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Posts posted by JeffersLos

  1. Can you typically get the Kor Ror 11 at your Amphur without a court order? For a teenage child, father is listed on the birth certificate, same surname etc)


    Can you typically get the Kor Ror 11 if married to the child's mother?


    Does immigration accept the Kor Ror 11 for annual Non-O extensions based on being a father to a Thai? Thai mother/wife doesn't live in Thailand so marriage extensions would not be possible.





    Can it be obtained by the amphur without court order with both parents and child present?

    Can it be obtained whilst married to the Thai mother?

    Can it be used for annual extensions based on father of a child whilst the Thai wife and mother doesn't live in Thailand?

  2. 11 hours ago, NanLaew said:


    Why would you suspect that?


    People that don't have the funds, 400k, 800k or the statements of monthly income previously had 2 choices.


    1 : Pay an agent that has that in their package.

    2 : Go to Savannakhet and get a 12 month multi entry visa without showing any funds.


    One of those choices is now gone.

  3. SCB Siriraj DEbit Card


    Receive benefits of up to 200,000 baht due to loss of life caused by accident

    Receive medical expenses arising from accidents of up to 5,000 baht per accident (unlimited number of accidents per year)

    Receive cover for accidents, murder and assaults, or whilst riding or being a passenger on a motorcycle

    No need to pay medical expenses arising from accidents in advance when being treated in a  hospital which is a member of Bangkok Insurance’s network. You can check out the hospital network at www.bangkokinsurance.com



    Sum Insured (baht)

    1. Loss of life, dismemberment, loss of sight or total permanent disability from


    Riding or being a passenger on a motorcycle

    Murder and Assault




    2. Receive 10 times your primary deposit account balance (before date of accident) with this card due to loss of life caused by accident

    Up to 100,000

    3. Receive medical expenses arising from accident, including riding or being a passenger on a motorcycle, and murder/ assaults (unlimited number of accidents per year)




    Entrance Fee: 100 baht

    Annual Fee: 599 baht (Debit card fee: 374 baht/card and personal accidental insurance fee: 225 baht/card)

    Card Replacement Fee*: 100 baht

    Monthly Statement Fee: 200 baht per year (apply at your home branch)



    • Thanks 1
  4. CIMB Thai


    1. Loss of life, dismemberment, loss of sight or permanent disability due to general accident100,000

    2. Loss of life, dismemberment, loss of sight or permanent disability due to motorcycle accident100,000

    3. Loss of life, dismemberment or permanent disability due to murder and assault100,000

    4. Medical expenses (per accident)10,000


    Card replacement fee

    THB 100/card

    Annual fee for basic type

    THB 529/card




    • Thanks 1
  5. Krungthai


    Cost: 699THB


    Benefits as a result of adult accidental death, loss of limb(s), loss of sight or permanent total disablement as a result of accident (Aw.Baw.1) (excluding murder or bodily assault and accidents from driving your car or riding on hired motorcycle


    100,000 Baht

    Aw.Baw.1-related benefits as a result of murder or bodily assault


    30,000 Baht


    Aw.Baw.1-related benefits as a result of driving your car or riding on hired motorcycle

    30,000 Baht


    Hospitalization (per accident per time): additional cover for murder or bodily assault and inclusive of driving your car and riding on hired motorcycle 5,000 Baht





    • Thanks 1
  6. SCB Let's SCB Plus Debit Card.

    Joining fee

    100 Baht

    Annual fee

    200 Baht

    Annual issuance

    100 Baht

    Annual insurance fee and operating costs
    399 Baht
    Total 799 THB
    More peace of mind with instant coverage of up to 100,000 baht in case of accident.
    Claim medical bills for an unlimited number of medical treatments of up to 5,000 baht for each accident.
    Pay more for the Super Plus card and benefits.
    Claim medical bills for an unlimited number of medical treatments of up to 10,000 baht for each accident.
    In case of in-patient due to an accident, receive income compensation at 1,00 baht/day up to 365 days/case, or 2,000 baht/day up to 10 days in case of CCU/ICU.

    Cost: 1,799 THB per year. 





    • Thanks 1
  7. UOB


    Insurance Coverage Benefits • Maximum medical expense coverage no more than 10,000 Baht/accident.

    • Insurance coverage includes loss of life, loss of organ functions, or permanent disability from accident, murder, and physical attack or from driving or riding motorcycle maximum 100,000 Baht. • Life insurance coverage in case of loss of life while on public transport maximum 200,000 Baht.


    Accident Insurance Coverage Limit not exceeding 100,000 Baht

    Coverage • Medical expense coverage per accident, no more than 10,000 baht. There is no limit to the number of times per year. • Insurance coverage 24 hours worldwide. • No need to pay in advance for admission to more than 300 partner hospitals nationwide


    Annual fee: 799thb.



    • Thanks 1
  8. Kasikorn.


    K-Max Debit Card.


    Coverage Amount

    • Initial sum insured: 100,000 Baht / card
    • Plus 10 times the average outstanding balance in the linked account in the previous month
    • Plus 10 times the total debit card spending in the previous month

    Note: Maximum sum insured: 200,000 Baht / card


    Coverage Amount

    Up to 5,000 Baht per accident (unlimited number of accidents)

    Note: Income compensation during hospitalization
    is up to 30 days per accident.



    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 minute ago, CanadaSam said:

    IMO, these debit cards with insurance are well worth the money.


    Last year, I used one 3 times for minor accidents, and it worked, amazingly well, at Jomtien Hospital and Bangkok Pattaya Hospital!  I didn't have to pay a dime!


    That is what I've been told by those that have used it, or have had private hospitals use it for them.


    It's worth being aware of, and setting it up. 

    • Thanks 2
  10. I have K Bank, Bangkok Bank and BAY bank accounts with debit cards, but I never really paid attention to the PA insurance they also offer.


    It is by no means a replacement for a proper PA policy.


    A forum member was involved in a hit and run a few days ago that put him in hospital for a few days and nights. A friend was involved in similar a few years ago, and the first insurance the hospital went for was the PA from their K Bank debit card. It immediately covered the ambulance to a private hospital, the treatment and medication. 


    They simply took the card details and it immediately covered everything without any payment. I think he said it was up to 5000 or 10,000 baht. No need to use his own PA or first class motorbike insurance. 


    For simplicity, it's worth having such an account, putting in the required 500 or 1000 baht, and paying the 500 baht or whatever the annual debit card fees are. 


    Is there a link to a source showing


    The name of the bank.

    The account type (account name).

    The THB coverage amount.

    The fees.


    For the different banks and their Debit Card PA cover?


    It is by no means a replacement for a proper PA policy, but worth having as in an event the Thais will immediately understand it and know how to use it before others. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
    • Thanks 1
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