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Everything posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. but the advisor's best advice is for nothing, if a senil president forgets this advice two minutes after it was given to him.
  2. Your listed pointshave to do with permanent residency, but not with restrictions for foreigners buying private property. So you can buy whatever you like, but it might not qualify you for residency.
  3. Hmm...what restrictions buying a home in Portugal do you mean? Afaik there are none.
  4. Not true. There are no restrictions for foreigners buying private property in Portugal. You can buy where and whatever you want. BTW: Each country has visa and residency regulations, so does Portugal. It's changing, but yet it's one of the most easy places to retire for non-EU nationals.
  5. For those who are intersted in more than a fast googled chart: Here again is a very detailed study that lists the different regions of Antarctica and their trend of the ice shelf between 2009 and 2019 incl. data sheets and chart. https://tc.copernicus.org/articles/17/2059/2023/ But this study must have been made by "deniers" and maybe even right wingers, I guess. Because what may not ber cannot be. And the world is flat somehow... ????
  6. Oh, again? Al Gore - remember Al Gore: “Some of the models suggest to Dr Maslowski that there is a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap during some of the summer months could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years.” (Dec 14/2009) Btw: “It’s unclear to me how this figure was arrived at. I would never try to estimate likelihood at anything as exact as this.” (Dr. Maslowski, Dec 15/2009) The climate sect seems to act like Jehovah's Witnesses, who repeatedly predicted the doomsday date. So, while there'll be no more ice left in Arctica, the ice shelf in Antarctica is growing - according to a study of EGU from May 16 /2023. According to J. Andreasen, between 2009 and 2019 the shelf grew by 5305 km2 or 661 giga tons, https://tc.copernicus.org/articles/17/2059/2023/ Some more doomsday predictions? In 1989 a UN official declared we only have a 10-year window before rising sea levels “wipe entire nations off the face of the earth.” 2000: within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event". "Children just aren't going to know what snow is," ( Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit of the University of East Anglia) More hysterical doomsday tales? Buy and read Global 2000.
  7. No! Never! Absolutely impossible!
  8. Just another mentally deranged "asylum seeker". Nothing to see here. Refugees welcome!
  9. These are the facts. But some here can't take of their ideology glasses and claim, each and everything bad must come from Brexit. You can't fix stupid.
  10. Brexit is to blame for rising food prices? Really? Then thank good, Germany did not something similar. So we can enjoy a slightly rise of only 17.2% (food prices data 04/23 compared to 04/22).
  11. Agree. But I never claimed buying a property in Thailand would be the best possible investment. I think, for most of us, investment and possible return is not the main reason for buying a property here. To be independent from landlord's will, to have the room design you want instead of "fully furnished" are points that count for many. You had and average return to your investments of 18% net from 2015 until 2022? Great, congratulations! Not many will have had that. But ok, let's have a closer look: We take a condo (NOT home). One rents for 50k/month, one buys it for 10 M THB in end 2009. Until the end of 2022 the renter earns from his (foreign) investments (18% net/year) 23.4 M THB minus 7.8 M THB for rent. Net win = 15.6 M THB or a bit less than 422.000 Euro. The buyer sells in end 2022 with a appreciation in value of 100% (roughly the progression in "my" building) and wins 10 M THB. In 2009 the exchange rate was 51 THB/Euro. So he invested auround 196.000 Euro. End of 2022 the rate was 37 THB/Euro. Net win = 344.000 Euro. These numbers are very very roughly calculated but we see, your investment was the better one as you told. But in the end, over 13 years, the difference is not that huge, is it? The renter has "fully furnished" a bit more cash in his pocket in the end, the buyer may have had a more comfortable life in a place that was at a standard that he liked. Don't get me wrong. There is much scamming in the Thai property market and one has to be very careful. Everybody knows this, I guess. Or at least he should know if he decides to stay long time in a country that's very different to those we come from. In the end to rent or to buy depends on one's personal preferences.
  12. So what? I talk to Elvis daily and Jerry Garcia calls me from time to time.
  13. This wannabe rule is BS. Yes, there is more scamming in the Thai property market than in Europe or other so called first-world-countries. But on the other hand you have thousands of foreigners who baught and still buy property here without bad experience. I would not buy a home here because of the restrictments for expats, but condos are a different thing. "rent, don't buy"...hrhrhr. Let's calculate: I bought my condo end of 2009. The price rose around 100% by now. A good luck plus is that I bought for 51 Euros/Baht. If I'd sell today, I would have lived for free and even had a not so bad interest rate to my investment. If I had rented, I would have payed around 8 million THB until now. Sure not all, but many of the "rent don't buy"-sayers do not really have the choice, I guess.
  14. Same here :-). There are still studies that in SEA-countries up to 97 percent of the adult population are intolerant. Newer studies doubt that. Me too. Again to cheese: In Pattaya in pre-covid times, a good place for imported cheese, salami, ham and fruit was the Central Food Store on Beach Road (run by Tops, I think). You got there excellent stuff from Europe, NZ and even Black Cod from Chile. Pricy, yes. But quality everywhere has it's price. Since than choice and quality went down, but it's still one of the better places in town.
  15. It has to do with lactose intolerance and the relatively low demand. Real -imported! - cheese is highly taxed like other imported food. Just look how much you pay here for italien Salami or apples from NZ. Cheese is not different. BTW: Please don't call this Kraft-crap "cheese". It's junk. If you want cheese, buy imported from France, Switzerland or Italy.
  16. It might be more beneficial for the students if the system would be reformed and lifted to international standards. A haircut and the ability to sing the national anthem seems to be not enough. Thank god, I sent my son to a good, but badly overprized private school since he reached the age for kindergarden.
  17. It was already crowded and packed with extremely expensive hotels when I was there in the 90s. My impression was: Nice views, but far too many people. There are better places to go.
  18. 52k? Wow. I wish I'd run a clinic in Thailand :-). In Germany we get between 120 and 150 Euros for a CT. Plus additional costs for contrast medium, medical examination and advice it's maximum 450 Euros all together. Privatly insured patients pay a maximum of 1.035 Euros (38K THB). But at least you had fun and two cute nurses. Much more cute than ours, I guess ????
  19. "“I've never broken a state law,” he said at a candidates' forum. “But when I was in England I experimented with marijuana a time or two, and I didn't like it. I didn't inhale it, and never tried it again.” Bill Clinton ????
  20. If you hand your old PC to others, use Eraser https://eraser.heidi.ie Even IF data could be restored, it would be very very hard. So If your data is not relevant to NSA, you schould be very safe. If you want to throw it away, damage the HDD physicly.
  21. Between 1901 and 2010 the sea level rose around 19cm. That's 1.7 mm/year. In 2018 there was a plus of 3.7 mm. So it'll take some time until Bangkok will be sinking, I guess.
  22. Better than the Greens and the FDP, but still behind SPD. But whatever, they will never be part of a government in the coming years. More likely it comes to Green/CDU coaltions, that will be not better for the country at all, or, a bit more likely, to SPD/CDU, what we had long enough under Merkel. But for now, the green hardcore ideologists have overstretched and are in decline.
  23. I have widely good experience with 3BB over the last view years, but in Naklua, nit Jomtien. I switched from TOT because of it's very bad service and many downtimes, but things maybe have changed since.
  24. Ohh, uhhh, NOW I understand. Here's the proof Cannabis does damage to one's brain ????
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