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Everything posted by Almer

  1. Yes worldwide it isn't if it is when.
  2. More sugar cane means more burning.
  3. I am reading the man dressed in Grab uniform and stole gold, but almost s as a foot not the thief claims to have murdered a grab employee and used his car
  4. Wearing trousers that's why he went up her shirt, could have been worse
  5. But how do they no you have been out of the country
  6. He was allowed to go home after drawing a Stanley knife on a female in a toilet
  7. But where does this car come into the storey, neither a motorbike or pick up
  8. Thai parents have no interest in the ones they have now.
  9. Agreed, in the modern world, a defective car without correct documents is of the road and not tomorrow but now and you pick all the costs up.
  10. I have been involved in 3 rear end shunts over 6; years, sh:t happens but all 3 did deals at the roadside or police station, with the help of the insurance accessor, a boy 18+ gave a statement to the police when it was clearly a female driver, the accessor told me it's all sorted or it's an uninsured loss, I explained to him that this is why you are do busy uninsured inexperienced under age drivers.
  11. A genuine question spoilt by a dig at the end
  12. Your terminology of the situation is about perfect, the 10.000 will find it's way to the big names and leave the workers to battle to put the money back in the coffers via tax etc, this is like printing money to solve the problem.
  13. Wake up there is a recession on the horizon, there are many for sale signs going up in the area I live and they are not private sales.
  14. Let me work I have skills that will aid the population of Thailand and any money earned would end up back in the big pot, why are Thai such bad drivers and why can't you find a craftsman in the building industries, because there are no teachers plus at 21 with no training everybody is encouraged to think they are experts, in a gov office last week the simplest of calculations had to be done on a calculator, 438 baht tendered 500 completely through the lady aged around 50. Thailand is stuck in a vicious circle of need but is infested with greed. .
  15. If you start to tax my pensions you will be one more light in your perfect country
  16. Makes good reading for the millions who are contemplating a short vaccation
  17. Why is she (Karen) not allowed to make the point that the make taxi man was out of order cutting in front and making a dangerous left them in front of her, do we have to put up with there poor skills without commenting. Twice in the last year I have had grab riders sat on my bonnet and both times my camera got the damage repaired, I am somewhat proud of my achievement beating the grab riders and the police who on arrival with no facts told me to pay up.
  18. Santi had better not go out drinking when it's dark in case he falls off his motorbike and gets run over by a truck
  19. Cctv temporarily out if action I think
  20. So in his sons hour of need, he bails out and leaves him to it
  21. It keeps somebody in a job
  22. What I fail to understand is, that many call the police dept a franchise to make money but they don't bother, jf I was that way inclined could make fortune every day, easy money.
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