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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. Skeleton keys or "jimmies" are not a myth. I had a friend get a set off ebay in College. he would break into his friends cars and park em in different places over campus (stupid college pranks) He could get in and start up a car sometimes in under 2 minutes just by jiggling this key in the locks. I saw this with my own eyes.

    But if they are stealing their own bikes, they have probably made duplicate copies.

  2. Spent one month in Phuket and didn't enjoy it. Moved to CM (I had spent a school semester there and knew the city and people who lived there).

    I went there for a few days vacation with my wife and we wished we never left Krabi...

  3. I doubt you you will find one in Thailand other than at a show. Plus the price would be so high that you could probably build a KA20 turbo build with a bodykit. I know that's never going to replace a mugen, btu i remember the mugen civic being 40k in the US, so espect some serious $ for one in Thailand.

  4. Trust me, i looked at bring a cosmetically beat to hel_l 5.0 in because my wife is Thai. Even with the "registered to a Thai for X amount of years" and her father and friends being high ranking government officials, I accepted if I want a fast car in Thailand I had better buy it in Thailand.

  5. I know quite a few people who paid for their master's thesis at CMU... Common practice really.

    hey me too,very common practice especially with soft, willing, jungle pussy cats,yes it is a fact, my cat told me one of his jungle pussy cat friends came down from the mountain and trotted into CMU after getting his head patted she purred loudly and her check bones so high and exotic that the head of the Dept., a PHD , gave ther ,a beautiful pussy cat ,a MBA...my cat wants to go there now too! very common practice really, says my cat!!!

    hey get a grip. I know aliens that hover over the moat at night too .but i can not give details only the stories....

    stop with the "I know quite a few people" slander stuff unless you can list quite a few people here here please just can it!

    but it does cost $ to go to any U if that s what you mean ....

    Why should I write down a list of people I know who have done this?

    Would it personally affect you, would you know these same people, would you even care?

    That's their decision, not mine. I don't comment on it and things go on, but the fact remains that it happens.

    My wife has been asked to translate thesis and even write them for scratch for decent amounts of money. She has refused each time. If she has been approached it makes sense that others have as well, right?

    To believe that this type of thing does not happen is what I find funny. We see corruption in every aspect of life while living in Thailand and we all choose to say "Mai pen rai" and move on with our lives. Just because I know of this practice and people who have done it doesn't mean that I get all worked up about it.

    Furthermore I do not know of any farang who has been able to buy a degree in Thailand, unless of course it was at Kow San road.

    WHO CARES~! people with no integrity,liers,thieves and the like do this everywhere in the world

    so what ! soyou have a lot of these type checkered assoicates you hang with in CM .. does this speak for your chararacter as well?

    Yes I run with a bunch of low life scum, we knock over noodle shops for all the free water we can shove down our gullets!

    Who says I associate with them on a regular basis or even respect them. Yes I know people who have done this. Yes I have seen students ask my wife to do their work for them.

    The fact is I am disputing the statement that people are only giving bad comments based on hearsay. Well mine are not. Some people also doubted that degree buying even happens in Thailand. (I might have been unclear when I was talking about buy thesis' not just handing payap 500k Thai baht. Though I consider this buying a degree if you pay people to do your work for you) I know parents who were told their kids would be secured a spot in certain schools for a 500k "donation".

    I have quite a bit of personal experience with them. But I don't want to talk about my issues with them and talk about the people close to me and how it is all involved. I like to keep my online persona and real life separate. I don't mind speaking about it on a personal level, but not blabbing on a forum.

    Nor will I name the people at/were at payap with whom the issues are with.

    IMHO if you just want a student visa to stay in the country, then fine go for it. If you just want the degree to for your own personal knowledge or benefit, have fun. However, not many places outside of Thailand are going to care about the piece of paper. As I said before, I knew someone having payap credits evaluated to be counted towards a degree in the US. A third party does this for the University, but the admissions office pretty much said "We don't know anything about the quality of the degree and expect at most to have a class or two counted, but not the credits.

    Look, obviously you are all gung-ho about Payap. Well if you are dealing with them now I hope the best for you and that you have a better experience than I do. But as i said before, my review is only one of many.

    Based on personal experience, reports from workers and students (some who attended both CMU and payap) and not on rumors I give Payap the thumbsdown.

    So that's about it. You can accept it or not, I don't care.

  6. isn't the Blah Blah Bar spelled Blar Blar Bar?


    In fact, yes, I think you're right, but if you google it, you'll find websites using both spellings, I just copied the spelling from here

    One thing I do know for sure though is how to spell 'pedantic'. :)

    Sorry, this was more of a musing about the Engrish and not your memory! :D

    Kinda like how many places of business have open 10:00am-12:00pm

  7. What I have been saying has come from both students and employees. Sources that are close to me and ones that I trust. :shrug:

    I will have more to say about payap once someone i know in the US has their master's credits evaluated by the university they wish to attend here.

    Btw no one is saying that smart students only go to one University.

  8. I know quite a few people who paid for their master's thesis at CMU... Common practice really.

    hey me too,very common practice especially with soft, willing, jungle pussy cats,yes it is a fact, my cat told me one of his jungle pussy cat friends came down from the mountain and trotted into CMU after getting his head patted she purred loudly and her check bones so high and exotic that the head of the Dept., a PHD , gave ther ,a beautiful pussy cat ,a MBA...my cat wants to go there now too! very common practice really, says my cat!!!

    hey get a grip. I know aliens that hover over the moat at night too .but i can not give details only the stories....

    stop with the "I know quite a few people" slander stuff unless you can list quite a few people here here please just can it!

    but it does cost $ to go to any U if that s what you mean ....

    Why should I write down a list of people I know who have done this?

    Would it personally affect you, would you know these same people, would you even care?

    That's their decision, not mine. I don't comment on it and things go on, but the fact remains that it happens.

    My wife has been asked to translate thesis and even write them for scratch for decent amounts of money. She has refused each time. If she has been approached it makes sense that others have as well, right?

    To believe that this type of thing does not happen is what I find funny. We see corruption in every aspect of life while living in Thailand and we all choose to say "Mai pen rai" and move on with our lives. Just because I know of this practice and people who have done it doesn't mean that I get all worked up about it.

    Furthermore I do not know of any farang who has been able to buy a degree in Thailand, unless of course it was at Kow San road.

  9. I happen to have had some dealings with payap and know employees there. I would have to say that the way things are run are getting worse.

    Maybe if all you have to deal with is going to class and taking a test then you are fine. But when it comes to trying to get something signed and you have to go to 7 different departments and find out the international programs have to be signed off by the Thai directors etc you will be a bit more aggravated. I know the numbers have been dropping steadily, I know people who run these numbers. I also know foreign instructors who have left because the headache was not worth it.

    I don't feel that it is worth the money. However I also don't like certain restaurants and makes of cars due to other personal experiences.

    Take my observations with as much salt as any other review.

  10. Payap is basically for students who couldn't get into CMU but didn't want to leave CM and had the $ to pay. Now they are facing competition from local schools and their enrollment is plummeting. Also the way things are run there are not befitting of a University.

    Stay away, I think The University of Phoenix online would be a better investment of your time and money.

  11. The second Lemon Tree is located on the cut through owned by CMU near Nimmen. The road that the gates close at like 9pm. There is a white building with a circle driveway at the front, Lemon tree is in this complex.

    There are differences in taste between the two restaurants due to different chefs. I love both, but some dishes I prefer at one or the other restaurant.

  12. Just throwing some more fuel on the fire, but many sexually transmitted diseases fail to show signs or significant signs in many females, chlamydia being the most prevalent. Years ago the stat that about 1:4 sexually active teens in the US get an STD each year.

    The thing to pull away from this that be careful with ANYONE you make your partner. Testing before hand is always the safest route.

  13. OK places I dreadfully miss some eateries in CM. Excuse the poor spelling please.

    Choom Pae The Moo Katah on the corner of Changpuak and Tapae. Best one in the city hands down.

    Busaba, a cart behind CMU (white thai script on red background)

    The best slushies made by a guy right near busaba

    Warm Up has some great food.

    Lemon Tree (both branches)

    Kin Kai, best friend chicken ever

    The Thai food place next to Kin Kai (at DK)

    The bacon wrapped hotdogs, babin, and Kanom krohg outside suriwong book center.

    Nantaram Camon Gai (I probably butched camon gai...) Both near Wat Nantaram and even in Robinson's food court.

    Smoked pork on walking street in the temple near tapae, back in the corner next to the awesome kao lam.

    iBerry for icecream

    Cafe De Nimmen

    Brownie house for buffet.

    love at first bite for a cake fix

    That little beef noodle place on the corner inside the moat near the corner with the bike shop on your way to chang puak gate. The wife says it's very famous. (great taptim glarb)

    BBQ chicken at the T intersection near Payap Divinity

    Midnight chicken for some 2am fried chicken, pig intestines and sticky rice.

    Any place that can make great kao neeow biak or taptim glarb

    Ok now I am really hungry....

    As far as farang run restaurants, the only one I visited regularly was Buenissimo which I enjoyed.

    The Duke's was meh, don't understand the worship

    I would get a burger or pizza fix once or twice a month whereever

  14. I just want to say that I have met John and Ying multiple times as they brought prospective teachers to do some lesson plans where I worked. Both of them are running a tight business and know what they are talking about.

    Just my 2 Baht.

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