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Everything posted by Almer

  1. Cant let it disappear or no earnings for many
  2. Getting the wheels in motion to cancel the Chuck water at people festival, good.
  3. How is the camera rolling when these things happen, is somebody waiting in the shop ready!! and 6 million Tik tok views later.
  4. Let’s all concentrate on the “certain fund” comment and then let us all know the outcome, be mindful of any derogatory comments against those involved in what will be a misunderstanding for sure.
  5. You are fined if you take more than you eat, little and often is OK, take a heap and leave it to waste yo will be fined, with fear of being fined my comment is, have you seen how some families act at a buffet, heap plates with more than can be consumed , or and, heap plates and sneak it into a doggy bag.
  6. Don’t need to buy new, there are thousands on the floor
  7. It also is time to clamp down on motor bikes with No lights in fact no nothing, difficult at night with no lights to see one with 3 people on coming through on your nearside when you are indicating a left turn being attempted, in my opinion they deserve to end up on the <deleted> with a gravel rash.
  8. Questions are discouraged because teacher dosnt no the answer.
  9. I have a good Russian friend over here and he would agree with your less than complimentary comments about his country’s leader
  10. Why do men wake in the morning with a boner, always there bless him.
  11. For what it’s worth:: my wife’s sister owns the village shop next door to our house, my wife also has a small shop selling fruits outside the front of the house.4 weeks ago the sister husband and daughter all went Omicron positive, both shops had to close and all people in the village that used the shops had to test and isolate, only 50 came forward and admitted close contact, on the 7th day all of those close contacts were tested for a second time including us and all were negative, if this variant is super contagious why was there not a major outbreak in this village as I’d started in the communal village shop?
  12. 1st Pfizer gave a bad stomach ( maybe some food) 2nd Pfizer, 2 weeks after the mother of all skin rashes across my chest hospitalized for 5 days with a drip antibiotic, diagnosed as an unspecified viral skin infection temperature on admission 39.2,3rd Pfizer 2 weeks ago no problems.
  13. 10 years ago just before I came to Los, I had a 1 shot Pneumonia jab, there was no mention of follow up
  14. Gotta get away from here by Harry Stiles, I am in Quarantine due to family neighbors with Omicron
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