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Posts posted by JeffersLos

  1. 55 minutes ago, mfd101 said:

    (1) Insurance companies have to make a profit. Otherwise they cease to exist.


    (2) How long you've been a customer when you front up with a major claim will undoubtedly affect their consideration & decisionmaking. Why wouldn't it? 


    Because you have specified coverage as per the contract. Either your illness is covered or it isn't. 


    How long you've had the contract doesn't/shouldn't have anything to do with it. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    A tragic accident?  Poor training and lack of self defense tools caused the cop his life.  Stun gun, rubber bullets, or how about telling the suspect to show his hands and a proper pat down to see if he has a weapon.  Very sad, I am surprised more cops aren't injured or killed here it only takes one contact with a mental subject to lose your life.






    In the early hours of 25 September 2020 Sgt Matiu Ratana was in charge at Croydon Custody Centre. It would be his last shift. He was shot and killed by a handcuffed prisoner just three months before he had been due to retire.


    Each of the six chambers of the revolver had a bullet in. He was carrying seven more bullets in a black pouch in his breast pocket.

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  3. 1 hour ago, MrBrad said:

    On my Android I tried "EMS1669" as suggested.  I got "Looking for EMS1669? This app isn't available for your device because it was made for an old ..." 


    Is the app still valid and, if so, does anyone know another way to find it?  Thanks.


    Yes, it is still available and active, however some posters on AN have mentioned that it isn't compatible with their device, others have no problem. 

  4. Only a wheel.


    Maybe 15 inches.


    It seemed to have a small electric motor on the side. There were no other visible parts to this vehicle. 


    He was wearing a fell face helmet. Presumably to help keep brains and blood out of the engine compartment of the pickup truck that drives over him. 


    I put forward that the riding position isn't the most comfortable on long trips. 

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  5. On 12/17/2023 at 8:48 PM, ballpoint said:

    The medical emergency number for Thailand is 1669, unless your friend wants to be taken to a specific hospital, in which case you should look up the hospital's emergency number and store it in their phone for them before it is needed.  If your friend does call a hospital in Chiang Mai city though, they will likely have to wait for the ambulance to come from there, rather than getting a local one.  In my experience, calling 1669 will ensure the nearest ambulance is dispatched, but it will take them to a public hospital - which I don't really have a problem with in an emergency, but some may.



     EMS1669 also have an emergency App.


    Set it up on their phone, or anybody's phone, in an emergency it can be called with one button push and they will automatically know their location, name, well, it will know everything about them.

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