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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. But isn't owning a bar here "living the dream?" ????
  2. If they were to comment that I lacked experience in marriage here, I would agree, but I disagree that my comments are off topic, just because I am single.
  3. Sure, but do you think age, beauty, sex, affordability etc clouds the judgement of many here? Do guys really think the the Thai girl thinks they are young and handsome? Do guys really think their girl is "different?? We joke about it, yet, it's happening right now, and sad to say, today's victim can be tomorrow's balcony jumper. No need for personal attacks. You say I lack good judgement, yet, I am still here, having a great time, yet, many other guys have gone home broke, onto benefits. Seems to me my judgement is doing fine. Is there anything wrong with this? Show me where I have? I have lost nothing here, expect for the odd drink thrown on my bill. You do make a good point though, and it's one that comes up in conversation, do you blame the gullible guy, or the scamming Thai girl? Some blame the foreigner guy for being so stupid, some blame the scamming Thai girl for being such a great actress. I don't blame Thailand, except for the Thai laws around foreigners owning land. Many would not be fleeced so badly if they could actually own the property here. Sure, but after decades of guys before them making the same bad decisions, guys still keep coming here and doing it. This is especially crazy in the age of the internet, with so much information readily available. Once again, individuals are to blame, and I have lost nothing here, nor do I plan to, so I don't blame Thailand. Do you have any compassion, whatsoever, for those that have been fleeced here? I mean, those who should have been enjoying a happy retirement, but instead have gone home broke, onto benefits, or worse, have done a balcony jump? Or, do you think they deserve what they got, due to their bad judgement? Do you attribute any blame, at all, to the criminal intentions of Thai girls to fleece guys here?
  4. Good post. My sole focus isn't money. For me, wealth is health. It seems, unlike many here, I do not fear loneliness, never have, even as a young man. This is a good point, do you think the fear of loneliness is why so many foreigners get fleeced here? Is it possible they keep paying because going broke is better than being lonely?
  5. Have you been up to the villages in Issan and seen these guys? The Thai family keep them like they are a pet dog.
  6. Ok, so there are disaster stories, I think we can all agree on that. How many of the guys in the disaster stories would have said no way is their girl on the scam, because she is different, yet, they got fleeced? How many are reading this thread right now thinking their girl is different, but they are actually being fleeced and don't even know it yet? Any advice for those guys?
  7. Sure, so why do so many guys here insist their girl is different and it's all about love, not money? ????
  8. I appreciate your honest response. Do you ever feel, at any point in your relationship, which may possibly have been early in the relationship, that you were using your superior financial position to secure the relationship, and did you ever think your Thai girl was only ever interested in your superior financial position? No need to take it personally, or make personal attacks. It's your money to do as you please. I don't care if you give it all over to a Thai family, or lose it all at a casino. It really goes back to the original issue, if you had no money, or very little to throw around, would she be with you? Is it possible the only reason she is with you is because you do spend money on the family, educating the kids etc? What would your advice be to the farang that have put their life savings into a relationship, and have then been outcast when the money ran out? If you stopped the money flow, would / could this happen to you? Serious question. Both are about the exchange of money here, aren't they? But would it be? The Thai government doesn't allow foreigners to own land here. You used the word "share" with the Thai family, but what does Thai law share with you for your purchase in real estate here? That's great, but do you think that's the experience of the majority here? Strange. Why did he leave this decision to you, and not his wife or kids? I'm not running down anyone. Once again, no need to take it personally. I am very much speaking in general. Again, what percentage of relationships here do you think are similar to yours, compared to relationships based on fleecing the foreigner? Surely you must have seen cases where you knew the Thai girl was fleecing the foreigner.
  9. What bout the previous farang owners of the pub or guest house that went broke? Are they happy? I was not comparing percentages to western countries. I was comparing them inside Thailand.
  10. Sure, but it comes at a cost, and that cost is measured in baht here for the Thai women. Is there love in the relationship, probably yes. Would the relationship continue if the baht stopped flowing, well, sadly for many, probably not. So, many chose not to find out, and keep paying. Thus, the vicious cycle continues, all the way to the end.
  11. I didn't know there were any right or wrong questions. It all just interest forum banter. Isn't it? Once again, and again, and again, what percentage do YOU put on the those happily retired in Issan, to those that are not, and to those that have gone home broke and onto benefits? I know, that you know, the guys I am talking about. Put a percentage on it, and not post propaganda that it's all happy days for retirees in Issan.
  12. Why? Isn't everyone entitled to their opinion? I agree. We are all different, and all have different motivations. Can you give some examples of the hard work needed? So that's around 6.6%. Do you think that the average here? I would suggest it's a lot higher. I wish you all the best. Would you care to comment on the fools you have seen pass though Kamphaeng Phet? You know the guys I'm talking about. Well, it's a moot point, because a foreigner can not own land here anyway. A common theme. Can I ask, where would you be living if you divorced some years ago?
  13. Care to comment on what percentage are? I wish you best. How many have had your luck? What would have happened if you couldn't / wouldn't have helped them when they were down? Question is, will there always be a place for you? Family is family, but Thailand is Thailand.
  14. So single guys can not comment on this thread. Really? Like I said, I have no intention of joining the Issan House Builders Club, however, my reasons for not doing so, I believe, are very much on topic.
  15. Interesting post. Well, Pattaya being the world's brothel doesn't exactly attract the nice Thai's, and the nice expats / tourists. Perhaps it's not about love and hate here, but just being street wise. Pattaya really is all about the money. I'm interested to hear why you think that's not the case.
  16. Look around you, they do. Sure, but is you devotion showed with money? If you didn't input money, would you have a relationship at all here? Money speaks all languages and crosses all cultural boundaries.
  17. How many houses in Issan do pensions buy? Many use their savings, setting up what they think is a nice retirement. Difficult to start again just on the pension. Rent, and pay as you, is always a good option here. It's those that outlay capital up front that usually get burned. An honest comment. Fair play. How many here can't face the reality to comment in the same way?
  18. My observations and conversations with people here. What about those that did not keep their wits about them? What percentage are they? The majority, or minority? It is these people that I am commenting on. Good luck to you. Once again, do you think you are in the majority, or minority?
  19. Yes. Isn't it obvious? Vaccinated people can still catch covid, spread covid, and die from covid. Do you deny this? So short, that there is very minimal long term protection. Given covid is not going to be vaccinated off the planet, how many boosters are people supposed to take, and for how many years?
  20. Sure, but at least they would be in control of their life, not begging to a Thai women for some crumbs to go and have a beer with the lads. Many have enslaved themselves here due to their poor decisions.
  21. Which makes for an interesting relationship for many here. Only the individual knows the answer to that question. For many, they are so far in, the only way forward is to keep paying. Many here can simply not afford to start again, after ploughing their life savings into a particular relationship, and assets into within that relationship. That's great. How many others can say the same? What percentage do you put at relationships that actually have love involved, not money? Great. Once again, how many other do you think have been as sensible as you? Interesting comment. For me, if a relationship here is solely based on money. then those people are strangers to me. I would be happy to pay for honest care here, not a sham relationship. I am not singling you out. You know the many many relationships here I am talking about.
  22. I respect your honesty. How many are living miserable lives in retirement, in Issan, drinking themselves to death, because they were not realistic here?
  23. To be strictly on topic, there's nothing wrong with it. I just question how often it happens here for farang, without money being involved. I really don't think that's too far off topic.
  24. Ahh, but those who have invested their life savings into the relationship, and into worthless assets in Issan will tell you that you are cynical, and bitter etc etc, when all you have done is been realistic.
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