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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. Indian guy drove close to Thai's. but didn't hit anyone them. One of them showed off to his friends about how much he he hates farang / tourists. and thumbed / kicked the vehicle. It made a dent, or some other damage. The Indian guy wanted the Thai guy to pay for the damage. Indian guy is out of pocket for the damage. Tells Facebook in India, causing a lot of of negative social media. 300 baht a day Thai guy has no consequences. That's how the Thai tourism industry works, and they wonder why Thailand is falling out of favor. ????
  2. I asked you a simple question, "When's the last time you paid a bar fine?" You declined to answer, and most probably, because you haven't paid a bar fine for quite some time, yet, you expect tourists will pay bar fines, and continue to do so, well into the future. Tell me, if you are not paying them, why would they, especially when another option for them exists, even when they are not in Thailand?
  3. Who is, "they" exactly? Which I am sure makes for the appearance of a thriving local economy with closed and derelict commercial premises all over the city. I haven't blamed dating apps being used by freelancers for anything. Who cares about the old ladies? That''s the nature of the industry. Even they know that. The younger generation of Thai hookers are more tech savvy, and so are the sex tourists coming through. The Thai girls are more inclined to "test the waters" of an app, even from their "cherry" stage, probably only choosing younger guys. What does the traditional bar business model of lady drinks and bar fines mean to the younger generation anyway. Not much, it's yesteryear. Times have changed. Technology has brought us the "gig economy." No longer does a Thai hooker need "Beach Road" or a boss, with no other option. There are young people in western countries that have never used a metered taxi. All they know is Uber, and similar. This is the world we are now living in. You have misquoted. I believe the term was "co-exist" not "work together." They can co-exist / work together, given favorable conditions to all parties, that's business. Question is, will Thai landlords accept it? They work online because they can work when they want to, go with who they want to, don't have a mamasan or boss to answer to, don't get their salary docked for not meeting targets, can arrange customers before they are even in Thailand, can meet customers at a place of the customer's choice, and can lounge around a bar soaking up free wifi and socializing with other bar girls as a freelancer, all the the while still on the phone and on the apps. They have simply broadened their net, and have the flexibility to meet their "catch." Whereas, the salaried girl is bound by the bar. The apps are not only beneficial for the customers, but in most cases, the the girl also. Once again, the myth that online girls just come to the tourist's hotel for an hour and leave, is wrong. Whilst that service is fine, many, including myself, have met girls from apps for a "bar experience." Indeed, I have gone long time with some of them after meeting them, and have gone out drinking, dinner, and dancing. Tell me again, how is the strict traditional bar business model of lady drinks and bar fines going to compete with online meeting in the future, when the customer saves some money, and the girl makes more money, and the only ones to lose, eventually, will be Thai landlords who are unwilling to recognize online has changed a percentage of the game for their tenants? Once again, this was already happening pre covid, then it picked up during covid, and in my opinion, will continue to gain in popularity post covid, yet many don't seem to think it will have any impact on bars at all. I simply can't believe it will not, when it already has, and will continue to do so.
  4. Of course not. You criticize people who post their opinion, yet never say why you disagree. it's spinless. You must have been bullied as a kid at school. ????
  5. Once again, more misleading, and over optimistic posts from you, aussieexpat. Your posts can not be relied upon in any factual way. Do you have any comment to make about this link? It clearly shows my post was not "rubbish."
  6. Yes, the Thai's wanted the Chinese, and the Thai's got the Chinese. The Chinese will give a lesson to the Thai's on market domination.
  7. Just posting my opinion, which is more that what you do, you spineless troll.
  8. Or, a lot of them simply think they will not be treated like a tourist being caught in the tourists trap, but to Thai's, all farang are tourists, and ripe for the rip off. I wasn't there, so, are you saying the OP's account is BS?
  9. Once again, you miss the point. Taxis were in the business for decades, and look what Uber did to the industry, globally. You make it sound like it there will NEVER be any digital disruption to the lady drink / bar fine business model here to any percentage, but it was already happening pre covid, and it increased during covid, yet, you think it will all fail and disappear. Why is that?
  10. Tree Town construction is temporary. I wouldn't call it "bricks and mortar." Would you? Probably no point me asking, because you never go on record with your opinion, you just troll those that do. What about the bricks and mortar businesses in LK Metro, Soi Baukhao, and other soi leading off it? You know, the ones paying 40,000, 60,000, 80,000 and over, per month, in rent. How are they doing with their lady drinks and bar fines? That amount of rent dictates that X amount of their turn over must be X amount of lady drinks and bar fines. Take 10, 20, or even 30% away of lady drinks and bar fines due to online, without a 10, 20, or 30% reduction in rent to compensate, and it's game over Even if online only takes away say 15% of their lady drinks and bar fines, who picks up the 15% loss?
  11. No such thing as overkill when it comes to security. Everything except reliability. No one informed the Germans and Japanese about this. ????
  12. The Chinese tour companies were beating the Thai's down to their absolute rock bottom price. There's no "golden goose" with the Chinese. Then, there is the "zero baht" tourism. Chinese companies with Thai nominees owning hotels, restaurants, boats, buses etc. The hotel staff, bus drivers, restaurant waitresses etc were 300 baht a day Thai's, with the profits remaining in China, because the tour / holiday was paid for in China. So, it creates some employment for low paid Thai's, and that's about it. There's also the possibility that many Lao, Burmese, Vietnamese and Cambodians were working in Chinese owned establishments, so Thailand sees next to nothing from the millions of Chinese tourists. The funny one was the fake Thai Temple that a Chinese company set up to cut out the real temples.
  13. How do you repurpose Klang to Thai, and Beach Road to 3rd Road? The Central Pattaya CBD. That's thousands of buildings, big and small, being repurposed. Sure, except for all the derelict vacant commercial premises. I agree, but how does this help the thousands of bars in Central Pattaya? Was Pattaya doing "Ok" pre covid? I started a thread about closing businesses way before covid. We seems to forget things were great here back in 2019.
  14. Yes, they can co-exist. I have never said the traditional lady drink and bar fine business model will disappear. I think it will still be the predominant business model for some years to come. However, online will take a percentage away from the traditional business model here. Whether that be 10%. 20%, 30% or 40%. How will bar owners with tight margins continue to pay the rent with even a 20% loss to their digitally disrupted traditional bar business model? The bar owners rely on lady drinks and bar fines to pay the rent. The Thai landlords rely on their tenants collecting profits from lady drinks and bar fines so they receive their rent. There's only a few things that can happen. One is, the bar owners increase their prices of their lady drinks and bar fines so the customers that are willing to pay cover for those who are no longer paying. This is risky, because the higher the prices go, the more customers get pushed onto online. That's the death spiral. Two is, lady drinks and bar fines remain the same, but the price of regular drinks increase. Also risky, as why would a drinker pay more when they are not interested in buying lady drinks and paying bar fines. Three is, Thai landlords accept what has happened to the traditional bar business model and adjust rents accordingly. (don't hold your breath until bars start closing like they did at the peak of covid and covid rent discounts were offered) Four is, bar owners absorb the loss. They could absorb some of the loss, to a point, then it becomes unsustainable. Five is, bar owners go completely freelance, except for service staff, in which freelance girls lounge around a bar using the wifi and socializing with each other, messaging potential customers, and if they are lucky to get a lady drink or bar fine, so be it, but their main focus will be their phone and working online, despite being sat at a bar. This will also need an adjustment in rents. Interesting times ahead.
  15. If that's the case, you need to upgrade the board. A service will not fix old hardware.
  16. Look up the manual for your alarm online. You can do a service yourself. Install a new back up battery, easy to buy, and lasts about 4 to 5 years. Read the manual how to adjust the time settings and other customizable settings. Test everything by opening doors and triggering sensors. if you can change some settings on your phone, you can program an alarm panel.
  17. That's why they ripped off the one tourists that actually did show up, and when that tourists spoke fluent Thai to them, they thought, well, let's rip him off anyway. ????
  18. In some cases, this has resulted in a beating. You see, they don't just own the beach chairs, they think they own the beach.
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