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Everything posted by ricklev

  1. They have moved one step past the "mulling" stage.
  2. Reminds me of the escaped rampaging elephant in Honolulu and the shock people experienced when encountering it.
  3. My experience of getting benzos and zolpidem in Thailand involved going into any hospital or clinic and honestly saying I have trouble sleeping but benzos/zollpidem help and then receiving as many of the type I asked for in the dosage I asked for. It could not have been easier other than just going directly to a pharmacy if that was possible. However, I do think benzos etc.are horrible long-term and difficult to quit. I will never take another one.
  4. Around 70-80 baht per pill last time I got it at Bangkok Christian Hospital. The consultation was about 800 baht if I remember correctly. It was a few years ago. I am not sure if it is still available there.
  5. Any suggestion for a cheap 3 in 1 printer with factory ink tanks. Hopefully under 3000 baht. No Canon printers. They decided not to update my old printer drivers to Windows 11 along with a zillion other planned obsolescence gimmicks. I know they are all the same but Canon is a drastic offender.
  6. You would think they would make some notification of the change on their extraordinarily well-designed website. 🙂
  7. I guess it is just 10 baht regular postage required as always and the wrong postage on an EMS sticker means they couldn't send it back to you. Not sure what good putting an EMS sticker on the return envelope does though? Can't hurt, I suppose.
  8. Yeah, about a year ago. But I have successfully submitted by mail and online (accepted on the 5th time after 4 rejections) since then. Oh well, that's life in the big city.
  9. I don't understand this. You are saying the 10 baht stamp on the return envelope is no longer accepted at Chaengwattana? Thanks for clarifying. I am about to mail it in.
  10. Have not left Thailand in 15 years. Same address. Same form information every time. Everything correct. Chaengwattana. Why they lie me??? Your application for "STAYING LONGER THAN 90 DAYS" has been rejected. Incorrect entry date upon entry into the kingdom/ Incorrect visa expiration date.
  11. It's pretty clear to me that many online submissions are simply randomly rejected for some reason. If you disagree because yours always works I can assure you that eventually the wheel of fate will pick you too.
  12. Decathlon!
  13. Anybody have a link to the transfer form and power of attorney form for transferring motorcycle title. I have seen them before with English above the Thai but the links no longer work. Thanks!
  14. I use my motorcycle horn every single time I feel it will make me safer. And that is often in Bangkok. Usually just a short beep beep to make sure that the other driver (who I assume is a moron that I suspect is about to endanger me) knows I am there. If they continue in their lunacy they get several long beeps and if that doesn't work I lay on the horn til they stop. To heck with politeness Thai style when it's my body in danger. Never had a problem with anyone confronting me in 20 years of driving in Thailand.
  15. But but but he is old! Never a discussion about policy because the only policies the Republicans have are deeply unpopular. Restrict and ban abortion. Lower taxes on the wealthy. Less environmental regulation. A for profit health care system with little government regulation. Etc. Etc. Etc.
  16. That's what I ended up using as it also came with signature on delivery. I couldn't figure out my options on the Thai Post website and the clerk didn't really want to describe cheaper options. That is fine. It is already on the USPS tracking site showing acceptance at the Thai post office. No hurry for delivery as I already paid my taxes online and filed for an extension so there are no penalties for late submission.
  17. Although I can't agree with your lack of capital letters, I agree with your sentiment. Let's face it though, no Republican candidate would be discussing policy.
  18. Thanks. Exactly what I needed to know!
  19. I have to mail in my tax return to the USA. The timing is not important so I don't want the expense of EMS but I would like tracking or confirmation that it arrived. Which Thailand Post product will work for that or is that only available with EMS? Thanks.
  20. Out of stock at Gourmet Market at Paragon. I'm not actually looking for it. Tabasco is not my favorite. I just noted recently that it was out of stock everywhere I went. I cook a lot of Tex-Mex.
  21. Hmmm. Not at Big C Rajadamri.
  22. Tops, Villa, Central Market in Bangkok are all out.
  23. Some Americans will understand: No Tabasco in stock. Crystal not available anymore. Franks Hot Sauce may be running low but is still on Tops online. Louisiana Hot Sauce may be running low but is still on Tops online. There are a few overpriced sellers on Lazada and Shopee. Reminds me of the Great Refried Beans Fiasco of 2009 when Villa arbitrarily decided that Casa Fiesta refried beans needed to triple in price overnight before coming to their senses a few months later.
  24. Only a moron would not at least consider the possibility that what is being reported might not be the whole story or might have elements lacking in truth. Before you condemn them ask yourself the question: Am I a moron? That said, maybe they did act violently against the police. I don't know.
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