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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. My wife was a government Kindergarten II teacher. While she was Thai none of her students knew this because she never spoke Thai, she never had to, nor do you. Her lesson plan was broken up into 5-10 minute activities based upon the weekly theme. Such as a few vocab words then on to an art project, Ie coloring or making a "weather hat" which was a paper crown with different weather elements hanging off it.

    On top of this she would just have an arsenal of things to do like a quick game to grab their attention.

    Things like the ABC's (which at 1st grade you would be surprised how many cannot do a-z in the first semester.

    You could start of a game by calling out a name or number and they stand up and say A then so on, you could reach Z and begin again.

    Simon says works great for first semester as well when you are trying to teach commands like "be quite" open or close your book.

    Read, read, read. Google scholar and other resources, sometimes have whole books in PDF format. Read up on child development a bit and read other successful ideas.

    What do you do during your free periods? Are you asking other teachers if you can observe their classes?

    As for everyone else, unless you are intending to get his job, get off his back. Just because someone got thrown to the wolves when they start does not reflect their desire or potential. Grammar and spelling on the internet shouldn't be weighed so heavily either, cause like OMGWTFBBQ Whargarbl!!!! ... :)

  2. Are you refering to the automatic honda Dio? 6-8,000 Baht should be good. They should have a plate.

    If you are fereing to the Honda Chaly (Cf50 or Cf70) or Honda Dax you will be paying 4-8k depening on it's condition. Only the 70CC version of the Chaly were registered in Thailand, to my knowledge.

    Yes you can own a bike as a foregner.

    On a side note, if you are looking to ride one of these things and not modify them first (HUGE following with the Chaly and Dax, I dropped 30k into my own) you will not top out 40kph.

    Get yourself an older honda Dream 100cc for 8-15k. They are bullet proof and cheap to run and maintain. Plus they will handle your frame easier than a 50cc will.

    I have seen bikes strapped to pick ups. The family might be willing to pick it up themselves if it's a decent enough bike.

    On a side note I have never had problems with the police despite having no plate, no book, and a highly modified bike. And yes I have been stopped, they simple admired my bike and I went on my way. (Sobriety check).

  3. Yeah Da-kaab or whatever the local dialect pronounces it as, we are probably both wrong! :)

    For those unaware and want to kill them, they are extremly aggresive, and quick moving. You can notice the last two legs are modified. They can grabon to something from behind and whip around and strike you before you have time to react. Beat em with a long stick, if you use something short they are fast enough to jump on it run up and bite you.

    P.S. Always shake out your shoes!

  4. My wife tutored a kid who eventually became more proficient than his teacher. She had a "Masters" and touted it, but her English was worst than most BA students. She would report to his mother that he was a poor student etc etc. He would be thrown out of class for correcting her etc. Finnally he got his midterm back and he even found corrections to be made in that. She gave him a lower score than he truley got as well. I believe it was brought up to the higher ups, of course nothing happened, but the teacher did lose face. He is now pulling 4.0's at a much better school where he promptly moved to the following year.

    Typical, a genius kid is told he is stupid just due to an issue over face.

  5. Can't be assed to read it all.

    Learn some Thai, dress smart (clean shaved with emphasis on decent footwear), shop frequently in the Rimping nearest the airport, do the coffee shops outside there during lunch hour and/or after office hours; hang around Thanon Nimbleheadman of a night. :D

    You mean give the appearance that you are loaded?

    That's a good ploy.....a Thai girl just might go for it. :)

    So only rich people have good personal hygiene?

    What he is talking about is don't go out in a stained shirt a 3 day beard and sandals and expect to find beautiful, successful Thai women to fall for you. The places he listed are places that more affluent Thais spend their time. His idea is that they, since they can make their own money, may be less likely to view a Farang as a walking wallet, however realistic this may or may not be.

    As for being loaded, if you have a pension, sold your house, have investments, or work a decent Job in Thailand you should be pulling in minimum 75k, which IS loaded when compared with the norm :shrug:

    Then again, I can be found guilty of looking loaded around Nimm. :D:D

  6. I notice no-one chose Chiangmai because it's cheap and there's enough nooky to go around.

    I suppose all the affluent guys here, considered Zurich, Geneva and Vienna et al, but they just didn't come up to their high standards.

    Chiang Mai is a good place to live, but if I had a lot more money I'm dam_n sure I can find nicer. :)

    The cheap factor is a bonus, not a necessity. However since electronics and cars are all 3-10x more expensive in Thailand it balances out.

    3k for anything less than an Alienware laptop or 40k+ USD for a Honda Accord? Now thank you.

  7. I did a study abroad in Cm and wound up coming back for another 2.5 years. I chose CM because it feels like a small town and not a city, yet it offers all the basic needs, such as decent communication and utilities, great food, even a good amount of western foods when you have that yearning for something from home.

    I lived in phuket for over a month and said screw it. I got treated for a walking wallet. It didn't matter that I could speak Thai, I was white and therefore should buy X item at Y price. Many times I noticed restaurants had dual pricing.

    The beaches are nice, but not worth the rest of the package. I found the nightlife pretty Skeezy.

    Bangkok just felt like NYC with asians. I never liked the city life, in three years I have spent less than a week there, and that's too long IMO.

    Krabi, I could live in Krabi, I found myself being treated much better than anywhere else down south. it's beautiful a little bit expensive, but less than Phuket.

    I could probably do Phitsanulok, but this is because I have friends and family there.

    Didn't even bother with Pattaya, I hated Patong so why even go close to Pattaya.

    What I settled on was in my opinion the best choice. The culture, the food, the people. My wife and I would just vacation in Krabi.

  8. What do you guys all thing you have to offer any Thai girl? apart from an improved standard of living. Get a grip guys, they all only want your money.

    I offer a trusting loving relation to my wife, something she offers back. It's something we work on every day and better for each other. We also offer companionship, comfort, stability, encouragement. and understanding.

    It sounds like you have been burned one too many times. Maybe it's not that they are Thai Girls, but perhaps it's the class of people.

    In Thailand my wife made about 45-50k Baht/month and was working on her MA TESOL. I only had a BA and made about 35-40k. She had a car and a House as well. Now that we are back in the US she is the one working while I get a second degree and once I am done we will switch. Despite her making loads more $ here in the US, she doesn't want to be here nor do I.

    So how can she want my money when she has already shown house successful she has been without me?

    If you go out expecting bad things, you will find them, maybe a shift in thinking might be beneficial.

  9. There is a speed shop on Sam Lam Rd inside the old city. It you are driving past what Phrasing and the temple is on your RH side keep going past the Ratchamankha intersection. on your RH side you should come to it. They seem to favor Mitsubishi, but I have seen many different cars in there from Nissan 240s to MR2s.

    I never dropped in because I knew I wasn't going to stay in Thailand forever (not yet anyways) so I didn't even begin to plan on what type of car to tinker with.

  10. Try to make a point of it to not show up at a temple with a scantly clad woman, of any race or age.

    on a side note thai-language is a decent site, some things are incorrect. Also have fun with the constant questions you will be asking yourself about the language, such as. Why does K = G as in Krabi = Graby not Craby and C = J except when followed by an H, they it is all good.

    Took me a bit to get past that western mentality and just say "I'm in their world now, get used to it".

    Other than that, don't be shy, who cares if you feel you aren't a great speaker, Thai's love it that you try.

  11. The one thing I would stress above everything else if you want to have a SERIOUS relationship with a Thai woman is learning the Thai language. That is very hard to do for people in their 50s or older, and it takes a lot of work. Being able to communicate is essential if you really want to have a good relationship. Otherwise you might as well find a "Rental" for short time stays. Knowing the Thai language is certainly required if you want to associate with professional women and their families. You feel like a bit of an ass sitting around a table with a bunch of Thais all having a good conversation, and you don't have any idea of what they are saying.

    I wholly agree that you should learn Thai if you plan on being with a Thai. However All of my wife's family speaks English, not just "I'm fine thanks and you?". Professional usually comes with a command of the English language

    I can't argue for nor against the about 50 claim as I was half that when i started to learn. It took about a year to feel comfortable, two years to feel confident. I can't stress enough the need to just surround yourself with Thai friends and go from there. But no doubts the language is difficult!

  12. Perhaps I have been here too long, but I don't see many really attractive Thai women. Lots of average and below average, but not many stunners.

    But I am not inviting argument as the topic is so subjective.

    My friend on the other hand comes 3 times a year and he finds almost every Thai girl attractive, and in fact, likes the younger, flat footed, dark skinned girls straight off the rice farm who speak little English. I don't get it, but he really likes these "jungle bunnies" as he calls them and I am astounded to what that Dog will bring home. I think it goes back to his younger days - he's a surface area challenged kind of guy and I dont think he had many girlfriends and now he is making up for it in his own way - improving his statistics while he remembers every girl that ever rejected him.

    There are lovely Thai ladies out there but they require some effort. But stay away from the bar damaged women. No good will ever come of it.

    After living abroad it's easy to forget about how back home they sell and market this "island girl" fantasy. Whether it be Tahiti, Hawaii, Philippines, or the myriad of SE Asian countries. They are exotic to people awash in the norm back home.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with finding any hue of skin color more beautiful than they other, but I feel many are a bit desperate and latch on to anything that comes there way. They know this too, not just a few times have I been called a "hansum man" my someone who seemly had a fire stomped out on their face... But, someone is willing to take em home.

    The funny thing is that the Thai's love Chiang Mai girls because they are pale.

  13. Just to let everyone know

    that windows website win741 (I'm not gonna link it)

    but if you can get a .edu mailing address, you can get windows 7 home or professional for $30 direct download.

    200 Baht for a copied version or 950 Baht for a legit version, easy choice. So go get a college student to help out if needed!

  14. However, pretty girls who are highly educated and not interested in supplemental income do not.

    Pretty is very subjective as well, though I think there are so many girls for every "spec" that this is never a problem.

    I did the opposite of most, I married older :)

  15. No one know where I can purchase an air soft gun in CM?
    Your friend with the air gun is probably using an Air Soft gun. They are openly sold in the shopping centers, they shoot a plastic ball roughly 8mm in diameter. The velocity of the ball is pretty slow in that it won't kill a pigeon (darn it!).
  16. I met a Hawaiian who was 100% polynesian. He would get the job via phone and when he arrived he would either be told there was a mistake or be pushed into not taking this. All because he wasn't white, he wasn't what was expected on a native English speaker from America. I believe he ended up at Wichai or Varee.

    Give al your info w/o a picture and contact over phone first.

    I know some non natives who started out at around 18k/month, higher than Filipinos. However, they were all white.

    Good luck, hopefully you will meet a school that has a philosophy that students should be exposed to all dialects of English.

  17. When you find something you enjoy you will excel. If this is what you want, go for it.

    I look at it this way:

    You are going for a degree in Hotel Management in a tourist country. You are bilingual and worked on and or working on multiple languages.

    English is the language of the traveler here, so you will most likely have a leg up on most Thais. Try to find a Thai who is fluent in Swedish. This is a valuable trait to have for a hotel that sees a lot of swedish tourists.

    Further more you can also double as a business English teacher.

    The only downfall I see is that a hotel might not want to bother with the visa paper work.

    I myself went back to school and it's the best decision I've made.

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