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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. ~

    Thanks for the various inputs here.

    I did speak with Siam Legal's 24/hr line and a rep was supposed to call me but never did. Perhaps they don't need the business..

    Star Visa also does assistance and have been VERY helpful without charge so many kudos to them. They also provide a paid service and are comparatively reasonable in price.

    Success stories are always welcome...

    Well my success story went like this:

    Flew to America and over 2 months I leisurely took my time filling out the forms, between work and school I was often too tired to read the jargone, then I submitted.

    Within 2 weeks we had confirmation, within 1 month we had an appointment along with a work permit for her.

    The interview took less than 10 minutes and we got her adjustment, we spent another 20minutes telling cutsey stories to the girl who interviewed us.

    Then in less than 2 weeks she had a greencard.

    The only hard part is the paperwork, tax returns being the bigger pain in the butt, but paying someone else to do the work for you will save a headache!

    Because we have been married 2+ years she only has to wait 3 years, not 5, to be naturalized if she wants.

    I'm sure your process will go just as smoothly.

    P.S. it WAS Star Visa who helped us getting our documents ready, they know their stuff.

  2. I did all the paper work myself to change my wife from a B2 visa to having a greencard, it wasn't hard, but it wast a lot of reading (visajourneys.com was a big help)

    I highly suggest talking to your local congressman, mine helped quite a bit with answering questions and writing letters of invitation for my wife.

    Honestly in all the forms it says you are not allowed to come in on a B2 visa and change to permanent status, it was my Congressman who said do it, don't worry.

    I did use the one translation center near the consulate to translate all of the marriage and birth certificates etc.

  3. Haha, I agree but I love the Mx-5. The mazdaspeed Miata is a nice little car, but then again I look at them in two ways.

    1. Great SCCA track cars

    2. Let's drop a 302 or LS1 in it and see how fast it can go!

    The worst part is Thailand won't ever get a detuned Mazdaspeed3. not too hard to drop from 263hp to under 250...

  4. I can vouch for John. he brought trainees to where I worked. The vast majority were able to command attention and successfully do their job, despite us having some unruly classrooms.

    I avoided having others find me a job, I simply submitted my CV prior to the semester ending (march) to various schools in the area I wanted to teach.

    The best advice i can give is observe your coworkers. Ask them if you can watch them during your off hours, this is the best way to learn teaching methods that work and those that do not.

    Above all of that, take a deep breath before you plunge in!

  5. First off count yourself lucky! When I was dating my wife they wouldn't give her a visa since she was a single female and claimed 99% of the time single females are not given vsas.

    My wife visited America on a tourist/holiday and could stay up to 6 months. This was a much easier way than going the fiance visa route. hel_l even though everyone said she couldn't enter America on a Tourist visa and then change her status and get a green card, we did it.

    Call your local government office (Sorry for my ignorace of how the UK is set up) and explain to them the problems and see if they can forward letters to Thailand. I did this and they helped my wife get here and change status despite in not being the proper route. I mean after all why did you pay all those taxes if they aren't going to work for you?

  6. <br />
    Anyone know what kind of fish they are and where to get them??
    <br /><br />Piranhas, perhaps?<br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    from wikipedia:

    Doctor fish is the name given to two species of fish: Garra rufa and Cyprinion macrostomus. Other nicknames include nibble fish, kangal fish, little dermatologists and doctorfishen; in non-medical contexts, Garra rufa is called the reddish log sucker.

    So then they're not a new thing to Thai spas after all. :)

  7. Met good and Bad and I can say that for every nationality. I don't care where you hail from. I will treat anyone the same way they treat me :shrug: Hope the move is uneventful and retirement in CM is everything you hoped for.

  8. I hate to be negative, but this is just another example of one person doing something new and being successful only to have 500+ copycats, who don't have an original thought in their head, flood the market.

    We saw this when internet and coffee shops became the "new" thing. We see similar businesses right next to eachother, ie 3 barbers in a row etc etc.

    Oh well, smile, shake your head, and laugh cause TiT.

  9. they are 22K and 29k starting for the CX-7 and CX-9 here stateside. Anyone willing to pay a 2-3million Baht mark up can go ahead.

    90% of cars are not worth it IMHO, as much as I love my mustang I won't be trying to bring it over or drop close to 5 Million baht for a 2005-2007 GT....

    Anytime I see a price i think about what it could buy back home. But that's my 2 Baht.

  10. Thanks everyone for coming to my defense! Don't worry, people like Thaifan2 won't scare me off -- I'm pretty thick skinned!

    I think the term "Hubby" is in the same category as the "Mrs. My Screen Name" term that some male posters use. It's respectful and shows some affection. I just didn't think "Mr. NancyL" has the same feel as "Hubby"

    I think "Thaifan2" is going to fit right in when he finally moves to Chiang Mai.

    I'd love to be called hubby. My wife calls me fatty.

    Would you settle for Tubby? :)

    I keed I keed :D

  11. Yes, the news of the new line from SE asia to N America is uplifting. Hopefully it will be running faster by August. Fingers crossed.

    Whats the "Slingbox route"?

    Slingbox is a box you can hook up stateside (can any UK or Aussie people tell me if you have this?) to a cable line and internet and then it reroutes it to your computer anywhere in the world.

    I figured you are American since you mentioned netflix.

    This however runs into the bandwidth problem.

    I often just bought movies from 100B a piece at the secondhand street market that pops up sat and sunday morning next to Prince Royal and Payap Divinity.

  12. You can get them, but the internet is so slow in CM that it's not worth it. Many have even gone the slingbox route.

    I think everyone has their fingers crossed about this new line they just placed on the sea floor.

    I would torrent shows, and it would take like 1-7 days for a gig to download depending on how god awful Maxnet of TT&T decided to be... (this was on their max bandwidth for home use)

  13. I did a semester abroad in spring 2005. I returned Jan 2006 and worked for 2.5 years. Now I am back home getting a second degree to better setup a good life for myself in Thailand.

    I got married there in 2007 and my wife joined me back to the US, she will start her Masters here in the Fall.

    So yeah, I understand that a brief time in CM can drastically change your plans!

  14. On a more proper response.

    I went out and bought the Rosetta stone package for Thai and hated it. I was going to sell it and get my wasted $200 but then someone stole my CD's while in Thailand...

    Rosetta stone would be fine for a romanized language, but they throw you in will full words and pictures.

    I will check out the above, I need to work on my writing and reading :/

  15. As others said. This might be OK as a jumping point if you were in a different province where things are cheaper.

    It might not hurt to keep them in mind as you search for better, but all in all your credentials demand a better salary.

    On a side note, one thing I learned was that I was happier with a smaller salary because where I worked gave me more freedoms, less hours, and generally made me happier than some other places offering more. If you can get people's opinions on schools.

    Good luck!

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