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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. Ok, I am going to need the help from others.

    There is a restaurant called "Gaa lae" (I believe) it is located all the way up Suthep road. So you go past the back entrance of the univerisity and up and curving hill. They have a nice view over the pond, and if you walk, an even nicer view of the lit up city.

  2. I don't mind the 100B corkage fees at all, I mean the different between a bottle of red or black at &-11 vs Warm up is under 200B. The only time I would bring in a bottle would be one that was gifted to me, so then i only paied 100B for the bottle not 1200...

    Honestly, think of all the stupid things you have laid out 100B for... How many times have we spent and extra 50B for an overcharge taxi ride cause it was too hot out and we just didn't care.

    BB: You are right, 3 people. That makes it even WORSE. I glanced over it and must have caught the "2"... Under 350B for 3hrs of drinking, food, and the chance to see something I wouldn't see elsewhere only because the owner was nice enough to open early when he didn't have to? Yes Please.

  3. Boohoohoo he already spent 1000B, hel_l only 500per person. Next time charge em "corking fees" for anything they bring in from the outside. The cheapness of some people astounds me...

    If you bring any bottle into a club like Warm up or monkey, expect to pay at least 100B. It says so in the menus. I suggest rewriting that into yours.

  4. May I respectfully suggest that posters read the topic before they post. Jaideeguy said he was too skint to send the student to an International school.


    That was not the original post. Notice both the title and OP has been edited.

    Furthermore, why not make one school thread rather than two. If you make two I am 100% sure you will have "This thread is great, but what about XXXX type of schools?"

    On a side note,

    Sarasas Witaed (Don't know their website) Street address and sister school info: http://www.ektra.ac.th/EngVersion/affiliated.html

  5. forgot some international schools:

    The Chiangmai Christian German School http://www.cdscm.org/html/english.html

    Nakorn Payap International School http://www.nis.ac.th/

    These are private schools:

    Varee http://www.varee.ac.th/v3/index.php (Their "English" button doesn't seem to be working)

    The Prince Royal's College http://www.prc.ac.th/englishweb/

    Dara Academy http://www.dara.ac.th/mains/

    Sacred Heart College http://www.sch.ac.th/

    Wicahi Wittaya http://www.wichai.ac.th/

  6. Had a friend lose his digital camera and all his pictures in Koh Phi Phi. We went around shop by shop asking and we found it. The two nice shopkeepers held it for 2 days, he promptly bought a bunch of clothes etc since they would not accept a reward.

  7. I would imagine a new gay hotel would be greeted warmly by many here, can't imagine how anyone could suggest it isn't indicative of Lanna culture as many like to interpret it. The Lavender Lanna Hotel right on the moat, very tasteful, seems perfect to me. Don't doubt King Mengrai would approve.

    Sadly it might be warmly greeting by opposing forces, and by warmly I mean with Molotov's. No stop to the level of depravity that some will sink to. I pray that I am wrong though.

  8. Some further encouragement for you is that I know plenty of CMU students in English programs who have made it over to the US, UK, for Aus. I know for a fact that they didn't study at a private school either.

    I agree that Prem is expensive, but the others have listed many other schools. CMIS is up to 3x less than Prem and seems to be a good choice if you are American (AP courses and the such). As I stated in another thread, I currently attend university with a girl from CMIS and she is pulling a high GPA.

  9. I think someone doesn't want more people in Chiang Mai...

    BTW Who are all these unfriendly jerks? The other expats? Cause I for one never ran into hordes of unfriendly locals. I disregard this forum since internet personalities fail to accurately reflect real personalities. orrrr you could just avoid said people :shrug:


  10. Don't forget that attitude at home makes a huge difference as well as tutoring.

    My wife (native Thai) went through Dara from start to finish then went on to CMU for English. Her father and mother were involved in her education and she went to the British consulate over the summers. She will soon be going for he Masters here in the US. In fact she herself thinks that a prominent Thai program with private English tutoring is better than most bilingual programs.

  11. Some of the Thai teachers at government schools make decent baht doing after school or Saturday classes in their classrooms, of course the school gets a cut. Some even buly parents into making their kid study there and grade will mysteriously drop if the child is not in these after school classes and will miraculously raise if they are put in.

    If a Thai teacher has a good command of English, they can make even better money tutoring at their house or rent a place out.

    Okay, yes, some teachers make some extra money tutoring. I don't see a big problem with that except when they might spend so much energy (A working day is a working day!) that they do not provide to their students in the classroom the attention they ought to get.

    But you have made a serious accusation here about schools and individual teachers, so I ask:

    What schools "buly" parents? What teachers? Where do such grades seem to shift due to avarice? Specifically, please! You won't get sued, I am sure.

    Sorry, missed an l there, bully is what I meant to say.

    The teachers I am referring to and know for a fact that they do this (through coworkers and parents of students in these classes) are at a school and schools in general that no one on this forum would be consider sending their kid's to. IE government schools.

  12. Some of the Thai teachers at government schools make decent baht doing after school or Saturday classes in their classrooms, of course the school gets a cut. Some even buly parents into making their kid study there and grade will mysteriously drop if the child is not in these after school classes and will miraculously raise if they are put in.

    If a Thai teacher has a good command of English, they can make even better money tutoring at their house or rent a place out.

  13. Don't forget the rampant ageism, a 40 year old will have a lot harder time getting a job than a 22yr old.

    Your other options as far as teaching goes is 20-40k/month depending on the school and experience. However read up on all the hoops that they are trying to make teachers jump through before you set something in stone.

  14. I love getting funny jokes in my e-mail!

    On a side note, I went to one in Feb 2006. Biggest disappointment in my life... I love techno/electronica and thought it would be a giant rave, but it was just a bunch of farang sitting on the beach drinking beer and taking drugs (12,000+ of them). I would say 10% were dancing or even cared about the music, and they trashed that beach...

    I would say the funniest thing is the choice of the beach, the moon disappears over the mountain, not the water. Didn't matter though, I left early disgusted and disappointed

    Though i did learn a new phrase that night "Farang kii nok". So I guess all was not lost.

  15. I would also like to state something we missed.

    Area has a huge impact of what you need to live on. SOme people stated 35k, but I lived, as a single, on 22k in Chiang Mai easily.

    Bangkok and the more island "resort" towns are a LOT more expensive. 30k in Chiang mai might go as far as 50k in Bangkok, further if you learn the city and where to shop.

    I still believe you can make a career teaching, but you are going to have a combination of the following to be teaching at top tier school, have a BS Ed, Ma or MS degree, tutor on the side, have a partner who also brings in a decent sized income, and if you have kids, working at an international school who give free or discounted enrollment.

  16. Two things are needed to live a successful life teaching in Thailand. A BA or BS degree and a work permit. If you have neither, be prepared to work illegally, be subject to fines or being arrested and expect that your income will be under 15k.month. Furthermore, I don't know if you are a native speaker or not, but you will be payed less if you are not.

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