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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. Where does it say she wasn't? Look at her actions.
  2. It was the lack of high end Chinese tourists buying Mama noodles in the 7/11's that saw most of them have to close. ????
  3. How do you know he stole anything????
  4. So some drunk Thai woman, possibly on yaba, wrongly accuses a foreigner of stealing, causing him to be beaten by several Thai men, and it's the foreigners fault. ???? We've seen this before with overcharging, bill padding, changing the price etc. No way would a Thai food vendor try this on a drunk foreigner late at night. ????
  5. Billabong Bar was the busiest bar on LK Metro. That big wave of mongers returning to Pattaya after covid didn't happen. Many think it will happen next high season, but with a global recession around the corner, I'm not so sure. Many of the bars / restaurants / hotels / retail could be looking at 3 years, or more, of poor sales, and that's pretty much their lease done. Do they roll again, put the For Sale sign up, or walk away?
  6. Not for much longer. https://aseannow.com/topic/1267951-indian-businessman-allegedly-beaten-by-landlord-in-pattaya/
  7. Do you walk past or ride / drive past other establishments to get to the ones you visit? Have you made observations of them? How are the other establishments doing, in general?
  8. I think the next round of closures will be early 2023, after a quiet high season, not due to covid, but due to harsh economic conditions, all around the world.
  9. Like I said, small area, cheap beer, looks busy. There's big money to be made selling 60 baht beers in a small bar. ???? Sell 60 baht beers in a phone box with two customers in it and you could call it "rammed." ????
  10. Name some bars that are "packed" on Soi Baukhao. Name some places that are "good." If that's the case, how can you state "Pattaya is thriving?"
  11. What bar does she work in? ????
  12. This one is laughable, whether or not Tree Town is "thriving." ???? https://www.bahtsold.com/view/big-bar-in-tree-town-455798
  13. Hold on, another member said "Pattaya is thriving." Now a list of bars is being posted that have been "empty." Oh dear. ????
  14. Some members have a conflict of interests, and they do not like the truth being discussed on this forum / thread.
  15. Interesting comment. If we have a large bar, for example. 500 m2, and there are 50 customers in it, it appears quiet, but if we have a smaller bar, say 100 m2, and there are 25 customers in it, it will appear busy. Which bar is making more money, with regards to expenses, including rent?
  16. What is a member who is not living here supposed to believe? They are reading this forum / thread, trying to decide if / when they should spend their hard earned and book flights, and they read from one member "Pattaya is thriving" and from you Walking Street is dead, so to sois 2, 7 and 8. Back on topic, if bars are for sale, then I doubt they are "thriving" and if Walking Street and other sois are dead, how long before more bars on those sois come onto the market, and without a buyer, how long before they close?
  17. How does commenting on the possible actions of a Thai billionaire make me a ferry expert? The OP stated my thoughts were interesting, and he appears to be a ferry expert. The project goes beyond the boat itself. The OP had similar issues with the first project. I simply pointed out where similar issues may lie with the second project.
  18. Perhaps every business in Pattaya should sell tacos so the whole city can "thrive" as well. ????
  19. My observations and speaking to staff and owners. How so, when the number of staff consistently outnumber the number of customers in an establishment? For how long do you think owners can continue to sustain losses? So you've changed your statement from "Pattaya is thriving" to "main bar areas in Pattaya are generally packed." ???? So now is a couple of "packed" bars in an area that makes the area "generally packed." ???? As I said, a few weeks ago I visited one of the most popular bars in the Baukhao / Pothole area, being Triangle Bar, and the most popular bar on LK Metro, being Billabong Bar, and they were both quiet, and I mean quieter than low season 2019. Were they busier than other bars, yes, but what does that say about the other bars?
  20. Once again, the member declared "Pattaya is thriving." A few busy cheap eats / drinks establishments is not indicative of Pattaya City in general.
  21. Sure, tourists are coming back, but it's still quite a long way from pre covid levels. Given the world is heading into a recession and energy crisis, it may be some time before Pattaya actually "gets there." Meanwhile, the clock is still ticking on leases here, thus, it's possible more Fore Sale signs will be going up, and more closures to come.
  22. He owned the massage shop. ????
  23. Of course I agree with your timeline. I asked the member, thriving compared to where and / or when? No reply. For sure, it's definitely opening up. The ending of the Thailand Pass helped. However, in my opinion, it's not back to low season 2019 (pre covid) levels. I am directly comparing pre covid to now. Some members, probably with vested interests here, are misleading readers that Pattaya is back to pre pandemic levels, it's not.
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