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Everything posted by Almer

  1. You need a new dept called Highway Police 2,
  2. There was a police check some weeks ago on the Khonkaen bypass, there must of been 50 trucks parked on the side of the road short of the check point, no food stall just waiting for the police to go before they proceed, only a suggestion on my part but a police car at the back and work they way down the Q I guess they all got a reason to stop before the police line, no joined up thinking and lorry drivers don't carry to much cash on them.
  3. Perhaps as ps the truck driver c oils explAin the reason for parking on the carriageway in the hours of darkness and whether he had lights on it not, then through the kitchen sink at the tool.
  4. It's a shame the peasants can't see it, and of course when as I exspect I will be paying tax on funds transfered here there will be even less to go round, then x it by many many.
  5. They can see it, but it will impact the peasants not them.
  6. How can any driver be so stupid
  7. How often do bus operators here check there drivers licences or carry out a drug or alcho test?
  8. Poor driving skills, look at his licence and see how it was obtained!!
  9. Could it have been speed that caused it to overturn or is it easier for the BIB to say he fell asleep
  10. Jokers now go to Issan and do a survey.
  11. He should of braked hard and sat her on her ass
  12. My experience,, if you have a Thai wife and meet a few requirements a UK visa is a given, if you have a girlfriend with little or no money other than a big deposit the week before the application, if the girl friend has no job or employment history and has 3 children she is supporting, save your money it won't happen, however if your girl friend has stable job like a nurse or bank official with regular monthly income and a letter from her employer that her job remains for her whilst she is on holiday tick a few more boxes and your in, it is for the consular official to get a view from the application that it is a holiday and she will come back at the end of the stay, if the UK make it visa free,. Look out.
  13. Plenty of work about, but people don't want it at 350 baht for a hard slig, easier to steal and sell on Facebook, but stealing and taking it back to your home when you are a known thief is not a good career move
  14. If he is Russian he deserved it, flipping off 10 Thai,s a typical Rusky response, it is no coincidence since they ran away when there leader started his special military operation Pattaya is suffering , with the tourists returning home saying avoid Thailand to many Russians. They are magnet for trouble
  15. I think the word you are looking for is desperation, do you think they enjoy a sweaty un showered drunk who pulls and pushes them about for his own satisfaction. They for sure have children at home living with the family who they are supporting and putting through school so that they do not have to do the same work when they get older. Imho
  16. The only age limit should apply to the idiots driving, with there big wheels bald tyres and no exhaust and that applies to the local Ambulance ffs.
  17. It will be 400 baht and have a safe journey
  18. Well he lives in the right place if he is a "look at me moron"
  19. No legal action taken, you never know who owns what
  20. The reporting here is aweful never any follow up due to we all know the outcome of these cases, ker ching.
  21. I had an eye infection, diagnosed possibly due to crap government water, 50 baht plus a tube of ointment, why do you all wish to spend your money as fast as you can
  22. She said, people be careful you can't trust anybody then she leaves her possessions on the bar and goes out for food, bless her.
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