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Everything posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. Others buy yachts or ranches in Brasil when they sell their business. You bought eight t-shirts. It must have been a small business, I guess 🙂
  2. Bangkok is the safest place on earth to wear a Rolex because every thief thinks it's a fake 🙂
  3. To build the tallest tower will only be the first step to show the world thatt Thailand is on top of it. Next steps: Nuclear power plants all over the country and Thais to be the first on Mars.
  4. Though I'm driving bikes on and offraod since deacades all over Europe, in Africa, South America and Thailand, my "death wish" did not come true yet. Guess I must make something wrong.
  5. It MUST have been a Russian or at least one with russian roots 🙂
  6. The Mullah regime's military power is extremely scaring! 200 drones, cruise missiles an rockets sent to Israel. The result: 1 (in words: ONE) dead 10 years old bedouin girl (arab). No need to bomb those islamist morons back to stone age. They're already there.
  7. Then it's quite sure that the problem has nothing to do with the new ssd or your WIn11 activation. I guess the shop made something wrong when installing the ssd, but I'm not sure what this could be. To change the hdd in an Lenovo laptop is very easy. I'd visit a Lenovo dealer.
  8. What exactly is "not start anymore"? What happens after you push the power button?
  9. Trumps mental state is a true problem. Talking to dead people, confusing Macron with Mitterand, forgetting where he stored confidential papers, forgetting his son's day of death, walking to the wrong direction and tumbling down again and again. Oh sorry, all that was not the ornage devil...
  10. How many Hamas heroes did hide behind and between the aid workers?
  11. OP, do you have many programs on your machine and have invested much time to install and personalize? If not, your best (only?) option would be to save all data and make a clean install. It's usually not a big deal.
  12. I know where the complete text is to find. I did read the text. Did you? Seems not easy for you to answer this simple question., Einstein 🙂
  13. That might be the problem. Your error code usually shows an update problem. Your win11 on the recovery stick was not up to date so it startet the update process right after installation/recovery. You could try the following (sorry, my win is in German, so you might have to search a bit). 1. End and deactivate all antivirus programs including windows defender 2. Open "settings" and "update & security" 3. Click "advanced options" (don't know if the term is correct in win english) There should be something like "get updates for other MS products". If enabled switch it off. 4. open command prompt as administrator 5 insert "net stop wuauserv" 6. insert "net start wuauserv" 7. start update again. good luck.
  14. OP, you say you re-installed from a recovery memory stick. Was it up to date or older?
  15. Try to improve your reading comprehension. It might work then.
  16. You're capable to read? Great! But can you read/understand 1. German and 2. DID you read the law? If yes, can you provide a link to what you did read and understand?
  17. Correct. You name one of many problems with the new law. I'm not so sure if it's a violation. Look at the spanish model. It is same there. No membership possible for tourists.
  18. No need to follow someone who obviosly has no idea what the new law (including all 46 paragraphs) says. Or did you read the full text? I guess no.
  19. It was a main project of the Green Party, supported by parts of the SPD. Long promised, postphoned again and again and the outcome is a bad joke. I doubt gathering more votes was their main reason. Nice theory. Funny. Sounds a bit like wearing an aluminium hat 🙂
  20. You don't know much about this law, do you? i recommend to have a closer look at the regulations and you will see it has not much to do with the spanish system. LoL
  21. it's no 4/1-joke, just laughable
  22. A closer look at the "rules" clearly shows it's the most idiotic "legalization"-law on earth. Once again I'm ashamed to be German.
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