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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. for a hatchback, go for a civic eg 1992-1994 3door-hatchback.

    throw away the std motor and tranmission,

    swap the engine to a B16A/B16B-type r, B18C, K20A.

    the std b16a produces 160hp sir1, sir2 is 170, type r b16b is 185hp 5speed manual.

    the b18c is good for 185hp the type r motor for the b18c is 200hp 5speed manual.

    the k20a from the integra type R dc5 is 220hp stock short 6speed gearbox.

    there are plenty of b16a and b18c around, there is a very selected few k20a around.

    ofcourse i have my source that has one if your intrested etc.

    the reason to go for the hatchback, is the sheer weight. power to weight, Kills V8's.

    They can't kill a V8, how???

    If you talk about horsepower you have to mesure on the rear or front axle as they use to do in Germany, "DIN HP", not "SAE HP". So a 4 banger Japs engine wich they say has 180hp, has maybe only 120 "real" horsepower on the wheels and what you DON"T get with a 4 banger is TORQUE.

    When you put a t3/t4 on a B16 or B18 and then drop that in a hatch you end up getting a lightweight pocket rocket running 300FWHP

    I say have fun and drop an SR20DET into a BMW

    On a side note you might find some cheap Nissans, like a 200sx or cefiro for a decent price.

    An older beetle can be made fast whether you stick with a 1500-1700CC engine or go crazy and drop in an EJ20.

    Starlet Gt's and the old "86" are an option as well

    These is so muscle left in LOS, but it will most likely have a 1jz or 3.0TD in it. You might be lucky and get on with an RB, 2jz, Lexus V8 or find an American V8 for cheap.

    When i lived in Thailand I knew I would be back stateside so i never seriously looked into a project car, but there seemed to be some good jumping points in the 200-400K region. I just can't justify the price of newer cars there. $60k for an sti? No thanks.

  2. Those same kids are saying I/E Heeya about their Thai teachers too. Everyone has had a teacher they hated, sometimes we pick out the most obvious thing to rag on. IF the teacher we hate is over weight we might have said "stupid fat #%$!... We happen to be white, so that gets thrown into the insults. No matter what you will find people who you can not please. ignore them and work harder for the people who appreciate you.

  3. I had always flown EVA then I took Thai Air and never looked back, until they canceled their flights to BKK. Highly dissapointed that EVA business class can not power a 15" laptop but Thai economy can... They also nixxed the hot towels.. But I have so many miles with them :)

  4. I once went and picked up a few things from the 7-11 but upon reaching the counter realized I'd left my wallet at home! Oh how I tried to explain to the staff, and the puzzled look on their faces! It was most hilarious, I'm laughing out loud now as I type this. It took me days to get over the excitement. Chiang Mai sure can be a wild old place sometimes. :)

    I did this once at a restaurant. I was able to convey i would leave my cell phone as collateral. Then I realized I only had enough for a 1 way seelaw trip. 30 min walk/jog on the way back!

    Ehm.. So you went one way to an ATM (or home), got money.. so why you had to walk back? Please tell, it'll keep me up tonight I swear.

    Such an exciting place Chiang Mai.. Zany zany zany.

    Forgot the entire wallet! I was at one of the then "Library" on "walking street" and was staying at the Huey Keaw apartments. And you're right, I got that wrong there would be no reason for me to walk back if I got money, so I walked home and rode back. This was 3 years ago, sorry for the mix up.

    Other than that. I have at a random request had my head shaved by monks at Wat Suan Dok for Maga Puja day.

  5. I once went and picked up a few things from the 7-11 but upon reaching the counter realized I'd left my wallet at home! Oh how I tried to explain to the staff, and the puzzled look on their faces! It was most hilarious, I'm laughing out loud now as I type this. It took me days to get over the excitement. Chiang Mai sure can be a wild old place sometimes. :)

    I did this once at a restaurant. I was able to convey i would leave my cell phone as collateral. Then I realized I only had enough for a 1 way seelaw trip. 30 min walk/jog on the way back!

  6. I've seen quite a bit of Farang on Farang crime, drugging, rape, theft, etc in my few months down south. In fact I feel i was far more in danger when around white backing communities than anywhere else..

    You witnessed crime, drugging, RAPE and theft? where the hel_l do you hang out?

    Seen =! witness. What I was trying to say is that I have seen people drink and then pass out or act totally abnormal after 2 drinks. I have known women who were drugged and then woken up raped. As for theft, I have had friends lose wallets, ipods, laptops etc. This stuff happens more down around Phuket, Koh Phi Phi, and Krabi. I spent about 2 months in those areas and promptly moved back to Chiang Mai far far away from that scene. The full moon party is a very good place to see all three happen, it is also probably one of the biggest let downs.

    There is a whole nasty white underbelly amongst the backpacking crowds. It is very easy to avoid though.

    As for Thai on Farang, I and others mysteriously fell into a deep sleep on a bus ride from BKK to Krabi after being given a free drink. We woke up hours later, when we got out my friends checked their bags and found they were in total missing about 10k Baht. I had all my valuables in my side pocket which was against the side of the bus, so I lost nothing.

    As for other things, I have seen fights etc around town in Cm, which is not uncommon for any place in the world.

    Despite all of this I feel far safer in Thailand than I do in some major US cities. # years and nothing of incident to report for myself, a little common sense and street smarts goes a long way.

  7. Do american people really need a warning from their consulate in order to act properly?

    With the numbers of travelers who constantly ignore the possibility of dangers in foreign countries, camping alone on beaches is one such example, I would say yes. On top of that the amount who come in who are ignorant to culture or just don't care surprises me. When you have people who can't understand why it might be a bad idea to wear a miniskirt to a temple, or take pictures on buddha statues you have wonder if they're smart enough to "act properly" without their consulate stepping in.

    On a side note, more often than not the CM US consulate gave me a headache.

  8. Why int he world would the warranty be void? Then again this is Thailand...

    Depends on the brand of rim and what they wrap them in.

    For the simple reason that the vehicle is being overworked, and increasing strain on the transmission. Nothing to do with the brand of the rim, it's the diameter that counts.

    Unless you put ultra low profile tyres on, your speedometer will be in error because of the increased diameter.

    Oh, I understand the reasoning and I read it the first time.

    It just stands that I have never heard of a dealership actually caring. I amd friends have done many different mods and have had no problem with the dealerships in the US. Pretty much as long as you keep it to mid pies and back, wheels, springs, audio, short throws and other minor mods you are fine. Headers and gears can be covered if you buy things like Ford racing and have them installed at the dealer.

    I don't see why he would have a problem if he decked out his Yaris in TRD, all added on by the dealership.

    But whatever, each dealership is different.

  9. Chiang Mai isn't the most lucrative place to do TEFL, either, from what I've heard- seems to top out at 40-45K most of the time? (locals can correct me if I'm wrong).

    True. But living expenses are a lot cheaper as well - you can get a decent house with a garden big enough for a family for 5000 or less about 10-15 mins outside town. No insane taxi / MRT / BTS charges either if you simply use a motorcycle. No need for air-con for at least 4 months a year. Restaurants and entertainment / outings are cheaper. I think for many people it adds up. Also, it is a much nicer place to live :)

    Oh, I agree, it's one of the reasons I love Chiang Mai.

    But 50k is not going to be putting away money for investment and retirement. Nor will you be paying for university in a western country for your children.

    My wife and I were making 80k/month prior to leaving, but this involved many hours tutoring. It was fantastic because we have yet to have kids and we knew we were going to be in the US so saving only meant saving for vacations etc.

  10. Chiang Mai isn't the most lucrative place to do TEFL, either, from what I've heard- seems to top out at 40-45K most of the time? (locals can correct me if I'm wrong).

    Government schools are 18-25k

    private are 30-50k

    I have heard that some of the international schools are not much more. I can not confirm rumors of free and or highly discounted tuition if your child attends.

  11. If you have a bar, get a microsoft zune and the #15 subscription. You then have rights to every song on their network. I would love to the the look on their face when you flash em that.

  12. I don't plan on returning to Teaching in Thailand in the next few years. However I had a question. I was teaching right before this was all implemented and my school said I wouldn't have to do any of this since I did a semester abroad at Chiang Mai University and earned college credits towards Thai culture. The school I worked for seemed to state a bunch of things that kinda flew in the face of all the things I read that needed to be done.

    As for now I am back int he US for a bit, hoping this headache sorts itself out before I return. :)

  13. Exactly right Winnie.

    Expect to pay a minimum of 8k and expect to get something that is NOT a Honda, Ie a suzuki. At least 12k for a 10 year old honda dream (it will run for another 20).

    If you know Thais who can help you, you may be able to buy a dream for 8K or less and then sell it for that or more. Sometimes there are Farang selling bikes at the Thai price in classifieds, most however know that they can get a higher price selling it to other Farang.

    Look, you can rent a newer bike for 4k a month. But if it gets stolen (some places set up theft scams, Ie their employees steal them) you sign a contract to pay like 50k baht. Sometimes this is 3x the real cost of the bike. Or you can just come here expecting to drop $400-500 USD on a bike and be able to recoup about 300-400 when you leave.

    I would be willing to help you, but I now live in the US. Good luck, don't sweat it, it's easier once you get there.

  14. Read, read, read. Google scholar and other resources, sometimes have whole books in PDF format. Read up on child development a bit and read other successful ideas.

    What do you do during your free periods? Are you asking other teachers if you can observe their classes?

    As for everyone else, unless you are intending to get his job, get off his back. Just because someone got thrown to the wolves when they start does not reflect their desire or potential. Grammar and spelling on the internet shouldn't be weighed so heavily either, cause like OMGWTFBBQ Whargarbl!!!! ... :)

    I think you make 2 (out of 3 :D ) good points here.

    The last couple of years I was an administrator in the States, more and more teachers were coming to me and telling me about wonderful lesson plans they had found online. With some struggling teachers I began looking for such lesson plans. There is just a ton of stuff out there.

    The observing thing is also very important, especially for "second career" teachers. Each content area has its own little bag of tricks. Years ago when I wasn a geosciences teacher, I got stuck with one class of 7th grade American history. No problem I thought...I'm a bit of a history buff. Well, I knew my history, indeed. What I didn't know were all the little tricks social studies teachers know about their content. That's where observations can come in so handy.

    As to those of us who have gotten on the OP...I really do wish him the best, both for his own sake and especially for the sake of the kids. Those of us who take pride in our profession, get a bit sensitive about this general topic. We feel there is a difference between mastering the teaching/learning process and "playing school". Back in the States my district had a fairly strong program to assist those who wanted to enter teaching as a second career. It was quite interesting...of those hires we had at my school about half turned out very strong, but the other half were failures and left the profession, with the key point being that they just didn't get how working with children was different than working with adult colleagues. But, in this case, the die is cast. Best of luck to the OP, stick with it, and keep learning!

    I completely agree that as teachers we want to be sure we and others are providing the best education for students. That is not my gripe, my gripe is that tons of bitter people in here who may or may not be teachers make one or two line posts that offer nothing but hate and ill wishes.

    Thailand is not the west, it can not be held to the same standards. There are plenty of government schools who are paying 20-25k a month for positions such as the one the OP has. These jobs are not sought after by teachers with credentials or lots of experience, they are essentially the proving grounds. I myself was thrown to the wolves and with my 1 month Tefl and my BA in family Psych, I was in no way properly prepared for the job at hand. I felt lost and like I was doing a great disservice to my students and the school. Until I met someone willing to help me and show me what I was doing right and wrong. I was lucky, that person was one of the teachers at the school. A Kindergarten II teacher, who now happens to be my wife.

    Had this not happened I might have quit, I would not have been fired, simply because I was white and spoke English, that's really all most parents and administrators care about at a Government school.

    Now after 2.5 years in Thailand I am just about to finish my first year of my second degree here in the US, a BSED Biology.

    So the thing is this, I too felt over whelmed and had no where to turn, just like the OP. But I was met with care and a helping hand. Many here like to rip into others here and it's pretty disheartening. We have no idea what type of person the OP is, but I like to think that they are someone who truly wants to succeed in this profession and make a living while being a positive influence on Thailand's youth. Giving him constructive criticism without posts filled with barbs is one way we can do it.

    Phetaroi: I was in no way meaning to single you out or seem to be backlashing against you. I just wanted to use your response as a way to further my original. :D

  15. Thaitot is exactly correct. You will be a hazard, you will excelerate painfully slow and won't be able to get off the line quick enough. I believe a bike would be faster. A 50cc will not get you up doi suthep, a 100cc will.

    As for Honda chaly's, they are 20-30 years old. You won't find one new. The closest thing you will find is the monkey. The monkey, to my knowledge, was once produced by Honda and they let it go by the wayside and a chinese company picked up production. Expect to pay 35-50k for one new, but they will be 100% legal.

    I swapped out the 50cc engine on my chal for a dream 100cc and put in a piston from a cheer. I could hit 70-80km w/ my wife and do wheelies. Great little bike. For a preswapped chaly you can get one for as little as 3K, but they are very popular amoungst the Saap / Dek waan crowd so in Chiang Mai they run a bit more. A swapped chaly will run about 12K+ And then whatever else. As I said I dropped 30K into mine between the engine mods the new wheels, experimenting with different forks and multiple paint jobs.

    Another choice is the Yamaha Chappy and Chippy which are basically the Chaly and Dax counter parts. The Honda Dax will run a bit more $ due to rarity.

    I would also like to state that though I never had any trouble in CM w/ a totally illegal bike, I left for the US a year ago. Furthermore I always knew that if something happened (like my bike being seized) I have enough friends in places I didn't have to worry. I do not know what the current climate is right now for these bikes. To my knowledge the cops always cared about the newer bikes without plates, not some 25 year old scooter.

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