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Everything posted by JeffersLos

  1. Nonsense. Thais are the best friends money can buy.
  2. With added risk of staying alive but as a vegetable.
  3. How often do you use it for a regular 1 year old battery? I'm thinking maybe twice a week for a few hours.
  4. I have bought ordered this one. Thanks Neal.
  5. 8.900 on lazada. That's around 3 batteries and maybe 8 years of driving.
  6. Thanks. Does Mr DIY also sell trickle chargers?
  7. Last night and this morning there were the first signs of the car battery not being fully charged. It is maybe 18 months old. IME they don't last long here. I'm looking at some trickle chargers that can plug into our car port at home. Some are cheap. I usually prefer electrical devices that don't have bells and whistles as bells and whistles can go faulty and just add more headaches to a simple procedure and need. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/12v-start-car-battery-charger-i4142282698-s16247497948.html? 270 THB. Though it has 2 modes 12v and 24v. Modes with buttons on cheap devices are just something that can break or go wrong. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/12v-24v-150ah-smart-battery-charger-aj-618-i3010078596-s12221730445.html? This is only 180 THB. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/400a-12v24v-i4814970903-s19959640691.html? This looks more substantial for 249 THB. Did anybody buy a trickle charger for their vehicle from Lazada, which one did you buy and what's your status report on it? TIA.
  8. No, it is the law. It translates as having the rights to other's fruits. There is no skirting of the law. The land is 100% owned by a Thai. They just don't have any right to use it after giving a usufruct to someone.
  9. Yes, the Thai on the title deeds will need to agree to sell it. Without him removing himself from the title deeds it is however useless to them, as they cannot use it without his consent, sell it, rent it, or do anything else to it. With a usufruct on the property the Thai on the title deeds does not have a legal right to cohabit or reside on the property.
  10. It is his to use AND control. Even the Thai on the title deed cannot stay there without him agreeing to it. It is within his legal right to kick the Thai on the title deed out if he so wishes. If it is ever rented, he is immediately legally entitled to all rents. With the exception of being in control of selling it, the Thai on the title deeds needs to agree to sell it (note that it cannot be sold without his legal consent), it is his in every conceivable legal way until he dies.
  11. If he doesn't agree to have his name removed, no one will buy it, it is worthless to the Thai owners both present and future. He cannot sell it without consent. Without his consent to be removed, it is useless to the current owner. 2 edged sword. The current Thai on the land title will need to agree to transfer it to another, whether 100%, 50%, 10%, 1% or 0% of the proceeds goes to him is between himself and that Thai has nothing to do with the land office or the person buying it.
  12. He has full control of the land until he dies, no matter who owns it, whether he is married or divorced means nothing. He is legally due any rent from it, and it cannot be sold without him signing off on it, and even after being sold he has full control of it, not any new owner.
  13. People have been getting usufructs for years. Even if the land and house is sold or transferred he still has the legal right to not allow the new owners in. Not that it can be legally sold or transferred or used as collateral without him signing off in person. The family might be able to conjure up some illegal deal with fake signatures etc with the land office workers, but not easy. Being surrounded by Thai family is not the ideal situation. I would guess that in a divorce or separation, he would agree to have his name and usufruct removed for a fraction of what he paid, so the family can have it fully to themselves without having to kill him, beat him, or illegally work in cahoots with the land office people to illegally alter the land title.
  14. Are there any uncensored photos of it online yet? Please quote this message with a link.
  15. It doesn't take long for US politics to enter a thread that is neither about the US or politics. Hopefully the new merger will set rules banning posters that bring US politics into threads that are not about it.
  16. Lanes are clear on both sides, why not drive around them? They felt the others should move for them, not them move around them easily?
  17. The CPR in the video doesn't look like any I've seen before, are they supposed to do a few compressions then stop for one?
  18. We're looking at a plot that has a house on it that was built around 40 years ago. It's gone through many owners since then. We would look at knocking the house but are interested in the plans that show the foundations etc, as we may build a small guesthouse, or place a knockdown house on it, still keep part of it, or may use the foundations and pipes etc for something or other. Is it possible to get the original house plans that were drawn up from a local office? Do they keep them on file the same as the title deeds? The current owner can be present with their Thai ID and title deeds. Or are they not kept on file? TIA.
  19. Drive over anyone sitting in the middle of a highway.
  20. Our neighbor goes to a very well to do and expensive school despite being mute. Cannot speak any language at all, so it's hard to believe she passed the English speaking exam.
  21. It could be listed as 2222 million baht, that has no indication of its value. If the most anybody is willing to pay is 50,000 baht, that is it's value.
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