems to me Cambodia is more dangerous..........what are your thoughts and also comment on Phil’s and Vietnam if you have experience there.



  4. Find Sai Kaew Beach, not far from Pattaya and across from Nong Nooch Gardens.........it’s on the military base but you can enter just showing your passport.

    I have not been in 4 yrs but when we lived in Jomtien we used to go often, nice white sand and the water was nice.

    I don’t recommend going into the water in Pattaya or Jomtien.

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  5. Don’t walk.......run and RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN.


    2 things you better listen to when in Thailand.


    play with all the girls you desire at the bar, but NEVER and I mean NEVER get involved with one.

    Meeting your love at a bar has a 99% failure rate and some of the fails are extremely bad and can be dangerous to your health.


    If a Thai girl tells you anything related to Mom died, Dad died, the wate buffalo died and now Dad can’t plant his rice, Mom and Dad have no electric and I am trying to earn money to help them get electric service, or I will love you but we must send 15,000, 25,000, and I have seen guys give girls 50,000 a month for “ their parents” .

    Any version of you must give me money every month, start running, as soon as the money stops she will be gone.


    Never go to her village where she is from, you will pay for a BIG party in your honor, it will be very expensive, and all her broken down relatives will be there plus people that are not relatives, you will hear every sob story in the book how this poor lady needs money, look at my poor uncle, do you think you can give him 10 or 20 thousand BHAT.


    You need to read a Stephen Leathers book Private Dancer then multiply that by 10.




    Take a girl from a bar, it will end in disaster.

    • Haha 2
  6. I didn’t know they were illegal here.

    I ordered one from Ali Express a yr ago and was notified it was confiscated during a Customs inspection..........I guess I need to consider myself lucky I didn’t get in any trouble for trying to import one.


    what would the reasoning be, to make them illegal.

    Is it just because most would be smoking weed in it?  I dunno?

  7. I lived in Jomtien 2006-2014 before moving to Chiang Mai.

    Pattaya continues to spiral downward yearly as the crime rate escalates.

    Its too bad they dont completely remodel / revamp Beach Rd and Second and Third Roads and make it an attractive place to visit.

    It continues to resemble Nana Plaza more and more.

    If you have a gold chain on in Pattaya, it has a 1 hr life expectancy, especially near the open market on Siam Country Club Rd, there is definitely a gold snatch n grab gang there for many years.

    Also Beach Road, you can read weekly if not daily about gold snatching there.

    when I arrived in 2006 I was warned dont walk on the beach side of Beach Road after 9 pm and it remains very true today, if you doubt it..... read Pattaya Daily News for a week.

    I have lived in Chiang Mai 4.5 yrs now and not heard of or read of one gold snatching or motorbike punks grabbing a ladies purse.

    6 boys about 14-17 on 3 motorbikes chased us down Soi 27 off Siam Country Club at 7 pm and tried robbing us.

    I was only 100 meters from my friends house so grabbed the gas and left, they chased us down to my friends driveway, now they faced 4 big guys....I wanted to rip their heads off, as I moved towards them, 2 of the 6 drew pustols, if he had shot he wouldnt have missed me at 15 meters, they heard the police had been called so jumped on bikes and took off.

    A few months later I saw the little piece if shit picture in PDN and he had been arrested for armed tobbery.

    You can keep Pattaya....all of it~!!

    Pattaya is great if you are working on an oil Platform or a camp job and you just want to support the local prostitute trade during your break and NOTHING ELSE.....NOTHING

    • Like 1
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  8. My first day in Thailand........over 13 yrs ago........I was warned.


    NEVER Talk about the Royal Family and especially the King, even if it is an innocent complimentary joke and certainly not ever in a bad way.


    NEVER insult a Thai.......them losing face can get you hurt or shot.


    NEVER engage in road rage here........many have a gun in the car or they will go home and get one.


    And.....never take 2 girls from the same bar.......lolol


    In 13 yrs, I have never had a problem with any Thai for any reason.

    Like almost anywhere else in the world you go........if you mind your own business and be respectful, you will not have any problems.

    • Like 1
  9. This amnesty makes no sense to me at all, maybe I just don’t understand it.

    it is my understanding that around June you will be able to get Cannabis Oil only.

    I tried Oil in USA, IT DID NOTHING FOR ME.


    They should just legalize it, legalize the good green bud strains available in USA states where it is legal already.

    there is overwhelming studies and documentation available that show it is beneficial, both to the patient and to the government in revenue.

    why make such a big mystery of it?

  10. 60 road deaths a day here in Thailand and 86% of them are from motorbike.

    I rode here 13 yrs without a scratch until Oct 26 when 59 yo thai lady pulled out in front of me.

    I am out of pocket 550,000 bhat after 2 surgeries.

    Police put her at fault.

    I told her I would take 50% and call it a day.

    of course she says NO MONEY.

    I told her give me at least 3000 a month, she said no money.

    Police yelled at her YOU CAUSED THIS ACCIDENT, you better FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO,  if you go to court and tell judge no money...,, you are going to jail.

    Waiting for the court date

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