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Everything posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. after 40 years of enjoying Cannabis I still can't feel any harm it did to me, except, maybe, I became allergic to fanatism.
  2. "Do you agree? Cannabis topic seems to be over-hyped on this website." No! ????
  3. If Old Joe dies during his second term she won't have to run for president.
  4. That can't be the only reason for Erdoghan's win. Turkish nationals living in Germany voted two thirds for him, in Austria even a bit more.
  5. Ahem, this is not the current or last winter's reality in Germany.
  6. One third of the LNG imported to the EU comes from - guess who? - yes, Russia. Though Germany does not import directly from Russia, the russian LNG comes from mainly Netherlands and France. The difference between russian gas from pipelines and russian gas from LNG terminals is that LNG is by far more expensive.
  7. They even could not invade Liechtenstein.
  8. German politics is when the flux compensator hasn't been invented yet, but you're accelerating your DeLorean to 200 km/h towards the wall
  9. With more money than I have I would do what I will do: Staying in Thailand until my son starts to go to university - most likely in an english speaking country, then move back to Europe, maybe Southern France near Montpellier, or In Italy's Toskana, or even somewhere in Portugal. From there frequently travel to places I've never been before, enjoy a 6 months motorbike trip through the US and South America, from time to time a few weeks in Thailand.
  10. "Discrimatory" and "anti-Latino xenophobes" we had already to comment the verdict.. Now waiting for "racist" and "facist". It won't take long ????
  11. I don 't feed such myths. My experience with police and road stops in Thailand are similar to yours. Never had any problems anywhere in the country.
  12. yes, he should. But if you stay in Thailand more than two weeks you know that most likely won't happen. So what would you have done when the officer did not apologize? "You know, who I m"? ????
  13. Ahh, here they are again, the "deplorables". Such miserable people should not be allowed to vote, should they?
  14. If Olav "I-can't remember" Scholz tells us this, it must be fact ????
  15. What has DeSantis to do with the Q-Anon idiots? What with MAGA? Not much I would guess. At least he won his last elections with a landslide. But I think, his voters are those who are - according to Hilary Clinton - the deplorables? DeSantis' Florida seems to be quite popular if you tke a look at the interstate migration in the US. Thanks to Trump most likely they will. How much damage they'll do to USA? We will see.
  16. There seems to be an inflation of "facists" these days. Sue your teachers, dear leftwingers. You don't know what you're "talking" about.
  17. I would prefer a competent and empathic nurse, no matter where she comes from.
  18. There'll always be low-brain fanatics on each side. The more important question is how the hell they come through with their BS. A couple of weeks ago a teacher was fired because she showed her students pictures of Michelangelo's famous David sculpture. Unbelievable how fast the world drives back to dark ages.
  19. And your solution would be? "Go to Thailand, behave as moronix as you want and if things go wrong, someone will pay your bill"?
  20. Oh, I still make plenty and much more when I was young. But I don't think that's the point.
  21. If ou visit a foreign country it's you who have to inform yourself. Double pricing at hospitals and (nearly) everywhere in Thailand is widely known and easy to find out. If you don't accept it, don't go there.
  22. If you think Thailand has to be like US or other western countries, you are the dreamer, not me. It's quite easy. The guy in the topic either had no sufficient insurance or he drove under circumstances that were not covered. So who should have to pay for such a moronic behavior? Thailand? GB? The hospital? If things are so much better in other countries, idiots like him better should stay there.
  23. Rubbish or not, cancel culture is ideology of the middle ages, no matter it comes from the left or the right side of the spectrum.
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