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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. I am not bitter. As I said in a previous post, I never went down that path. I am happily single here. Would you care to put a percentage on genuine relationships to relationships solely based on the flow of money? Be honest.
  2. I did. Not getting fleeced is pretty worthwhile. Not living in a village in rural Thailand, in my retirement years, is pretty worthwhile. Not buying land I can't truly own is pretty worthwhile. Why not do a social experiment? Stop the money flow and see what happens. Of course, you wouldn't dare, you know the outcome. So many guys have got themselves into a situation here where they have to keep paying, because they have ploughed their life savings into the relationship and worthless assets, and given they are retired, they are now stuck, and unable to start again. I didn't work hard all my life to be manipulated to end up living in a village in Thailand where I get to watch rice grow until I die.
  3. Not bitter. Single. Never had a Thai girlfriend. Never sent money for a sick buffalo. I'm not a member of the Issan House Builders Club. Do you deny Money Number One in Thailand? You speak of your experience, but do you think that is the experience of many who have been fleeced here?
  4. Leaver

    Seahorse Ferry

    It appears it hasn't ended just yet. More entertainment to come. ????
  5. When your money runs out, so does the Thai family.
  6. It's not the the world I grew up in either, however, that is the world today. It's all about what you are, not who you are these days. Studies have shown divorce rates rise and fall with changing economic conditions. I guess the success of many marriages depends on earning capacity at a give time. That would appear to make money the central part of the marriage.
  7. That wooshing sound is the sound of sarcasm going over your head. ???? (note the emoji)
  8. Well, most of us didn't get out of bed and go to work everyday because we wanted to, either. ????
  9. It happens. Just another reason why online will gain in popularity in the future. If the service is not provided, there's no loss of money for the customer, accept for maybe some drinks at regular prices.
  10. Yes, I did, not so much for the return of the money, but to let the bar know they were employing a scammer.
  11. I still classify night market food as street food.
  12. Why would it be any different in Thailand? https://www.npr.org/2019/07/30/746600105/1-in-4-food-delivery-drivers-admit-to-eating-your-food
  13. I get that, but both are services on offer, and in my opinion both do not constitute any abuse if the escort / prostitute is offering her services of her own free will. Now, if she won the Thai lottery, would she continue to be a prostitute, probably not, but that's for another thread.
  14. That wouldn't work in Thailand. The customer would pay with credit card, and the delivery driver would eat the food, on the beach, with his friends, with a bottle of lao khao. ????
  15. Yes, but the engine has been running, parked up against a tree, and the driver asleep at the wheel. ????
  16. A bit like prostitution is illegal in Thailand. Officially, it is, the reality on the other hand is very different.
  17. If it's cooked on the street, then it's street food. Doesn't matter where it's from. Eg. kebabs here.
  18. If "sex came as a bonus where they took the first step" how can it be abuse, just because the guy takes the first step? Have you ever heard of the term, "mutual consent?" I think what you are describing is perhaps taking advantage of your superior financial capability, but that doesn't mean you are abusing a girl who is offering sex services, in any country. Prostitution is a job, and a legal job in many countries. The morality, or financial need, behind the decision to become a prostitute is for another thread, but it doesn't mean guys using these services are abusive. What price do the girls accept for being company for the evening, without sex?
  19. Leaver

    Seahorse Ferry

    What market is that? Or, find a country friendly to foreign investment and progress. Thailand is not such a country. Ship is good, concept is good, partners are good - choice of country is wrong, as you have found out, yet you persist, which is admirable, but flogging a dead horse, and by me saying that, that doesn't mean I am a "hater."
  20. Leaver

    Seahorse Ferry

    Seems like you are swapping fishing net issues for liquor licensing issues. I would have thought high fuel costs may have worked in your favor, attracting a lot more passengers.
  21. You raise some interesting points, however, the girls offer a service. The price for their services is usually negotiated beforehand. Should the girls agree to providing a particular service that you have called "abuse" then how can it be abuse by the customer? I've bar fined a couple of girls in the past who came up with the "I have period" or "Mama just have motorbike accident" scam. I went back to the bar and asked for the bar fine back, and told the girl I was doing so. Don't know what happened to their employment after that. I don't condone violence against women, but Pattaya is the world's brothel, and yes, it attracts dodgy guys, and dodgy Thai hookers, who are not all the innocent victims you portray them to be.
  22. Yes, only one of them. Or, make it harder for people to be exposed to the virus. Eg. lock downs, border closures etc. Vaccination only helps stop the spread because vaccinated people are infectious for less time than an unvaccinated person. You could put an infectious person in a confined space with a vaccinated person and an unvaccinated person, for a prolonged period of time, and both uninfected people will end up infected. Vaccination is not a breathing apparatus. I'm vaccinated, and not just for covid, for a lot of other diseases. I am not an anti vaxxer.
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